Fireflies in the Plaza !

{General POV}

Hey can someone find me a picture of Indra Ōtsutsuki in Akatsuki clothes?

MC has the face of indra if you forgot.



After Kyrin fend off the Fireball he had so many questions but he knew he'll get his answers in the island.

A few seconds later Kyrin arrived at the dock of Trade Island by using [Geppo] all the way.

Not even a minute passed and he sees another FireBall coming at him so he responded by sending two flying slashes again and the same result happened once again.

After making the fireball disappear he followed the path that the Fireball took so he can identify who the fuck is spamming this move.

After jumping from a rooftop to another he heard a gunshot in the distance and decided to investigate.

When he got close he stopped on a random rooftop and in front him is a rounded plaza with a fountain in the middle.

He saw fire all over the place but what got his attention is 40~69 people is circling around two guys.

The first guy is a tall and muscular teen with curly black hair and wears an open-front yellow shirt with an orange hat with two faces on it.

The second guy is also a muscular teen who has a long spiky light blue hair and wears a mask over his eyes and a very long opened coat.

Suddenly from the crowd a tall tanned man emerged and got closer to the two guys.

The man cracked his knuckles and said "Bukakakakakaka It's already over, You guys are surrounded so I suggest you surrender peacefully or suffer the consequences"

The light blue haired teen frowned however the orange hat guy didn't flatter but they both stayed silent.

Seeing their reactions especially the orange hat dude the tanned man gritted his teeth and said :

" I'll say this one last time...Surrounded or suffer?! You've already taken 15 of my men so you should be thankful for making it alive to this point !! "

The two men looked at each other for a second before they both nodded.

Suddenly the masked guy turned around and started running towards the bay of this island and before the people who looked like a bounty hunters react the lower body of the orange hat guy turned into flames and jumped high in the air.

When the black haired was above the light blue guy he shouted :

" !! [ Blaze Net ] !! "

As soon as his friend stepped out of the rounded plaza a huge fire wall emerged preventing anyone from entering or leaving the plaza.

The tanned man who looked like the leader of the bounty hunters took his gun out of his jacket and said " I see... too bad I can't take you alive... FINISH HIM BOYS !!"

Literally two minutes later every bounty hunter is on the ground unconscious while having burned marks on them.

The only people who are left are The orange hat guy who is on top of the broken fountain and Kyrin who is sitting menacingly on a rooftop.


" *HUFF* *HUFF* you guys are really persistent " I said to the unconscious leader while sweating.

' I should hurry and catch Deuce and the others' I thought while walking out of the plaza.

Out of instinct I looked at a random direction and saw a figure on a rooftop!!

I got into my battle stance and thought the following:

' How come I didn't notice him before?!'

The figure who's wearing a black cloak with red clouds on it with an orange mask stood up and jumped from the rooftop and landed on the ground.

After seconds of awkward silence he broke it by saying:

" Hello There" said the cloaked person while waving his left hand.

I turned my hand into fire and swung forward

" !! [ FIRE FIST ] !! "

My attack was coming at him with incredible speed and force whoever he isn't trying to evade or defend!.


My attack engulfed him and destroyed three houses behind him before I extinguished by thinking about extinguishing it.

'What an idiot!, If he wanted to die there's other merciful and less painful ways to die'

I'm looking at the dissipating smoke to see If there's anybody in the houses that I destroyed however what I saw was none other the person I presumably killed !

Scratch Marks? None! Burned Marks? None! Damage ? None!.

I got into my battle stance once again to prepare for his counterattack however what he said surprised me.

" So uncivilized ! "

"You.... what is your purpose here?" I asked him while covering some parts of my body with fire.

"Oh nothing, I'm just passing by" he said while shrugging.

By hearing his respond I got out of my battle stance and disabled by power and said :

"I see, Then I'm sorry for my attack earlier, Goodbye"

Then I made a 69 degree bow and started to run towards my ship.

While I'm running I remembered there wasn't any sort of damage on him after receiving my strongest attack head-on ! So I wanted to know how he did it.

( AN : he just sailed a few months ago so he can't make the sun he used against Blackbeard yet)

I stopped running towards my ship and got closer to him.

"Sup?" He asked confusedly.

" How did you come out in one piece after receiving my attack?"

After hearing my question he didn't say anything but he went to the what's left of the fountain and just walked through it.

Just Walked through it !! He just walked through the fountain like it wasn't even there.

'He's a Devil Fruit user... however he's not a Logia.'

After I saw his demonstration I had a thought in my mind but I wanted to see If he's good enough.

"Hey cloud guy would you like a friendly spar?" I asked him while smiling.

" The name's Kyrin" then he took a small stone and threw it in the air.

As soon as the stone dropped a sword appeared in his right hand out of nowhere and he appeared behind me !.

The distance between us was 10m and he crossed it in a second!.

He used his sword to slash my back horizontal however thanks to my Logia's fruit I wasn't in danger.

I turned my lower body into fire and created a sea of fire around me.

It happened in a second but he somehow was able to react to my sea of fire and rolled back.

{General POV}

After the little exchange the two are facing each other and the distance between them is 7m.

Kyrin restarted the fight by slash horizontally and vertically sending a flying slash with a ( + ) shape towards Ace.

Ace's fist turned into fire and swung it forward and shouted " [ Fire Fist ] "

The two attacks collided, Kyrin's flying slash and Ace's [Fire Fist].

The attacks collided for two seconds until Kyrin's Flying slash was destroyed!!

'Sure enough he beats me in fire power and ability in destruction '

When Kyrin saw the remains of [Fire Fist] coming towards him his three tomoe Sharingan started to change.

The three tomoe in his red eyes started to merge and expand to an irregular shape.

Yes, Kyrin activated his Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

(Kyrin's Mangekyō Sharingan Picture if you forgot)

Suddenly the [Fire Fist] engulfed him once again however the attack was passing through him.

When his attack lost to Ace's Kyrin activated his Kamui intangible ability and started running through the [Fire fist] towards Ace.

Ace knew Kyrin was able to somehow defend against his attacks so after he used [Fire fist] he retreated several meters back.

Sure enough the running Kyrin has no damage on him which was expected by Ace.

When Ace saw Kyrin coming out of his attacks he prepared a move he was working on for sometime...

The usual red-orange flame on Ace's palms disappeared and replaced by light green glow!

" !! [ FireFly ] !! " Ace shouted

Ace jumped backwards to create distance between the two and began to create numerous small greenish-yellow fireballs.

The situation became awkward, Kyrin is chasing Ace while simply running towards him while the latter is running backwards while creating a small green fireballs.

A few seconds later the two stopped and the plaza is full of the small fireballs that Ace has created.

Kyrin remembers the attack that Ace used since it was one of his unique attack and Ace noticed when the green fireballs came in contact with Kyrin they just pass through him.

There was silence but the two was waiting for the other to make a move.

' Ironically I'm in the same situation that Obito faced against Conan, If I let go of the intangibility these green fireballs will explode in my face however I have something that Obito never had '

Ace broke the silence by saying: " So do you surrender? When I let these Fireballs on fire this whole place will explode "

Kyrin had a massive grin under his mask and said

" Try Me " then he began running towards Ace.

Ace knew that if he stays on long range the battle will last forever and he's on a hurry so he also started running towards the enemy.

While getting closer to Ace Kyrin applied Armament Haki on his whole body and disabled the intangibility.

Because the intangibility is disabled he can transfer items to his dimension so he returned his sword to the dimension.

The FireFlies as Ace calls them started setting Kyrin on fire whoever he didn't slow down and continued approaching Ace.

Ace is well aware that his FireFlies worked so he can't waste his opportunity to end the match.

While Ace was thinking of his move his opponent opponent used [Soru] to get in front of him.

Ace was a but surprised but he has already seen Kyrin use it.

Kyrin with his Haki coated arm swung his right fist towards Ace and the latter with his fire coated fist matched against Kyrin's fist !

The fire on Ace's fist continued its way to Kyrin's body whoever he didn't mind.

Ace of course lost the match up but before he gets knocked back Kyrin held Ace right hand and with his left hand he grabbed Ace by his hair and smashed him on the ground.

What was supposed to be a few moves exchange resulted in getting Ace unconscious.

" What a trouble maker... now what do I do with you?" Kyrin said to the unconscious Ace.


Your thoughts on the fight scenes? Was it good? And what should I improve?