
I was looking for Cerlot when she suddenly appeared seriously what is with this girl she approaches whenever she wants and now pops out of nowhere.

"You might be looking for me? "

"Why are you here all of sudden, certainly I was about to look for you but here you are already how did you even know I was looking for you?"

"Womans instinct ehehe. "

"What woman you are still a girl and stop the way you laugh its creepy."

"Hey! That's rude you know I may be kind but I won't take insults. It was just a hunch I saw you started looking back so I noticed that you were looking for me that's why I'm here."

"Your hunch is scary accurate for me it looks like you are reading my mind its creepy. "

"Intuition is a womans strength you know-- hehe so why are you looking for me? "

"About the tournament we will participate."

"That's great! Do you really want to marry me that badly? "

"No I told you I don't plan on marrying anyone not until 5 years passed have you forgotten?"

"Buu-- "

"You remembered that you will give me anything I want if I won right?"

"Yes I suppose I remember saying something like that. "

"What do you mean you suppose you clearly stated that you would. "

"Alright, alright a woman keeps her promise if you win I'll give you anything you want. "

"Does it matter who'll win? "

"What do you mean?"

"If Ales or other participants win can they also ask for anything they want?"

"Oh -- so that's what you're asking about, no its just a special award if you win the whole thing, its my own decision after all."

"I see, that's a shame I don't see a chance at winning after all."

"You sure are good at making excuses aren't you?"

"I'm telling the truth."

"Is winning againt that big guy over there what you call no chance huh-- aren't you just saying you don't want to participate then why are you still joining anyway?"

"Because you asked me to? Didn't you?"

"What I mean is even if I asked you, you could easily ignore it right? "

"You invited me participate I certainly wanted to reject but you believe that I would win right?"

"Yes I wanted you to win."

"Why are you so fixated on me winning? "

"Oh I didn't tell you? I want you to win and become my bodyguard that's always by my side."

"Wa- whaaaaaat!?"

"The winner of the tournament will ofcourse have atleast that privilege as the daughter of the Datu I need the best of the best to protect me after all."

"You have your father and brothers to protect you right why does it have to be me?!"

"Don't talk so loudly geez I'm right infront of you I can hear you.

I don't want any of brother near me, those idiot narcissists.

They are so obsessed with your brother over there. "

"Eh? Is it okay to tell me that?"

"Why shouldn't I? Not like I care about what will happen to them."

"Do you actually hate your brothers?"

"Of course I hate them, they do whatever they want and cause troubles every where there's also father who doesn't care about what they do."

"I heard that you are only tailing your brothers. "

"I guess that's what I look like to them, after all I have to act that way. It's so troublesome since I am a female I can't do what I want, I only have to follow them until I get married and gain my freedom but I don't think that marriage is a solution since all of the men here are also like them. How about you Asterio what was your first impression when you first saw me?"

"I see, you also have it tough huh?"

"You can say that again, that's why I need you to win the tournament, I believe in how strong you are and become the strongest and always stay by my side.

That way you will gain fathers approval to challenge him, also I don't mind if I were to marry you."

"I was right you really are a wise one for your age. The first time I saw you I thought you're already up to good and tricky one to deal with I thought of you as a fox."

"A fox huh-- I love the sound of that but what is the meaning of that?"

"A fox is someone who is smart attractive and sly. "

"Oh-! You see me as attractive the first thing I approached you huh? You really are different from the others.

I have seen and talked to a lot of men but you are unique and special if its you maybe? "

"How about cooperating with us? "

"What cooperation?"

"No need to worry just act like usual and leave it to me, I'll try to win the competition just as you wanted."

"What do you mean you'll try? You have to win."

"Even I don't think I can against those two when I confront them at the tournament but don't worry. "

"You really like saying such a thing, I was watching you know. "

"You underestimate Norja and Ales too much just wait and see for yourself, there will be no one who can stand against them even the elders would probably lose."

"You trust them that much huh? -- I guess I'll leave it to you then."


"Okay then, I have already told you what I wanted to so I'll be leaving now--

See you around and please don't come out of nowhere next time."

"Wait! -- I've been dying to ask about those clothes where did you get them?"

"Oh we made them at home my friend Eya makes them."

"(That girl huh--tsk.) "

"Did you just --"


"What did you say?"

"I was wondering if I could also ask for one."

"Sure -- I'll ask Eya to make one for you."

"Asterio -- my brothers are up to something so be sure to look out for them."

"I'll keep that in mind."