
"Remember me Arikyer? I am Morgianna, Matron of the Ladies of Crescent Moon Island. You stepped into treacherous territories sweet love."

What has happened?

Ari's consciousness had been in and out ever since he was captured by the women he thought as nymphs. He felt someone caressing his chest, circling playfully at the sensitive tips of his nipples.

Something heavy was on top of him too which made it difficult for him to breath.

He opened his eyes and saw Morgianna. She was beautifully naked and was sitting just above his stomach; her swollen breasts were visibly huge and captivating. She spoke again and this time she moved her body lower so that they were mostly skin to skin.

"How do you feel love?" she said, her body pressed unto him and she literally took his breath away.

Ari was compelled to reply yet he took another minute to realize that Morgianna wasn't speaking in Silver-tongue anymore.

"I could understand you." He blurted out. As he tried to shuffle with the intense weight of Morgianna, an immense searing pain came biting at his wrists and ankles. He realized he was still tied down.

"Fuck!" he howled at the excruciating pain, waves of energy streaked his veins and turned him lethargic.

"Don't struggle too much love. Don't you like what you are seeing?" the lady said in her sweet and luscious tone. "I have cast a spell unto you when you were out so that you may speak freely with us the Ladies of Crescent Moon Island."

Ari couldn't believe what he was hearing. The Ladies of the Crescent Moon Island was only the stuff of legends. They weren't real. If they were even the slightest bit existent, Ari must be dead if he could talk and feel all of the sensations he is feeling now.

"You are nothing but a figment of my imagination. The Ladies of the Crescent Moon Island are no more." He said through gritted teeth. "You – are – a – fraud."

"Oh dear, didn't Tiana teach you Faeys that it isnt wise to vex us? Especially that you are talking to me." She said as she shifted her body sideways, her right leg dangling at Ari's waist.

"You haven't answered my question love. Do you like what you see?" she asked again.

The bed of dried leaves and fresh flowers pressed down as both of their body weights became too heavy for the makeshift bed pile to support. The bed posts were actually just the frame of a wooden bed whereas linings and a bedsheet were not even a thing.

"What I would really love is if you could actually get off me and put on some clothes lady. You aren't a nymph as what I presumed. What are you?" he questioned her while he scanned again his current situation, realizing he was actually just as naked as she was.

"Why am I naked? What did you do to me while I was unconscious?" he scowled at her, their eyes meeting and Morgianna only laughed and continued to do as she pleased. Sprawling on top of Ari and completely covering his body with hers. Her private part inches away from his.

Her skin felt silky smooth and her locks of dark and mint green hair tickled his senses, some stray hair sticking into his nose. They smelled like freshly shredded eucalyptus, refreshing and strong scented.

"My, oh my, the Elfen is pretty scary." Morgianna slipped one hand below and touched Ari where he would rather not be touched by random women. "Would you like me to break this?" she threatened as she moved her hands up and down his groin.

"Why are you doing this? The Ladies of Crescent Moon Island were women of high regard to morality. You on the other hand, are a complete opposite." He said through gritted teeth. The weight of Morgianna was more than he could bear – it was like she was made of stone instead of flesh.

"My love your legends are all mixed up." She cooed in his ear. Her breath tickling the tiny hairs beneath his lobe. "We have always been like this. When will you accept me as I am love?"

"And what in the world of Faeys and humans should I accept, may I ask promiscuous naked lady?" Ari asked her, his eyes darted from corner to corner looking for any means to get him out of this fucked up set-up.

The tiny toddler-like ladies who brought the aromatic water and clothes just stood at the far end of the chamber. Bowing their heads as if they dare not to watch the things that were unfolding right before them. Their mouths shut, placid and unmoving.

"I am Morgianna of the Elder Tree, Matron of the Ladies of Crescent Moon Island. I choose you Arikyer as my lover and you shall succumb to my will in no time." she said as she moved her hips in a circular motion, slowly easing down her body to Ari's horror.

"Look at me Elfen. Look at me!" she commanded in a domineering tone, her voice echoing in a hypnotic fashion.

Ari's eyes couldn't fight back her magic, he watched Morgianna defile his body by slipping herself lower and lower until their intimate parts were millimeters apart. He couldn't do anything and he felt so helpless.

"What are you doing? Stop! Fuck... this is wrong." Tears started to well up in his eyes and he struggled to contain the feeling of hopelessness that was about to burst from him.

Ari was desperate for any miracle to happen. Just about anything at all. He thought of everything he had worked for. The statute of the Elfen race to do what is right and to abide and protect.

His entire being was being demoralized by this crazy woman who looks like an angel but is actually a daemon.

Ari remembered one story that he heard from way back his novice days in the militia. There were those that served the kingdom and told tales of encountering bewitching creatures that were descendants of the first dark faeys.

These creatures would transform into anything that captivates their prey, turning them submissive through hypnotic songs and binding them to their homes by crushing their mental state – making them into eternal slaves.

The tales of the Ladies of the Crescent Moon Island had always been the fantasies of young Faey gents. They were the last of the nymphs who were pure and sweet, men would chase after them which caused them to seclude themselves from the reaches of hungry vultures.

They weren't the dark creatures as told by drunk warriors trying to see whose piss could go farthest. The Ladies of the Crescent Moon Island were not Morgianna and her gang of philandering women.

She is hiding something and whatever it is, it is not a pretty thing that he is sure of.

"Say you love me Elfen." She spoke in her melodic voice. Her lips almost touching his own.

Ari struggled with the very last ounce of his strength, and just as he was about to succumb to her hypnotic magic, the wooden door was suddenly engulfed in familiar flames, instantly turning to ashes while screams of frantic women bellowed outside.

The four of them who was inside the room all turned their heads at the commotion.

Ari couldn't believe his eyes, fuck voluptuous women, this was the most wonderful thing he ever saw today.

"How's it going over there bruh? You looking kind of breezy."