What a Shame

Just as the horns blown, Red and Ari were right in front of Stella Marie and Nickolai who were both too smug about their win. It was too frustrating if they were to be utterly honest.

How could Stella Marie immobilize two of them who were both filled with magic in their system? The faeys were basically a walking vessel of magic and here they were, unable to move and create spells to counter the one that turned them into stone.

They didn't even hear a single word uttered to seal the spell. It was as if everything was working inside of the little faey's mind. Her conversations, her commands, her spells.

All of it through the powers of her mind only!

If they only knew the truth, they would have been in for the shock of their life as they had been so close. Stella Marie did use all of her concentration inside her little head to command everything around her.