WebNovelHis Rui30.83%

The Unanswered Question

Silently sitting on his chair, Xi Ying stared at An Si with his cold black eyes.

However, An Si seemed to have understood somehow that those cold black eyes were actually not aimed at him. Because looking into them An Si could feel the murderous aura of his master for whoever that coldness was aimed for.

If he really was the target of that coldness and ruthlessness then he would have not been standing there until now.

Indeed, An Si was correct.

That coldness in Xi Ying's eyes was not aimed for him.

The young and cold Prime Minister was remembering the second day of the banquet at this moment.

The time… when Li Rui had volunteered to treat the poisoned son of the First Prince.

'Zhen allows Li Rui to treat the first Prince's son, Zhao Bo Jin.'

The Emperor had allowed Li Rui to do so after First Prince Wangfei had spoken that she wanted Li Rui to treat her child.

But was it really the truth?