Chapter 34

"Well was it to your liking?"

"Just from looking at it I can tell it's quite something."

"Right?! This is weapon is a first of its kind that I made thanks to you so I made it much more better, I guess. I went a little bit overboard but it's totally worth it after seeing your reaction nothing can make me more happier."

"I wasn't really expecting that I would see a beautiful weapon like this to be made I just wanted a simple design but you did go all out uncle I don't think this weapon is fit for battle it's too beautiful to be used during the tournement Hahaha! GREAT!"

"Hey young'un? You alright?"

"What happened to him?" asked by Norja

"I don't know maybe he finally snapped?" said by Andy

I can't believe it, this kind of weapon only exist on novels right? To see one right infront of me is unbelievable.

This kind of weapon are mostly wielded by generals or royals it's too beautiful, this uncle from his looks you wouldn't expect something like this to come out but he got aesthetic.

I got too excited after seeing an actual weapon this amazing personally.

But lets not judge it by its looks after all there is another thing that is important, the performance of the weapon itself, durability and the weight.

I have to focus I don't have the time to be impressed this is Ales weapon not mine.

I was so amazed I dazed off anyway lets check the important stuffs.

"Ales try your new weapon."

After giving it to Ales he was also amazed at the weapon, I guess its not only me but the other two doesn't seem to be amazed why is that?

"Is it okay for me to use such a weapon? I mean this weapon looks like a Raja would use."

(Raja - is someone of a higher position than a Datu, ex Datu are nobles Raja's are the royal. )

"Yeah, you would stand out for sure but the weapon makes the warrior seeing a person wield such a weapon would be intimidating.

Well not to all but it would weaken their spirit because they will be scared upon laying sight on the weapon you would be already winning before the fight even begins."

"I guess I know that feeling, seeing how extravagant the person is you'll know immediately that he is quite skilled or high in status."

"Yeah something like that but the appearance is just for show what I want is for you to test its performance."

"Ohhhhh~ Ales you look quite dazzling as expected from the person I like!"

". . . . As expected from the weapon I made even if the wielder sucks the weapon make up for it.

I tested it many times don't worry and take a few swing and check if its to your liking."

"Its light despite the length of it."

"Yeah I used a light but sturdy wood after all I even mixed in metal so it wouldn't break. "

"The polearm is also comfortable to hold but won't the blade break if I used it to slash someone instead of thrusting."

"The root of the blade is deeply nailed inside the polearm and it is covered with metal and gold so it wouldn't break. "

"Brother try to swing a few times and cut some to check its durability."

During the time Ales was focusing and wielding his glaive the long polearm suited him so much that all of us agreed.

This kid, he really looks like his late father Atora. I was always harsh to him but I got to admit he's really a skilled warrior that's why my daughter took a liking to him. The aura he is emitting is so familiar to me. . . Oh yeah how could I forget my friends galant figure, your sons are becoming more like you Atora, one is brave warrior and the other is a wise young man I look forward to what they will accomplish I'm sure you are proud watching over them. Yara really did raise them alone quite well. Hmp! I need to do my best also, I can't let the youngster surpass me yet.

"Since you got your new weapon, its been so long since we fought how about it brother?"

"Thats great, If I'm practicing its much better to fight someone stronger to see my limits."

"Don't forget what I told you fight according to your style and don't copy me you'll see how you grow the past week."

"Leave it to me, this time for sure."

"Uncle can I borrow a spear?"

"Sure go ahead but are you sure you wanna fight your brother? He is quite strong and he is much bigger than you do. "

"Don't worry Asterio is much stronger than you think we haven't won against him even once. Just watch how these brothers face each other."

"Go Ales! Don't go all out you see a big difference between you two if he got injured I'll smack you!"

"Which side are you on?"

"I like Ales but I don't like that he will beat up his brother one sidedly."

"Ow yeah right I only told you we only lost and this is the first time you will see how Asterio really fights he is a tricky guy that won't let any opening pass by he will defeat you in a flash the moment he sees an opening. That was a frightening experience if its real you would die the moment not knowing what happened. "

"Ueh!? Thats bad news if its coming from you then its real I have known you for years and you haven't told any lie or rather you don't even sound like you're lying."

"I am not watch they're about to start."

Ales held his new weapon and as usual Asterio used a shield and a spear,

he really does hate moving much because of his small body so he does it with minimal movement.

The first one to attack was Ales, with the long polearm he used its ranged.

He swung his glave cross wise to limit Asterio's movement he can only step back or block it.

But Asterio proved him wrong he dash to block it mid way and thrusts his spear to Ales's chest who's weapon was still recovering his posture and stepped back.

"He really is strong. I need to fight calmly and not swing recklessly."

"STRONG!"The Father and Daughter said in unison.

They weren't expecting to that extent so they were surprised that there is someone capable with such a small body.

"See I told you? Asterio isn't just wise he is also a skilled fighter this would be a tricky battle."