Krygsto's Memories (2)

"Little girl, are you lost?" Stella Marie was taken aback. She looked behind her, confused whether the woman with Krygsto's face was talking to someone else aside from her.

The little girl knew she was the only one that hopped into the elevator, and when she turned around, it was now plain to see that Krygsto was talking to her.

But how could that be?

When Stella Marie dives into somebody else's memory, she was just a spectator of what has been and not someone that could interact. It was a memory for a reason!

A memory that has been and not being. Something that has been locked up inside someone's mind since it had already passed.

Why was the woman talking to her?

"Baby, where is your mother? From what floor are you from?" Krygsto moved forward with the little Red in tow.

"Hi! Momma is speaking to you, don't be rude and answer her, okay? We aren't bad people." Red dawdled. "My name is Ruby Rose. You can call me Red if you want."