
While the 2 brothers were watching Ales's group only one of them was not interested in it and it was their youngest sister Cerlot she came along just because of her boredom.

Unlike her brothers she doesn't really care about them and she was just finding something that would amuse her.

Out of the three silblings she was the brightest but being born as a the third child she was not given attention at all specially when she was a female since her father became the Datu her life has been a mess others wanted the rights to marry her due to the possible claim of the position of Datu in the future. Marrying the daughter of the Datu means they'll have a chance to grab the position for themselves. Since then men have been flocking to her all day fighting over for her affection but for her none of them caught her attention to her all of them are just idiots who wants the position of Datu what is fun about being a leader of such a sorry place.

She was just tagging along with her brothers and acting like a naive child since its bothersome so she has to that and finally the day that someone piqued her interest.

Her day was finally coming -- that day she finally found the person who she would follow forever.

Cerlot POV :

I have been following the son of our uncle, Ales for how many days now.

I had been playing fool for how many years now and I have put alot of effort into listening to my brothers useless and idiot banters everyday like, humiliating Ales for a year now its troublesome I compliment brother Iglot everytime he talks about it but its really tiresome in reality he was the eldest but he was the most dumb even the guys who seeks for my hand in marriage are better than him. All he talks about is humiliating Ales because of the woman she loved confessed to Ales but Ales rejected her and has now been following Ales around and Iglot really loved that woman so he seeks to push Ales in a dire situation his anger cannot be measured that's jelousy right there -- ah -- ah.

How can he not realize that, that girl has no interest in him whatsoever unlike Ales who was strong and somewhat good looking I would want him for myself but monkeys who only loves to fight aren't my taste.

Even Ilyot was helping brother Iglot on his plot I was expecting brother Ilyot was a little more decent but I guess they really are brothers.

True Ilyot has the knowledge that Iglot was lacking and by working together its a perfect match.

But why bother doing something so troublesome instead of practicing like Ales they are wasting time here watching them. Thats why they will never surpass Ales while they are watching Ales grow day by day all they do is watch. I really don't care what happen to both of them but I want to see something amusing.

A few days the Asterio incident has happened.

Hmm -- So thats Ales's little brother he rather looks weak.

What was he thinking coming along to hunt when he's physically unable. I'll ignore him I don't enjoy watching the weak and the dumb.

If I remember all he does all day is watch like we do I guess its not bad after all, but unlike the two idiot brother of mine his eyes is kinda different I change my mind I'll watch him for a bit.


A little few more days.

Whats this! He's weak right?

At first I thought he just came to watch as usual but a few minutes later he was already fighting Norja.

Unexpectedly he won single-handedly just what happened.

Now he was fighting against his brother his movement were minimal but not lazy, all of it was planned he didn't need to do anything more. More like he was waiting for something I can say for sure by just watching. No! -- He was baiting him! With that he won against Ales.

I found him -- I'll definitely gonna get him for myself. I thought he was weak but I guess I'm wrong. Like me maybe he was just pretending but he showed his true color.

"He is so cool."

"What did you just say? "

"I found my amusement that I have been searching for so long."

"You mean Asterio?"

"Yes, brother Ilyot please leave him to me and don't lay a hand on him or else you will regret it."

"Wha-- ! Are you threatening me! ?"

"Just try to do something and I will kill you myself."

I grabbed brother Ilyots shoulder and whispered it to him with a cold and serious voice.

I really mean it -- during my bored days I spent most of my days playing with poisonous plant and mixes after all killing him would be easy as breathing.

"Just what are you planning to do? I take this is your true nature?"

"If you understand then don't poke your nose in others business or It'll cost your life."

"Why are you doing this Cerlot? "

"For amusement what else? "

"You have been pretending all the time if you have the time to pretend then why not help us instead."

"I got fed up -- also I don't intend to help you. Do whatsoever you like don't mind me I also have something in mind don't forget If you bothered me I'll make sure you wont wake up in the morning and let you meet our ancestors early. "

"Tsk--! Fine do whatever you want. "

Then we finished talking I also noticed Asterio looking back at me while they're walking away. Good I got his attention. The only remaining thing to do is speak to him sometime soon in private, but how do I do that when he's always holed inside their home.

I look forward to our meeting Asterio.

Then a few weeks finally the perfect oppurtunity has arisen.

Asterio was finally alone -- he left the group for a while so I approached him.

"Hello Asterio."