Saving the Man-child (1)

The daemon traversed the in betweens with great caution. Unlike that with the dream realm, the in betweens was an unchartered realm that neither the daemons nor the faeys were able to fully understand. Thanks to the Darkling, they were able to flee into the dream realm as freely as they could and make headquarters there before he had started to rise again.

The in betweens was something not all of the faeys knew much of. Perhaps the late Faey Queen Tiana might have known, but she never had released any information about it just as she had held back anything regarding the Darkling and their true relationship.

Mephis took a step forward, and then felt the bitter cold winds lash at his face. He didn't feel much and he wasn't bothered with the freezing temperatures at all. Although he was at most peeved by the wind in his eyes.