Back in to Death's Arms (2)

"AAAHHH!!!" the little girl screamed at the top of her lungs. Nickolai, her faey warrior was startled himself with his queen candidate's sudden outburst. He screams were a piercing wail of terror, and they stood back from the body that they thought was of the Faey Queen.

"What is it, Stella Marie?" Red said as she made a stance for defense.

Her sword blazed with fire, the shades of Leah and Rhea's flames mixing in her blade.

Ari pulled out his bow from thin air, and then stretched the string to create silver arrows ready to launch at the first sign of hostility.

The werewolves unsheathed their sharp claws, and low guttural growls meant to intimidate reverberated in the damp walls of the underground dungeon.

"Look!" Zey pointed out.

The body of Queen Tiana moved and Red and the rest knew it wasn't the Faey Queen as she moved like she was a puppet of some sorts.