221B Baker Street

'I didn't expect much, but to get locked out of the system… Wait, something is fishy here.'

Matt rested his elbow on the table and leaned his chin against his palm. There was a huge inconsistency that he only just realized. Why is the AI studying this technology when the combat suits and mechanized suits were the peak of research? Being able to create those two things should mean anything else is a piece of cake. Sure, there was the issue of compatibility and the AI wished for a body it could inhabit, but then why was the request for combat suit research denied.

It's one thing if it was simply denied because the AI was hiding the research and wanted Matt to create something fresh. However, the fact that the researcher was blocked from the system alludes to another possibility. Perhaps Shepherd doesn't have access to the suit research. But this was Dr. Wolfe Stein's brain child. It didn't make any sense…