Her grandmother stopped her humming and the black cat hissed at Red. She blinked and when she opened her eyes, she saw the bloody body of Dorothy in an awkward angle in her favorite lounge.
Her eyes had a blankness in it but Red could see that she was breathing fine despite the horrible display.
There was a handsome man behind grandmama and he was smiling gently at Red.
His smile looked so beautiful but there was something about him that Red couldn't quite put her finger into.
"Yew mekh, yakf faey. Sumpa vata, descienda yo Canes und vayinak yo Springfields." He spoke in a language Red could only surmise as silver-tongue.
She had heard Archer and Morgianna speak of it but she never really understood the words. But this time around in her dreams, she could literally understand word for word.
"We meet, halfling. Cursed child, descendant of the Canes and daughter of the Springfields."