Keeping Up To Date

"What do you need, elfen boy?" Raizhou's voice resounded in the small hut.

Red had tried most of the food he had offered them and thankfully none made her drop dead yet. Hopefully not anytime afterward too. Her turquoise eyes swept towards their peculiar host.

They wouldn't have known that Raizhou actually said he wanted them for dinner a while ago. Apparently, he was just a middle-aged looking faey who has a bad taste in jokes. Really bad taste.

Ari was still very much wary and Sir Arthur the complete opposite, happily purred on his lap. The cat curled into a ball of black fur and his tail swished back and forth. He was unusually calm for a cat that was brought out of his comfortable home.

Red wouldn't have been surprised if he had hissed and tried to escape when they crossed from the earthly realm to the faey's. She noted the black feline actually made it look like he did not mind at all the weird things all around him like it was his everyday scenario.