Memory loss

(Ughhh . . . My head hurt when did I fall asleep ? Where am I why am I sleeping on a piece of cloth and laying on a bamboo floor , I was reading at the library earlier what am I reading again ? Aaagh my head hurt I can seem to remember.)

Mother ! Mother ! Asterio has woken up !

Is that true ?

(Who are this girls , why are they wearing traditional clothes of the indigenous of the philippines. Those woven clothes and long skirt.)

Uhm , excuse me, Where am I?

Have you forgotten? You are at our home , I'm glad you have recovered and regained conciousness.

Hey , Asterio how are you feeling are you really fine ?

(Who is Asterio is he talking to someone besides me ? I see no one here only the three of us maybe she has mistaken me for someone else , my name is Tristan right ?)

Uhm excuse me maybe you mistook me for someone else I am -- .

What are you talking about !? Haven't you recovered ?

Eya , don't shout Asterio just woke up .

Ah its okay I'm fine . Can I look around ?

You just had recovered so don't push yourself too much.

(No matter how I look at it , I dont see any gadgets or any electrical appliances only stacked woods and hanged food.)

I'm gonna go outside for a bit .

Okay just don't go too far , you might collapse again since you have a fragile body after all.

( Huh ? I don't have a fragile body -- anyway , let me check where is this.)

(As I thought I was inside a Nipa Hut ,but hmm I don't remember having any relatives living on a secluded place where appliances and gadget doesn't exist atleast they have a radio . To think of it I haven't noticed they still doesn't have any electrical pole so it means they don't have electricity . I can see we have neighbors but still they also live on Nipa Huts , those homes are durable and also they are made to endure the climate and environment of the Philippines , mostly made from bamboo , dried grass and palm leaves, it was an iconic house of the lowlanders. I think I'm gonna ask those two people more to get information.)

I have a question .. to be honest I don't have any memory of this place can I ask for directions ? Uhm what are your names ?

What ? How can you not have any memory you have been living here for the past ten years with me. You are my friend Asterio.

Don't tell me Asterio you had a memory loss ? Can you tell me what is your brothers name.

Sorry I clearly can not remember seeing both of you anywhere but this is my first time meeting both you .

Maybe its from the shock that you had after nearing a life and death situation. You have lost your memory but I'm still glad that you're okay . I am your mother Yara .

And I am Eya ! I am your friend I still can't believe you lost all of your memories than what happened to my time with you we grew up together for 10 years you know I have been my yourside for ten years and now you're saying me you lost all of your memories ? Don't you remember anything even a small detail about us ?

Mother and friend huh ? But sorry I still can't remember anything even if I tried . Uhm Mrs. Yara can you tell me that thing you said earlier about me having a near death experience I might remember something.

Its not Yara , I'm your mother call me mother as you always called me .

( Mother huh -- It might not be so bad I haven't called anyone my mom since I grew up without having one .)

Sorry Ya-- I mean mother ,

How about me ? Call me Eya .

Okay sure Eya , nice too meet you .

Nice to meet you ? What do you mean we already met 10yrs ago .

Sorry Eya , even if you say so I can't remember anything about you .

I will make you remember !

Good thats more better I want to remember you guys both.

Asterio , we are not a guy we are a females your mother and your friend.

(Geez I know that , why so serious ) Then whay about what happened to me ?

Ah yes , since you have became 10 your brother said he will take you out for hunting boars . Not knowingly while they advanced you got left behind . You had a weak body so you can't follow them completely then you got attacked by a wild boar and you collapsed there your brother found you laying on the ground . Luckily you are still alive you have been asleep for a week . The elder shaman also did a lot of participation on making you recover faster we have to formaly visit her and say our gratitude .

(Did she just said elder shaman ? Oh no is It what I think it is? No gadget , no electricity and no appliances and they are wearing old woven clothes I don't remember the name but I'm sure I am not Tristan anymore.)

Mother do we have any water ?

Yes in the jar let me get you some water .

No no no its okay I can get it for myself no need to stay.

(Even this jar is old passioned If I'm not mistaken then this water will reveal the truth "I have been born on a gracious face" Just imaging )

(As I thought ,this is not my body this is someone else's reflection and he looks young , aside from my imagination he still looks like a young guy but not gorgeus still he looks better than myself , pretty much fair skin and thin body and straight black hair. Last thing I must confirm.)

Mother what exactly is the year today?

What do you mean year ?

( As I thought they haven't been colonized by the spain so they don't know about the calendar so I am further back time on the philippines maybe around 1200's )

One more last question do we have any land mark here that we can remember ?

What is a land mark ?

It is a work of nature that you can always remember when you go here .

Hmm ahh! there is a lake and inside the lake there is crater , spews smoke and heat .

(No doubt ! Lake and a crater this village and that crater is Taal ! I am in Batangas or Cavite!)