
While the three men were moving along the village to meet the Shaman of their tribe, Ales suddenly spoke to Norja.


Norja didn't expect a conversation with Ales after relentlessly provoking him so much earlier.

I didn't know your sister likes my brother that much , I thought they are just friends nothing more.

Why are you acting like nothing has happened ? Aren't you angry ?

Well , I got angry earlier because of the shock and unexpected thing that has happened to my brother, you know he is my only brother so losing him got me scared so I got confused and my emotions got into me , he is such a weak person but he is working hard on his own, thats why I decided to take him along with us, to let him experience what it looks like to hunt. I just wanted to set as an example for him as his older brother once in a while , the oldest must be always honorable so that the young ones would look up to them and be like them someday and the strong should always protect that weak thats what our ancestor taught us , the men should protect the elders the women and the weak thats what makes a great leader. I failed to uphold those things I am ashamed to meet our ancestors.

Well, that side of yours is creepy but thats why you are my friend , we all make mistakes I can't even protect you guys ,we end up always getting in trouble because of me and elder always come to help us , if you failed our ancestors then how many times did I failed them, but I am sure you are still the strongest guy around our village , maybe you can even defeat other tribe leaders.

Hey Norja , I heard that! Stop that at once if anyone overheared what you said ealier that would be considered as an insult to our tribe leader its like you are saying someone is stronger than he is. It would be treated as a rebellion and you will be sentenced to death alongside your family and even dragging Ales's family with you . Careful now I dont want to hear that again.

.... Ah , yes .. elder I am very rude , sorry.

Yeah Norja no matter what you say I still don't think that I am stronger than our tribe leader. And I am still a child compared to elder and him thats why we look up to him as leader right, because he is the strongest man among us .

But Ales you would surpass him in a few ye--


.... ( silence) ...

They arrived at the house of the Tribe Leader where the shaman resides .

"Oh Elder Bagun are you already back from hunting?" Asked by a guy sitting behind a table eating fruits . A fair skinned ,very balanced toned body not to thick and also not too thin he has some nice muscles and straight black hair wearing woven frabric as his and lower covering just only his private part , with a dangling golden earings and golden necklaces which represents the wealth of the tribe leader.

Another one had noticed the arrival of those three men, an old lady wearing woven fabric also but colored black.

She is the shaman of the tribe , the one they are looking for . Without any second thoughts Ales ran towards her without paying his respect to the tribe leader.

The tribe leader didn't mind it at all because him and Ales are acquaintance , Ales's father and the Tribe leader are brothers but Ales's father died during the battle for tribal leader thats how he became the leader while just raising a brow thinking , why is he in such a rush ?

Elder Shaman --!! Please take a look at my brother he is unconcious but still alive but he's not waking up.

After hearing what Ales said , the shaman asked.

"Why Ales what happened to Asterio ?"

Ahh err that is ...

Then Norja spoke .

Asterio got assaulted by a wild boar during our hunt.

"What!? -- You brought Asterio to a hunt knowing his condition"

Well , Ales insisted we bring Asterio with us so he could watch and experience how we hunt but after a while he got separated and we only found him laying on the grass unconcious.

"What are you waiting for then lay him on the bed so that I could immidiately examine and cure him!" (While looking at Ales , you better explain what happen after.)

Well then Shaman , leader I would step out now that I have brought the kids with me . (Said by Bagun)

"Ah yes Bagun , thank you again for your hard work please protect our village as usual"(Said by the Tribe leader while munching on some fruits.)

After a while the shaman had started the ritual he burnt some herbs into a pot of stone mixing some unkown elements while chanting words .

She then checked the unconcious body.

"His eye are all white , his soul isn't back to his body maybe he is wandering on the spiritual world."

What do you mean ?

"Ah-- you dont have to know it you aren't a shaman but in short it is the world of the dead"

So is he dead ?

"He is not yet dead , he is still breathing and his pulse is still beating"

Then thats good.

"Just what happened to your brother his beaten up so badly that the marks on his body turned blue"

That we don't know , elder bagun said he was tackled by a wild boar thats how he got those marks.

"No an attack from a wild boar wouldn't mark like this for so long it might be something else."

Then she took a knife and a bowl , he cut the palm of Asterio and took some of his blood and poured it into the pot with the burning herbs.

The she got shocked not knowing what to do, her eyes couldn't believe what she was see-ing a prophecy was passed down to them since the ancient time before tribes were made the first shaman said when a you burn blood it will turn into a dark smoke , when the smoke turns white a true leader would be born. He will gather all of the tribe of Las Islas Felipinas and rule over them , he will become a ruler without shedding a blood only using his wisdom to bring knowledge to the world not tolerating anyone who would go against him. A born legend who will someday unite the world and has a mark of a 6 pointed star on his chest.