Birthday Party

Stella Marie gazed willfully at the warriors that surrounded her. Nickolai was patiently waiting beside her, as the two high ranked militia warriors debated over the fact that the girl that obviously was the best pick for queenship was willing to risk herself and save a competitor.

"What do you say, Commander Lexus, 1st Lieutenant Commander Zey? Will you stop me from taking a foot through this portal? Krygsto might be in here, she might not be. We don't really know until we dive in."

"My queen candidate has a point. Queen Tiana did ask of us to hunt down the first daemons." Nickolai tried to help Stella Marie with convincing the two to join them.

Stella Marie and Nickolai were confident with their powers, but it is not always certain what could happen especially now that they were dealing with the real deal first daemons of the Darkling.

They needed all the able hands they could get.