Guiding Light

Ari clicked open the golden pocket watch and tried to see what time it was now. As far as his body clock was concerned, it was just past three in the afternoon when they had entered the mysterious greenhouse of the Glass Citadel.

The glass panes of the enclosure had been moist and the foliage ran wild. On the floor, around the corners, the trees around them were lush and their branches stretched far and wide.

It had looked like it was purposely made that way to imitate the wilderness of the mountain jungles where eldermist berries grow.

What amazed Ari most was that the mist that had spread out hadn't even thinned despite the fact that they were inside a greenhouse. One of the Faey Courts must have been responsible for how the mist was maintained.

As far as Ari knew, the Faey Courts that had elemental powers were Lady Mhyrra Mensari, Sir Roman Thronus, and Commander Lexus Cryptante.