Pillars of Fire

Morgianna was amused at the young elfen. He was fluent at the ancient language of silver-tongue.

She decided that she wants him as well, but it seems here voice isn't taking effect in any way.

Curious little thing. There aren't enough living faeys that could withstand her powers, which was the very reason why they had been secluded in this island by the Faey Courts and Queen Tiana.

Morgianna and her vativaths were too powerful and dangerous they were 'punished' for being born that way.

Ahh… if only the darkling was still with them.

They had been trapped for millennia, and now these young delicately soft faeys had fortuitously came upon their shores.

Their island had always been a place of mystery where only the most unfortunate souls, carried by sea storms or plane crashes, treaded.

The last time they ate, it had been a group of humans whose aero plane had crashed unknowingly into their island. That had been over fifty years ago and now they were hungry for so long the prospect of eating a faey was enough to make them merry and prepare for a feast.

"You don't look like a normal vativath. Why do you call yourself Matron of the Ladies of Crescent Moon Island? You are nothing but a fraud." He spoke in silver-tongue, his seriousness evident.

This was the second time somebody called her a fraud, and it had to be elfen brothers. She snickered in amusement.

If they don't believe her, it was totally up to them.

The Faey Courts and Tiana had done a great job to twist their side of truth.

"You are one bright elfen, Archer. You will get your turn after your brother." The sides of her mouth stretched in a wry smile – how she knew their names when it was just the first time they met, Archer doesn't know.

"The halfling, she's really pretty I want to know how she tastes in my mouth too."

Archer tensed when Morgianna showed her interest in Red. Whatever this woman is, she is not going to taste any one of them.

Not Ari, not him.

Most definitely not Red.

"She is pretty, I agree to that idea. But careful daemon, she packs a whole lot of bang in her." he replied, speaking in their own dialect now so Red could understand what he was saying.

Red blushed when she heard Archer calling her pretty. The compliment had come out of nowhere it took her by surprise.

He slipped his right hand behind him and hoped Red understood his signals.

He had observed Ari and Red's combat lessons the past days and his older brother had taught her tactics when they were faced with the likes of this situation.

If they couldn't risk to talk to each other when an enemy is at earshots away – read between the lines.

"One wrong move daemon lady,"


"and we will burn down the thing your life is tied to." He continued.


He quickly glanced at Red through his peripheral vision and her expression was as serious as the situation at hand, she was vigilant, and he knew she had seen his signals.

"We are standing right here, aren't we? This sacred tree."


When Red noticed Archer's hand slipping behind him, she instantly knew that it meant they were going in the offensive. Bit by bit she built up the magic that welled inside of her, waiting for the perfect moment to release hell on anyone who dared to attack them.

As Archer spoke in cryptic sentences, Red picked up the reversed countdown.




One, two, and finally three.

Just as the last word tumbled out of Archer's mouth, she unleashed all of her magic with one spell that suddenly flashed before her eyes.

A spell powerful enough to bring down even the grandest of trees.

"Feora Filorami e!" she yelled with conviction.

Pillars of fire spontaneously erupted from every corner of the chamber and where the enemy stood, fire struck them creating piercing screams all around.

The wooden chamber quickly caught fire and within minutes, smoke rose as everything it chanced upon, burned. Trinkets, hanging ornaments, vines, roots, and dried leaves scattered all around weren't shown mercy.

Even beautiful flowers that adorned the ringed patterned ceiling wasn't spared from the wrath of her spell. Outside, her flames consumed the flourishing canopy of the grand tree forcing birds and all animals to flee from the branches.

Red struggled not to hit Ari and Archer but, in her attempt to keep up with her newly learned spell, her concentration slipped causing the younger brother to get burned. He had bravely dashed in to free Ari from his bondage while Morgianna lunged at him baring her fangs.

Archer bellowed in anguish nonetheless quickly bit his tongue to hold off the pain and defend himself from Morgianna's attack. He swung his blades with all his strength and she swiftly dodged his counterattack by spinning sideways, landing gracelessly on her toes.

The effort to control her magic drained Red's energy and she started to feel her legs giving up on her.

'Not this time stupid legs.' She thought and pushed herself to her limits.

Red commanded her flames to strike Morgianna and she hysterically danced as pillars of fiery bursts followed at her heels, licking and scalding her naked body the slightest bit before finally trapping and immobilizing her movements.

She let out an agonizing wail that rung like piercing broken shards of glass scratching.

Archer dashed towards Ari and hacked at the vines that tied him to the bedposts.

Ari watched as his brother attempted and miserably failed to break the enchanted twine.

"Fuck!" he cursed; his arm throbbed from the fire that struck him, blood trickling from the wound.

He knew Red didn't mean for that to happen but his luck wasn't exactly anything to be happy about.

Archer ransacked his brain through all the spells he could think of that may break the enchantment that made Ari's shackles impregnable.

Or any spell that could sharpen his sabers to cut through the ties.

"Oncloista!" he chanted, pointing his twin sabers towards opposite sides of the posts. Finally, the cords that tied down Ari loosened, and his brother huffed as the biting on his flesh thankfully stopped.

Archer grabbed a flimsy robe that miraculously wasn't consumed by the fires and wrapped it around Ari's feeble body. He swung Ari's arms around him and carried the faey warrior back to where Red stood.

Morgianna let out one final shriek and cursed them in silver-tongue,


Curse you elfen and halfling. The darkling shall avenge us.