The Cat Remembers (1)

"Haven't you realized it by now? Everything you wanted; I always had. A loving family, a mother who dotes on me, sisters who love me, a father who was proud of me. Even a fiancée who is obsessed with me."

Archer felt himself go numb with the slap of reality his brother gave him.

Truly, everything Archer longed for was what his brother always had. Archer was an estranged boy who wanted nothing more than to be loved.

"But you said you were always going to be by my side, brother. You said you have my back and that you believe in me." The young elfen felt his eyes tear up.

"Were all of those lies then to have me follow you and do what you ask? Like a little sidekick who you could throw away when you don't need any more?"

Ari stopped kissing Red, but the halfling continued on with tiny kisses on his face and neck. Her lips travelled up and down as far as she could reach any skin exposed.