The First Daemons

"Have you been into contact with any daemon ever since?"

Kleister's question made Red recall what she ought to have mentioned earlier.

"I have met a daemon who calls himself Raveesh when we were participating the games. Said grandmama -" Red choked on the next words, but gulped in to tell the rest of her story, "-that grandmama had promised my life in exchange for my grandfather's sanity."

"Julius." Kleister's grip on the jar tightened as he couldn't believe how Dorothy could make such decisions just to save Julius, her husband.

He was one pathetic faey who didn't deserve Dorothy's greatness. Their family had been lower in social status despite being a noble, therefore instead of Dorothy taking his last name, it had to be the other way around with Julius taking in the Canes name when they got married.

"He also said something about my birthmark." Red continued on.