5 years promise

"Then how about if you win you can ask for my hand in a marriage?"

What is she saying all of a sudden, she's clearly quite young why would I marry someone so young I might be charged with child abuse -- or even worse people would call me a pedophile.

"I refuse why would I marry you in the first place you are so young that would get me in trouble."

"What are you talking about I am already at the age where I can be married and I'm not young you are being rude If I wanted to I could kill you here!"

Crap I forgot! In the past there is no age limit when a female gets her first menstruation she is already eligible for marriage still my morals as an adult wouldn't let me marry a child! I'm an adult at soul in a body of a child you know! I will refuse her request I don't want to particularly attract any attention but its not bad to let Ales and Norja participate in it I could train Norja to make him better after all, all he did during the time I taught them literature was exercising and stretches all of it to expand his stamina. There is a saying that doing it overnight wouldn't make you good but by teaching him now would make him a great warrior in the future he is already diligently following my instructions everyday he runs around the barangay do sit ups, push up, curl ups, bars and swinging hundred times everyday. I'm gonna fight him to see if he had really grown and check for myself, after then I would move to teaching him new battle styles, having a huge body the fighting style that he does, doesn't fit him at all.

Norja aside, Ales is already well balanced and great but he also lacks many things he fights like a savage just swinging his swords at every opportunity that he sees , swinging his sword when he see's an opening is like an animal way of fighting he is not thinking enough, he is full of openings and a perfect oponent to bait once you show a little opening he would straight away rush at it making him not rational that would make him easy to defeat I'm gonna fix those flaws using the knowledge that I know.

But first how do I escape from this female In front of me, I have to think of an excuse and reject her that I'm not interested in participating on that tournament that they will hold.

"Sorry Cerlot but I'm not interested on marrying someone at the moment I'm too young to get married."

It's a shame if marrying her now I could guarantee to lose my V-card in a few years that in my previous life that I couldn't experience.

No - ! No - ! What the heck am I thinking! I'm not such a bastard to think of such a vulgar thing get a grip Nathan! - No Asterio! I have to focus on my goal first.

This is a perfect excuse I'm sure she would give up after hearing this.

"Do you prefer men?"

"Could you repeat that for me? I think I have misheard what you have said?"

"Do like men instead of women?"

"Whaaaat!? Ofcourse I like women I don't swing that way."

"You swing what way? You say some interesting things. "

"Nothing nevermind its just that I'm neither interested in you nor the tournament."

"Are you rejecting me?"


"Then am I not beautiful to you? This is the first time someone have rejected me. "

"Wait -- what? No I'm not saying that you are not beautiful what I'm rejecting is the tournament."

"But you said you won't participate that means you dont want me as a marriage partner."

"I just cant participate in it and I don't plan on marrying you."

"See -- ? You are rejecting me, what part of me you didn't like? "

"Nothing of the sort -- you are very much pretty and have a great mindset but you are too young if you want me to marry you wait in another 5 years."

" Heeee . . So you really do think I'm pretty after all. Thats all I need to know, then in five years if I wait will you marry me?"

Crap. . I made a remark I shouldn't have said now she thinks I'm interested in her. This girl despite her looks she's more mature than I thought I fell for her trap what a blunder.

"If you ask me again in 5 years I might."

That should do it, I'm sure she's not serious about it anyway in a few days she would forget about it.

That was what Asterio thought, little did he know that the girl who approached him was experiencing her first love and was interested in him and she was not also aware that the amusement that she seeks was actually love. She wasn't really interested in Asterio participating in the tournament she only coveted Asterio's attention.

"Well then I'll wait when that time comes, I'll leave for now tell me if you ever change your mind and If you win I'll give you anything that you want in exchange."

Then the little fox that came walked away from Asterio's view.

A few days have passed since Asterio got the clothes from Eya.

While he was walking away he noticed the 3 brothers watching him as usual the two looked at him angrily what does he expect he was wearing the clothes that gathered rumors and I'm sure both of them also heared about the gossips and was wary of him.

On the other side the girl with them behind was amazed and while he was looking at her she waved at Asterio.

Asterio walked away without waving back, Its good that she wasn't pestering him to join the tournament anymore but he is sure she's still up to something.

While Asterio was walking away the girl was smiling.

He looks cool with that new clothes I wonder if I can also wear that. I'm gonna ask him soon If I can wear it, it would make us look like a pair .