Truth and Companion

"I need you to keep quiet about what I told you , I haven't told anyone about it only you so far this is the first day I have woken up and are you sure you should be trusting me ? "

"No doubt, I would trust you there's no way you would be lying and I could never think of any reason or how would Asterio become skillfully like you with just a week of sleeping if it's as you said that you came from the era much advanced than then there's no doubt I would lose to you, but as you say you would make me a better hunter then I welcome it. "

" Your attitude really did change a lot after hearing about it. "

" I apologize about my behavior earlier but it's normal to act like that you know, you just ridiculed and insulted us. "

" That was not my intention though, I just wanted to see your skills and fight but you guys insulted me first only want to assess and help you get skillful using my knowledge from that era since hardly can I say if I can fight on this body actually I have a hard time fighting that's why I plan to leave my protection to you since I could hardly fight so I do my best to make you stronger. "

" Ah I can understand that but you still won against us right? "

" That was a just me using your weakness against you and having my opponent think I can't win that's how I used my my knowledge to win. "

" But what kind of knowledge do you possess to get that good ?"

" The era I came from was peaceful and no wars that's happening but records of fighting was recorded in history that means that's your records , all kinds of fighting from the past were recorded in history others still being passed on even now. "

" It's peaceful even now right? But it's good to know that we are part of history. "

" Yes but that's not how will it go this time. "

" What do you mean? "

" You're living here in fear of someone higher than you right? "

" Yes well I have fear for the elders and the leader. "

"That still hasn't changed in the future. "

" Well I guess it's does not . Being strong should be the one to lead right? "

" Respect is one thing, but someone strong who uses his strength to belittle the weak are the one should be driven out I want a future where you earn the respect and not become strong to make others follow. "

" Now that you have said it that makes sense, I respect the elder that's why I follow him unlike the leader he is strong that's why I follow him. "

" Our father should've been the leader he was strong but he was also respected but he died because he was challanged for the leadership when he was sick and that's how the leader was chosen and he just ruled over using power. "

"That's what I'm talking about those kind of people should not exist what do you say? Do you want to help me build that future and be a part of history? "

" Leave it to me ! You are my brother after all and I want to know more about what happened in the future I'm sure you would change how things work here using your knowledge. "

" I'm glad, I thought that you were a bad guy based on your attitude earlier. I guess I'm wrong. I have a lot in mind but first you remember what you ate earlier right? I want to improve cooking here and I need to do something about this clothes we don't wear this kind of half naked clothes and I'm a bit uncomfortable. "

"Oh! That food is indeed delicious I hope to taste more brother! Hahahaha I'm sorry about the misunderstanding both me and Norja are friend and we talk like this naturally but no means we're bad you know. "

" I see then I will treat you as brother like natural, see don't have a family back then I lived alone before coming here so having someone called brother is a new thing to me. "

" Is that so? I'm glad to be your brother then you can trust me I'm glad my brother is now speaking to me, you see Asterio doesn't talk to me at all I wish he did. I'm sorry I couldn't converse with him like this before. "

" Don't worry I'm sure he's happy watching over us and he's just shy talking to he's great brother, that's why I want to build a future so that no more like Asterio who wouldn't talk if he's scared because of strength and skill. "

" I didn't notice that, is that why he did not talk to me ? I am his brother I would be glad if he spoke to me without restrictions the more I listen the more I realize that you shouldn't let someone be afraid. "

"We are on the same page now let's go home and talk about it, don't tell mother about what I told you I would be the one to tell her. Let's go I will make a delicious food to celebrate our companionship! "

" You too Norja come with us, your sister is at our house my brother will make us food. It's seriously delicious. "

" What happened Ales you seem happy just earlier you are so mad at Asterio."

"Don't worry I'm just happy that Asterio still treats me as brother ."

"Hahaha you're my brother even though you lost Norja and you would surely become the strongest warrior here "

(Tell Norja about me, I'm sure he will keep quiet about it since you are also friends .)

I whispered to Ales

"What are you saying there leaving me out. "

" Haha! Norja it's about you Asterio said you are also a strong person ."

" Is that so? Better be ready then because I am gonna be stronger than you are and take the number 1 spot at this tribe and become the strongest. "

" Before becoming strong you need to hit me first ha ha ha! "

While heading home Asterio made his first companions since awakening.

The legend continues.