Games Turn to Trials

"She clearly fancies you more than me."

Ari's mouth hung open like a fish out of water.

He wasn't aware that Red felt that way with him.

The elfen warrior always thought of her dearly but only as a younger sister as she and Archer were like siblings that bicker all day round. 

Was he too focused on his mission to protect and assist her that he was blinded and was too oblivious to her feelings?

"You are very talented but at the same time so dense, Arikyer Squall." Archer said and he stood up from his chair. "Watch out for yourself, brother. It is you who should be careful. You are her chosen warrior, not me."

Archer walked away and dispelled the enchantment from the marble door. He would much rather go out and leave Ari to his thoughts.

The marble door closed with a loud thud and Archer went off to wander around just as how he wandered and ran away from home when he couldn't take how unfair the world was.