Chapter 36

While Asterio and his brother together with Norja was walking.

Looking back I said there's still a week to improve but its literally impossible to improve with only a few days. I myself don't know much about glaives but I do know great warriors who used them and led them to victory.

The most popular glaive user must be Guan Yu from the Three Kingdoms a general serving Liu Bei during the Han Dynasty of China.

He was even revered as a God because of his sign of loyalty righteousness and bravery.

The other one would be the Japanese Sohei's known as Monks. The most famous individual would be Benkei a monk who faced Minamoto Yoshitsune in Gojo bridge, Kyoto and would later become one of the most loyal retainer of Minamoto. Like Guan Yu he was also known for his strength and bravery.

It was said that glaives user gives the ability to control the space around them. Combining the versatility and deadly blade of a sword that could stab and thrust that made them a formidable weapons. The downside is you need a lot of space to use its range to sweep enemy infantry.

With that in mind in conclusion its best to say that a glaive is a great weapon against many foes, but with time I'm sure Ales would also become part of those who are known to be the best glaive user. The only thing I could give him is battle experience so that he could constantly improve and teach him the basics since I'm no expert only a book nerd. Before I have seen many movies especially kung fu and history where-in they used glaives so I got the general idea on how to use it.

Maybe I should demonstrate on how to fight like in the movies, I may have trained in martial arts before but I don't know if I can do it or not specially with the sheer size and weight of it, I don't think I can with this body since I'm only ten years old, the weapons length is double my size.

As I'm pondering on how to help Ales on using his new weapon I didn't notice we are already back.

"Hey Asterio why are you so quite the whole time while we are walking your face also looks serious for some reason is something bothering you?"

"Ow Norja--- Did I? I was just thinking for a while."

"Hey, what is wrong Asterio are you tired? We have been practicing the whole morning and went to fight at the smithy after all. We should head back and rest for today. No matter how strong you are, you're only child and its already surprising that you could move so much on my brothers body."

"Oh -! Yeah head on first and leave it to us, be sure to take a rest. "

"Sure is hard, I'm easily exhausted for some reason. Are you two still going to continue to train?"

"Yeah, I will train a little bit more while I still remember the feeling."

"That's good to hear, in no time you would become the strongest again. Also Norja you should also train harder to maintain being the strongest. Run, swing and fight to gain experience, to become strong is to fight someone strong and he is already with you all the time. That also applies to you brother."

"No problem and leave it to us."

"Don't stay up too late I'll be the one making dinner so look forward to it."

"Seriously, Asterio what can't you do? You can cook and fight you also have a bright mind."

"This is totally normal where I came from ~"

"Wha-- I can't even win against one Asterio, I can't imagine a future where many Asterio resides. Hahaha! Seriously what kind of future did we make. "

"But Asterio said that future was unacceptable where only the strong rules."

"That's right brother, the future where I came from was full of sad reality where equality is no where to be found where-in the powerful rules over the weak. Have you forgotten our goal? "

"A peaceful place where people are equally happy and leaders are followed out of respect and not fear."

"Correct brother, for us to be able to change that dreadful future we will set an example but first we need to win the tournament."

"I guess we have a long way to go. "

"Trust me and focus on winning the tournament don't forget that I'm also participating due to Cerlot's request. "


"Finish your training and come home and drop by our house before leaving Norja. Well then I'm going now."


"I'm back."


"Eya, please don't shout I'm sure you miss your loved one but contain it, welcome back Asterio is your brother not with you?"

"They stayed behind to train a little bit more to train but they should be coming home in a while. Also Eya I'm back you sure are energetic as usual."

"Their training hard as usual huh-- "

"What did you do Asterio?! You look so tired are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm tired we went to Andy's house and got brothers new toy and we fought again, its very exhausting to keep up with him."

"Its new to me that you could already go to other places other than watch your brother and stay at home right mother?"

"I guess Eya is right ~ but becuase you could now freely roam around its not an excuse to push yourself too hard got me Asterio?"

"I understand mother."

"Very good ~ you can rest now and sleep while I prepare dinner. "

"Can I make our dinner for today? I said to brother and Norja that I'll be the one cooking for dinner, can I ?"

"Sure you can, I like the dishes that you make after all but let Eya help you okay?"

"Ohh~ Are you gonna help me cook Eya?"

"Yeah! I've been practicing for a while how to cook better than you!"

"What Eya wants to say is that she wants you to acknowledge her cooking and praise her. Fufufu."

"Mother ~!"