Gaining Control

"Ari, can you teleport us outside the building?" she asked the Faey warrior.

"I suppose so. The herald's realm isn't a place you can easily escape anyway." He looked at Red who was watching the outside intently. "I'm pretty sure we won't be eliminated if ever we set out of the building."

"What are you planning?" he asked her. She's not thinking on giving up and fleeing this world, right?

He offered his free hand to Red who was still sitting on the floor. She took it, stood up and looked him directly in the eyes.

"I am going to set this building on fire." She firmly said.


"I sure hope this works." Red said as she and Ari teleported outside the building.

"I have faith in you. You can surely do this." He assured her. "The herald would definitely choke on all the moon dust you'll get from this plan of yours."

Blue light danced everywhere like tiny fireflies on a spring night. The sound of breaking glass continued from inside Floruchna Control Tower and Red wondered if that other candidate who threatened and robbed them of her 'practice' mirror has been able to successfully gather moon dust.

"Okies. Wish me luck!"

"Luck is very irrational my lady. Fate, that is what will bring you true triumph." Ari said. "And the Fate, I'm sure, is by your side Red."

They faced the glass tower and the full moon was brightly shining up above the clear skies. What they were looking at now was not the control tower anymore, nor a glass skyscraper among other buildings that consisted the city.

It was now a giant reflecting vessel, by which Red has planned on consecrating with magical fire. She thought of the other candidates and their warriors inside the building.

If they could teleport instantly by magic, surely, they could escape a burning building. Right?

That is, if she should be successful enough in setting it on fire.

A small desktop mirror was one thing to practice on, but a whole one hundred and ten floors of a glass tower was a whole new level.

No pun intended.

She turned to face her Faey warrior. He was still clutching his bow and never took his eyes off of Red. Ari nodded and the surrounding light displayed a stunning contour of his face. The tiny bitch was right, he is pretty darn handsome. Almost as handsome as the flower boy.

Wait a minute, why did that guy ended up in her thought again?

She inhaled deeply and concentrated.

Ari had done his best to teach her how to manipulate her innate magic. She should do her part.

In her mind she is diving into the vast unknown.


A whole new world full of things she never expected to happen in her lifetime.

A warm fuzzy tingling sensation started to build up under her skin and Red steadied her breathing.

She remembered back then when she enrolled into zen yoga classes, their instructor had admonished her for being too stiff. It was believed that failing to calm yourself blocks the energy by which your body produces and ultimately hinders you from gaining nirvana.

Red was totally nervous when she tried for the first time. She had been doubtful as well if it would ever work. She still had so many questions in mind, but she decided to put all of them aside and believe that she could really do it.

She opened her eyes and focused her attention on what she wanted to happen. The glass walls that reflected the full moon was in front of her now. In a matter of seconds, she wanted the same walls to be on fire.

The glass only, nothing more and nothing less.

Red envisioned her desires and words naturally spilled as she chanted;

'Engulf thy vessel; paint them in flames of the ancient.

Full moon of the fourth, entombed in consecrated element.

Be it so gathered into this fortuitous moment.

I, Ruby Rose Springfield, command the magic I am lent.

Heed my call.'

Ari kept his watch on Red, his awe apparent for the natural talent of someone who wasn't raised as a Faey could advance so fast in magic.

Red stood still, the connection between her and magic manifested as the air around her burned. She reached out her hand and pointed at the moon reflected on the tower walls.


She felt her body heat rise and concentrated at her fingertip, making her hands look like burning hot coal. A split-second later, the calming warmth turned to blistering heat and then it left her. Another tic and what was once a crystal-clear building was enveloped in enchanted flames.

They both watched as the fire blazed without breaking the glass. It lasted for several seconds before it died down. The glass started to glow brightly as if the moon shined from within.

"And now we can gather the moon dust Red." Ari told her.

He stretched his bow and arrows fashioned from thin air formed into existence.

He released them and the arrows went flying towards the glass building shattering it into millions of tiny pieces.

Red looked up and was mesmerized.

Billions of sparkling shards.

Deadly snowflakes twinkling in the midnight blue sky.