Setting Goals and Self Reflection!

It's already night time so Rayleigh went to sleep but I couldn't sleep because it's finally the time I officially begin my new life after almost three years worth of training. of course I couldn't achieve all of this on my own I have to thank Rayleigh and Maha and my Sharingan for that, I doubt anybody on this world could achieve what I have obtained in a span of three years .

Throughout the training I kept asking Rayleigh to make the training harsher and harder every once in a while, I have been trained under Maha who is the grandfather Zeno Zoldyck who is grandfather of Killua so normal training is boring and won't give me much benefits.

I haven't gotten the time to think about my life , Ever since I made my first step in this world training was my top and last priority , When I was power hungry? Back on my old world I had a normal wight and height even though I experienced depression for several years I still kept jogging and do some training from time to time but not to this extent !

To be honest I don't even know myself anymore I mean I have Indra's look with slight differences.

I was around 25 years old back on earth but now I don't even know this body's age back on I'll give my self 18 years old but now I look like a caveman due not cutting my facial hair and the hair on top of my head reaches my elbow.

What are my goals ? What I'm trying to achieve with all these powers? I could start a family with a beautiful and be happy but I don't feel it's the right time yet but that doesn't mean I'll die without dating anyone for my second life!

Sure one of my goals is to destroy the world government but why? I'm not a justice holder nor a revolutionary but I hate the way they deal with things like obliterating a whole island just for reading some old stones? That's messed up.

But do I really need a goal? I mean most goals people set are unreasonable or they will just give up.

What did I love anime and manga and games in the first place? Because they can do the things I didn't get to do which is having an Adventure and fun will they are free without having worries!.

I get it , finally after all these years of watching one piece!. What Luffy wanted to achieve isn't the position of the pirate king he couldn't care less about the empty throne what he really wanted to achieve is freedom.

He didn't wanted to overthrow anybody nor he wanted to fight anybody but in order to have fun with his friends and chase his dream he knew he needed power in order to do it.

Enough about Luffy what about me? I want to have friends and comrades and In the future a lover but in order to have them safe I need power to ensure their safety.

The world government? The four Yonko? The Marines? The Revolution army ? I'll surpass them all with my power alone and I don't believe in the power of friendship , With enough strength you could do what ever you want in.

I could be allied with the Revolution army but it will take ages to dismantle the world government

Sure I'll aid them in their battles but I won't let anybody control my fate it is mine and I'll control by my self I don't need anyone to direct it for me.

I'll destroy whoever stands in my way and I'll not tolerate anybody who betrayed me I experienced it before in my old world and I'll not make it happen again.

Even though I only need 4 hour maximum to wake up full powered due my training with Maha it's still feel nice to sleep.

————————Next day———————

{Rayleigh Point of view}

I woke up early in the morning due to a nice smell

and I see my student cooking something.

"What are you making Kyrin?"

He turned his head to look towards me and I saw something amusing around him.

"Since it's I decided to cook for you even though it's the least thing I can do for you but I assure you that I'll repay you someday somehow" he replied

'What is this new aura around him? And what about this new glint in his life?'

'Yesterday he had the same aura for two years

It's like he was a machine just focusing on his training and constantly pushing himself' Rayleigh thought

'What did he go through in the middle of the n—' his thoughts were cut short by the voice of his student calling him

"Teacher? Rey-Sensei why are you silent suddenly?" His student asking while having a worried expression.

"Don't worry In the past I cooked for myself let's hope I didn't lose my touch" Kyrin said.

"Then let's test it out!" Rayleigh said

{ Back to Kyrin's Point of View}

After eating our breakfast we began demolishing so the people who comes here in the future will find it clean.

(Author note : Save the environment!)

I began loading our resources on the small ship and Rayleigh was checking the weather.

After 15 minutes we were on our way back to

Sabaody Archipelago.

"Be sure to drop at Shakky's shop" Rayleigh said

"Hm? Why is that?" I asked confusedly

"Well she wants to see because you're her former employee and she asks

about your situation when I go back to Sabaody Archipelago during your training " Rayleigh said while smiling.

"Ok I'll, I wanna ask you something wandering in my mind for a while " I said

"Sure go ahead "

"How do you rank me in power?" I asked

"Let's take the marines for to compare them to you." Said Rayleigh

I nodded

He continued

"You will have no problems with the lower ranks but when you get to Rear admiral which is the 4th highest rank in the marines system you will face some problems but will manage with ease"

Said Rayleigh

"Why the Rear admiral exactly?" I asked in confusion

"Because the marines began training Rokushiki or in another name Six styles , It's needed to be proficient at least in one style to be promoted to Vice admiral but if you have a Devil fruit that's a whole another story." Said Rayleigh

"Why having a Devil fruit changes everything?"

"Because if you have a Devil you will be focused on training it and training your Haki plus with the right Devil fruit the six styles will become obsolete " said Rayleigh

"Since you mentioned Haki when do they start their training for it?" I commented

"Every admiral position have at least two candidates in case something happened to the Admiral so you don't really see those people unless it's emergency and usually they are far away from the Marines Headquarters at deserted islands so they can focus on their training" Rayleigh explained.

"What about the other 3 high ranks? What my chances against them?" I said

Rayleigh thought about it for seconds and stated the following:" for normal vice admiral you will face some difficulties unless you have a Devil fruit or do something unexpected and end the match shortly But now let's talk about the big shots" Rayleigh stopped and took a deep breath and continued

" Let's take a situation while it's 1vs1 without intervenes for Aokiji you will face death immediately if he's serious about killing you but If he's not you can with enough preparation and a solid plan but if you take any chances with him you will be frozen to death immediately and the same thing goes for Kizaru"

"What are my percentages then?"

"Well for a front attack is 0% that includes Akainu ,Garp, Sengoku" he replied

"For a with enough planning and hidden cards

3% for the three admirals and Sengoku"

"Hmm...?did you forget about Garp?" I asked

"No I didn't forget about him but no matter what you do against him at you current state it's still a solid 0%" Rayleigh answered in a serious manner.

"Whhhaaatttt?!!" I jumped out of my seat and shouted loudly

I calmed down and said:

"Why is that? Isn't he gotten weaker over the years?" I asked

"Let's analyze him real quick , he possess the three kind of Haki and I can count down in my hands the people who can match his mastery over them , His usage over the six styles is unmatched for more than 59 years. He hunted and defeated lions when he was 14 years old so I can assure you that all your plans and preparations will be crushed within minutes due to his immense battle experience."

"I see, What are my chances against you Teacher?" I asked while smirking.

"A fat solid ZERO." He said while smirking back


I hope you enjoyed the chapter as much as I did :)

Finally we saw the insides of the MC "Kyrin" and what he thinks about since I haven't touched that subject until now and don't worry It won't be the end of it!

Please tell me your opinions and what should I do or fix ;)