Book of Era 2

My mother gave me something I recall.

Yes, its the book I am reading before I woke up as Asterio, it was the book of Las Islas Filipinas the story of Asterio.

It means that I am that Asterio? After all I awaken as him.

I checked the book it was still blank the only page that has a content to it was the same that I read before.

As I flipped to the page that I last read then it shone it printed something,

[First step that the young Asterio made was cook food and got the happiness of others by serving tasty dishes. He gained a companion and they gain insigqsht of fighting even better.]

The print ended there.

I see, so it works like this it doesn't have the story of King Asterio but it actually is a book that write downs the things I do. Inshort the story of this book progress within my choices.

The book glowed and printed something again, I'm not sure what it says I haven't done much today why is it still showing words.

lets see.


[Asterio has completed his first legend that will remain in history forever. ]

[He the one who decided to prioritize food and companionship at young age having a weak body but still triumphed against someone bigger and stronger and more exprienced than him using knowledge and tricks. ]

[Page 1 completed.]

It dissappeared again.

[Ales POV:]

What is that? It shone when mother gave it to Asterio I don't know what it is but I'm sure that its connected to him.

"Mother what is that thing that you gave to Asterio? You have checked it first right before handing it too Asterio that light almost blinded me for a second "

"I dont know also, I checked the inside I have no idea it only contained blank pure whites but I can say it has a pretty embroidery and great design far from what I can make. "

""But looking at him more or likely he knows about it he is after all looking at it so intensely I have no idea what he's doing"

"Maybe he is see-ing something that we don't. "

"What happned agaaaain!? Asterio went silent again after coming back the moment he returned are you sure he is okay right?" (Said by Eya angrily while pulling and pushing Norja.)

"No he really is fine earlier when we were together more like he is more energetic and lively so I'm not sure maybe because that thing is the cause."

"I really cant leave Asterio to you guys the moment he steps outside he comes back something weird happens to him all the time."

"Believe me Eya we didn't do anything if any its the latter he fought us and won even against Ales, hey Ales please say something to my sister too!"

"Thats not important right know, Asterio went silent and concentrating at it."

"Eya, don't worry I can assure you Asterio is doing fine its just he is doing something that he himself doesnt want to be bothered lets just wait for him to finish "

"Mother! Look something is appearing and it seems that Asterio is looking at it."

"Your right -- but now it disappeared again."

It seems that its finished Asterio looks back at us looking fine and satisfied. He nods and then spoke.


"Whats wrong? Why are you guys looking at me like that. It feels like I'm like a rare animal on exhibition."

"oh- is it your first time see-ing books? Books are record of information written and binded together."

"I can't understand what you are saying but is it important?"

"I see but I still don't get it."

"Hmm. . . for example the day when you and father got together you can write down the things you and father that day without forgetting about it and the good thing is even your grandchildren will also know of it when they read it. "

"Thats amazing! Something like a book can hold memories is what you are saying right?"

"Yes that is called and record but before you can read a book you must first know how to write."

"I'm not sure what that is but its amazing if I can leave behind a memory that will be remembered even by my grandchildren."

"Yes not just your grandchildren but everyone who have read it will remember you. Its like leaving your legacy behind after all like passing down the family swords family heirlooms something like that anything you write would be part of the history later on. "

"Eya come here"


"Did you understand what I was talking about earlier? "

"I'm ashamed I haven't understand a thing about anything that you said."

(I can teach the reading and writing to mother and Eya because of the time they are at home frankly speaking I'm not expecting warriors to learn how to read and write specially Norja who looks like a fighting maniac. Its easier to teach females also but it seems like Eya is a little bit comfortable and fidgety I wonder why?)

(Aaaaaaaah! I dont know why -- Asterio is talking to me, I like Asterio when he is silent but right now he is talking to me I haven't understood anything that he said because I was so focused on what he is saying. Actually he looks so cool when he speaks I must pray to the gods later. )

"Eya can you hold this book?"

"Ye- yess."

"Can you see this words? "

"Words? That I dont know but yes I can see what you are pointing at. "

"Then thats good, you will understand what this says after learning the alphabet by combining alphabets you will have words and I will teach you how to read and pronounce it after that you will learn how to write it, easy right? "

"Even if you say easy I don't understand a word."

"Look here on this page this is my name. "

(I showed her the printed King Asterio on the book she looks confused and amazed, it really is great when you read your first word.)

"This is read as Asterio."

"Asterio huh?"

(I can now read Asterio's nameeee! The first thing that I have remembered is his name I'm so glad! )

Why is she fidgeting Ales is looking at her so confused.

While on the other hand Norja and Mother is smiling.

(A maiden in love, I must ready a cloth sooner or later I might really become a grandmother.)

(I see - I see. My little sister is excited having a conversation with her beloved one. I dont mind having her marry Asterio after all he is a capable warrior even defeating me.)