Desert Knight

Hey there, Someone in the comments suggested that I should use use General POV(3rd person POV) and I'll use it from now on!

Also I'm doing a double release so ENJOY !




"Hey Loke It's me"

"Oh cap, how's your journey?"

"Well, I'm at Alabasta for now and I called you to make suggestions for the ship"

"What do you have in mind?"

"Well the captain of the voyage I took offered some women to the workers and most of them accepted so I didn't have a good sleep, so Install some sound proof system in the ship please."

Loke laughed a bit at Kyrin and said : "Consider it done, anything else you wanna add?"

"Yes, you have read the notebook that I gave you right?"

"That's correct and since you brought that up I have tried multiple times to awaken my Haki and I didn't succeed"

"Don't worry about it for now also I want you to add a room to train our crewmates for Haki, can it be arranged?"

"Yes it's pretty easy, anything else?"

Before Kyrin could replay to Loke he hanged up on him because some pirates appeared.

"Finally, after two hours it waiting some pirates came here"

{General POV}

A few minutes ago Crocodile The Desert Knight was moving through the desert with astonishing speed from Rainbase to Nanohana to eliminate some aroggant pirates who dared to

step foot in Alabasta with him being there. Crocodile's whole trip from Rainbase to Nanohana took him 45 minutes.

When Crocodile arrived at Nanohana he saw the pirates robbing and killing and starting chaos at the streets and contrary to the people of Alabasta Crocodile didn't do anything

because he wants the pirate to do most damage as possible so when he eliminates them he will get much more credits and the citizens will be fooled even more.

Suddenly a figure wearing a black robe with numorus red clouds on it and a yellow mask appeared.

Crocodile noticed Kyrin and was quite surpised and thought the following :

'Where did this person come from? I didn't notice until this moment'

Kyrin walked slowly towards the pirates who were thirteen in total while unsheathing his sword which he bought it from Orin island some days ago.

Somone from the pirates noticed Kyrin and pointed their guns at him and said :

" Hey YOU ! drop your weapon and hand over what you have NOW ! unless you want to have a

cruel death !"

Kyrin was a little upset because he crossed over the worlds and he has the famous Sharingan and was trained under the Dark King Rayleigh and then some random dude threatens him ?!

it was unacceptable to Kyrin !

'as much as I want to make a name for myself I must be under the radar for now and when the time comes I'll expose my fangs to everyone'

"It's quite funny threatening the person who will defeat you all so I advice you to surrender "

"Hey guys look at this guy ! Hahahahahahahahahahaha he thinks he can take us all ! " the guy who is still pointing the gun said to his crewmates.

When heard what the man said, Kyrin used [Soru] and appeard between the pirates.To the normal eyes he looked like he teleported but in reality he just kicked the ground really fast.

Crocodile was on top of some building was observing the scene and was quite surprised.

'That robe guy used the technique [Soru] which belongs to the Goverment associates however he doesn't looks like one and If he were one he won't eradicate the pirates because that's the marines job, so that leaves us with two possible outcomes, first he had a high rank somewhere in the Goverment and retired or abandond his position or he's a Cipher Pol but the Cipher Pol are trained as spys and he doesn't look like one'

thought Crocodile while putting a Cigar in his mouth after spiting the previous one.

Kyrin who was in between the pirates crew slashed horizontally and fired a flying slash with circle like manner and some of the pirates were late to dodge the flying attack and only 5 of the pirates were left standing.

The pirates were surpised, first this orange mask guy teleported and appeard between the group and secondly he is a an expert Swordsman which is rare in the first half of the Grandline.

Kyrin wanted to get this over with and continued to slash down the pirates and even their captain didn't stand a chance against him.

' a little disappointment but whatever I came here for Crocodile in the first place and I can't be too exhausted when facing a Logia with a perfect environment to aid him.' thought Kyrin while cleaning his blade

{Crocodile's POV}

'Even though this Swordsman is good but I can't take him as a subordinate due to his unknown backgr--'

before Crocodile could finish his thoughts he noticed a flying slash coming towards him at a great speed from the masked guy.

seeing the flying slash isn't a problem he didn't bother deflecting it or dodge it so he let it be.

As Crocodile expected the flying slash passed through his body due to his fruit. Crocodile saw the masked guy ( Kyrin) continued to throw some more flying slashes towards him and all of them

didn't do any damage to the Desert Knight.

seeing Kyrin repeating his actions Crocodile thought the following :

'I thought he was quite good but it appears that he is quite dumb'

Crocodile saw something which made him chomp down the cigar.


{General POV}

Kyrin used [Soru] ten times in order to get out of the town and of course Crocodile transformed to sand and was following Kyrin also he was closing the distance rapidly.

Crocdile was having a bad feeling about this chase so he was using long ranged attacks in order to hit Kyrin however none of his attacks connected because each time the attack get close to Kyrin he'd either use [Geppo] or [Soru] or he'll dodge sideways in order to evade

Crocodile's attacks.

suddenly Kyrin stopped and turned his back to face Crocodile and the latter was taken back because he though Kyrin will contiune to run away.

Crocodile also stopped and faced Kyrin but to be extra cautious, Crocodile knelt and touched the sand with his hands so he can sense If they're other people here.

Crocodile's search was futile because there's nobody is here apart from Kyrin and Crocodile, the two kept staring at each other and the first one to open his mouth was Crocodile and he said :

" I don't know If you felt escpaing from me is impossible or you lured me away from the town on purpose to near the sea so which one is it scum?"

Kyrin stayed silent which angred Crocodile even more however

---- WHEN CROCODILE ARRIVED AT Nanohana-----------

{Kyrin's POV}

'Finally after waiting for so long he arrived here as expected' Kyrin who was in top of highest building in Nyouhaba noticed Crocodile coming into the town however he didn't confront the pirates yet.

Kyrin continued his search using his Sharingan and Observation Haki to scan the town but he found nobody else from Baroque Works apart from Crocodile.

'It's a shame that Nico Robin didn't appear with Crocodile but I'll try to search for her after dealing with Crocodile.'

after finishing his thoughts Kyrin proccded to defeat the pirates and attacked Crocodile to lure him out of the city to a much more favourable location.

Kyrin lured Crocodile to the shore because water is Crocodile's major weakness, even though all Devil fruit users are weak to water Corocilde is much more weaker than them when it comes to dealing with water.

Seeing his opponent in front of him Kyrin was experinceing goospumps.

'If I came to this world without dying multiple times by the hands of Maha Zoldyck I'll be the biggest fan to some of character that I liked back then and Bartolomeo won't be nothing in front of me in terms of being a fan to some people, however after experincing death numorus times and staying with my favourite character which is Rayleigh I got over my fan phase because I now consider them as real people but that doesn't mean they won't make a diffrenece in me but It'll be insigincant.'

'I mean let's take the person in front of me as an example , If I came to this world directly I'd have asked him for a photograph and a photo and tried to get into Baroque works however now I consider everybody as a difreent person from the anime and I'll treat them as they treat me

not treat them of how I know them as a ficional character'

"Are you done sorting your regrets?" said Crocodile

for the second time Kyrin didn't respond however he used [Soru] and go so close to Crocodile and did something unexpected to Crocodile.

before the sword could connect to Crocodile, Kyrin coated his new sword in Armament Haki which he didn't do when he lured Crocodile.

Crocodile didn't do anything when Kyrin got close to him by using [Soru] but when he saw [Armament Haki] shit got serious however it was to late to transform into sand and escape or dodge so Crocodile took the slash with his body and fell to his knees.