Samuel Boden

In a white open space, a man sat on a single chair in front of a small table. The space around him stretched infinitely in every direction. Neither an end nor a blemish in the tapestry could be seen. His eyes were half closed while he muttered to himself. Occasionally he'd smile slightly before his face returned to a neutral expression. He had a scraggly beard and unkempt hair as a testament to his isolation in this white space.

He suddenly opened his eyes as if sensing something. A black line appeared not too far from him and began to create the outline of a door. Then, the emptiness of the white space disappeared. A door stood like a foreign object. It opened with a swish, and another man walked in. They were strangers in many ways, but their paths had crossed, and their fates were irrecoverably intertwined. Another chair appeared in front of the table and the well-dressed well-groomed man sat down and stared at the man in white.