A Meeting

After an hour in the Pokémon center, Espurr was nursed back to health – he now feasted on his own share of treats in the back garden of the candy shop with all our Pokémon; And though Calem suffered a great defeat, he looked as calm as he did before the team Flare encounter, stretching himself on the chair around our little crowded table. At the center sat Sycamore, and all shoulders placed on the table seemed to bend his way in fond idolatry of the respectful figure he represented... "yeah, right!" I rolled my eyes.

Sycamore firstly asked for an account of what happened, looking quite concerned despite his natural serenity, and Calem went on to explain in details how he got separated from Shauna and Tierno, who were too scared to go any deeper into the cave, where there was little to no light. "Wise decision..." Sycamore quickly interrupted, and Calem continued: he was taken by surprise by the first grunt, who jumped from the corner of what looked like an abandoned mining facility, that one easily defeated – he bragged. As he searched for the scientist though, he got cornered by two more, who sent out four Pokémon at once, effectively wounding Espurr to the point of sending his competitive trainer running for the small one's life and abandoning the battle. He ran back to town and came across Trevor and I, then rushed to the center, and that was all.

As all others voiced their own accounts of suspicious behaviors they perceived around the cave, each adding a piece to the investigation, Sycamore listened calmly. In fact, he was always calm... I don't know why that should upset me, but it did. I squeezed tightly the bag on top of my lap. Being there gave me anxious, trembling fingers: He sat with his legs crossed, his distant eyes, his distant attention... I felt like I could hardly breathe! I knew that was why I hated coming: I hated to feel just like another student... to be treated just like another student. And regardless of how I felt at other times, when his unmasked, inconvenient attention moved me into discomfort; his absolute composure and instantaneous distance made it all feel like nothing but a wild dream – and that was a dreadful feeling!

The subject eventually died after all had been said and all had been speculated. Sycamore then went on to his routine instructions and pokédex checks – in the subsequent moments, everyone acted like nothing serious had happened.

Shalour city held the stage of some interesting talk about stones that made both trainer and Pokémon stronger, so said the Professor, and we should take our investigation there, for it might be the missing piece to unlock mega evolutions. He then asked to take a look at our own stones, only to check that nothing had changed... But we should not worry! – he reassured – The answer would reveal itself eventually...

As he went on talking, I held the cold, round stone in my hands. What seemed like a moving flame swirled inside as it shone, rolling through my fingers and receiving the light piercing through the windows. I looked up – my sullen, quiet Charmeleon stood like a stoic watching his fellow playmates. Just like when I first got him, he remained quite antisocial... but it seemed that fear and shyness was his main motives to keep his distance from the others in his previous form... Now it looked like pure hardness drove him. I looked back at the stone, doubting myself – how could I ever be able to unlock it, when I couldn't even understand him? Then the flame moved, the colors danced with a ray of light, and for a split second, it looked like the stone gleamed in synchrony to Charmeleon's flame, the one on his tail. The stone responded to him, indeed... His potential was in there, waiting to be awakened. Meanwhile, where was mine? Could it be that we both had it in us? Charmeleon looked at me, a stranger in the nest of playing, skipping, noisy Pokémon fighting and playing for the basket of candies we had left for them... A quiet, thoughtful creature lost in himself... as was I. Both quiet, we stood surrounded by a sea of battle spirits and heavy expectations. I sighed...

"So... what should we do about Team Flare?!" Calem courageously raised the subject, while Sycamore seemed to actively avoid it.

"Do? Well, it was a single encounter, so I don't think any conclusions can be drawn from that. Have you talked to the police?"

"I have! Right after we left Espurr in the Pokémon center..."

"Then that should be enough, for now..."

"What if we find them again?" – Shauna asked, scared.

"Why..." Sycamore wondered "Then you might want to find out whatever you can about them, but taking care not to be defeated again! Stick together if they harass you: No splitting up this time! And whatever new information you have upon them, do not hesitate to contact me... I am a bit curious myself about that bunch."

"It's a deal then!" Tierno punched the table, filled with enthusiasm "We're going thug-hunting!"

"Oh, dear boy... That is hardly what I said!!" Sycamore laughed.

"Don't worry Professor, we can do it! As long as we stick together, right guys?!" Shauna pointed out, standing up from her chair and looking around us, inspiring courage.

While all agreed, fired up with the fresh excitement of danger, my thoughts went wandering back to Calem's account of the day: He had run towards us from the cave, and then straight to the center... Once there, he only left the Espurr's bedside to contact the police. Then how could Sycamore already know of his unfortunate encounter with Team Flare when I met him at the aquarium? My eyes automatically sought Sycamore by the end of the thought, powerless to conceal my suspicion. Undetected, however, all Sycamore did was flash me a quick wink before turning his attention back to the gang.

The excitement of what lay ahead in our journey effectively melted the bitter tastes left there by the mystery of Team Flare and their recent attack – In some cases, like Tierno's, I daresay the awareness of the strange group only added to the thrill, as he seemed to look forward to meeting them and having his own go in a battle.