Roar of a Beast

The storm raged like it was a burner in a never-ending turmoil of black clouds, thunder and lightning. "It's a good thing it isn't raining right now." Red mused.

She could remember the time of the third trial and how it was difficult to navigate when rain was pouring on your face all the time.

"True. We will just need to keep vigilant, as lightning strikes are extremely random. Look at the ground, its all black. Lightning struck every inch of this place already." Ari noted.

The group had now entered the storm with the lead of Commander Lexus. The candidates and their warriors still in the middle, while Zey kept them guarded at the back.

Lexus was in his element, and they swore they could hear him whistling a happy tune in front as lightning danced above and sometimes would even hit the ground.

Red and Ari walked side by side, guarding each other as the ominous storm around them raged on.