A thank you pays off

The settlement was pretty small with about twenty houses. While the garrison held close to two-hundred soldiers as he learned from Alexis, the civilians counted slightly over half of that.

Gold Creek was once a mining settlement. But the veins had run dry years ago and now only a few miners kept digging for gold nuggets. They mostly mined copper these days with some sparse found ores of higher value.

While the town was now a place where beginning adventurers gathered, the West-brook Garrison was the facility were new soldiers went through their basic training.

The close proximity was infested with small Kobold settlements and wild animals which posed no threat to a Town. Some miles deeper into the forest you could find Goblin tribes and stronger beasts what lured fresh Adventurers to test their strength.

On their way to the Garrison Alexis and János chattered about how he got found by a patrol of guards. They notified her two nights ago, so he had been out for more than a day.

"Hey Boy, just to warn you beforehand, I'm acquainted with the Commander. So don't get any wrong ideas and try to show some manners.

Actually, I had been in the last Hero's party a long time ago. That's why most people here might know about me. If you're ok with that I can introduce you as my new pupil..." A.

Only some steps until the garrison entrance she presented him some shocking revelations. 'This hulking beauty was a hero's companion? Long ago? How old is she?' Those were his only thoughts as they reached the gate.

The guardsmen saluted as they saw Alexis and eyed him with suspicion. Telling them she wanted to see the Commander Haggard they instantly led them both in.

The garrison was a small compound enclosed by a nearly twenty foot high stonewall. The watchtowers on every corner were even higher. As they entered the yard he saw barracks to the left and stables to the right. Behind them were some kind of dummies for training.

Further back and their aim was a two stores high stone building.

Entering through a big portal they were led to the left inside what seemed like a command room. A Desk with a map was in the center while shelves and a fireplace adorned the walls. The only light sources where a chandelier and two small windows to the yard.

This was the first time J. had the chance to look at a map. It depicted the Eldrin Forest and adjoining regions. What he learned from studying it was Gold Creek was nearly in the center of the eastern half. To the northwest was the Capital Arathor. It was depicted as a big city at the shore, surrounded by mountains.

The north was bordered by a massive mountain range. That was probably where his beginning lay. At the foot of the mountains lay a small settlement named Northvale. The road towards it ran along a big lake that reached close to Gold Creek. Another one lay northeast of the garrison.

A wide road split the map horizontally in half and ended eastward near Ridgepoint Tower and westwards at Westwatch Tower.

Those seemed to be the borders of this garrisons juristication.

In the south marked a wide river the border. Under it stood in curved letters 'The great Green'.

Closer to the road in the south were painted squares which probably showed farms. Between them was a peculiar building drawn.

The eastern part were not worth his attention as he had yet to see anything near Gold Creek. Let alone get information about the distances.

Though he noted another Village called Eastvale far in the east.

As his mind was absorbed in the map a sturdy, gray haired man entered the room. He was as tall as János and with his six feet slightly over the norm from what he had seen. The polished armor and his adjutant following him revealed him instantly as Commander Haggard. The stoic look on his face morphed into a wide smile as his eyes met Alexis.

"I didn't think we'll see again this fast! Now, it seems he was the right guy my patrol found? What can I do for you?" Haggard

"It wasn't that long we hadn't seen before you old geezer... Yeah, the boy is the right one. That's why we are back." A.

"Hey now, who's the old one here? Spit it out what you need!" H.

With an elbow to his side Alexis urged him to speak up for himself.

"Greetings, sir. I came here to express my thanks to the group which found and rescued me. Without them I'd probably still be in the clutches of those bandits..." J.

Alexis explained that he was sleeping until this morning and stated he wanted to thank his saviors. She also stated that she'll be training him for the days to come.

"I'm glad your new pupil at least knows some manners. Fine, I'll call the patrol that found you. They should be on watch in the towers. Tharynn, would you please fetch them?"H.

After a saluted "Of course, sir!" the adjutant left the room in quick strides.

While waiting for the group to arrive, Alexis narrated how János had supposedly been on his way back from a mountain training. On his way he had stumbled in a Goblin camp and eradicated them.

The constellation of the Goblins and their numbers were kept true.

The acknowledging gaze in the Commanders eyes was open for both to see.

As of Alexis tale, János was wounded and got kidnapped by a group of bandits. Through luck he could free himself and got hunted until the patrol found him on the road.

Just as Haggard wanted to answer, the door swung open and a group of soldiers entered following Tharynn. They were young, approximately eighteen on average, as he could see with their helmets held left handed.

One of the two girls immediately caught János eyes. She was a head smaller than him, with pale complexion and light blonde hair. What made him interested in her was her gaze that was glued to him. Her aquamarine eyes left him not even a second.

Next to her stood a slightly taller brunette. It was not that she was ugly, quite the opposite, but paled next to the small blonde beauty.

Slowly he began to wonder if in this world all people were gifted with good looks.

But that thought was dismissed as he watched the last of the now lined up group. A lanky guy with unhealthy complexion stood there. This was the tallest guy of the group, even taller than the Commander.

The two men left to the blondie looked average. Their similar black hair and facial structures hinted them to be brothers.

Lastly the first one, a small and broad shouldered dude with blonde hair, stepped forward.

"Sir, Captain Tharynn told us to come here. Lieutenant Aiden reporting, sir!"

As the Commander dismissed the salute he nodded in J's direction.

"Good day, Sirs and Ladies. I came here to thank you for my rescue. If I can help you in any way, pleas feel free to ask me. If not for you I'd probably be dead now!" J.

It wasn't like he was overly thankful. After what he had experienced until now, this world was unforgiving. One mistake might have left you dying. And the Guards had simply done their job, though he was of course still glad they helped him.

As Haggard gave them permission to stand normal and talk freely the Lieutenant answered.

"No need to thank us. It was merely our job. Though, if we'd meet off duty, you might spend us one or two rounds of mead"

"Sure Thing!" J.

While shaking the lieutenants hand he glanced at the beautiful girl again what caused her to redden slightly.

As Commander Haggard told them how János had ended there he halted on the group of Goblins. Apparently there had been a massive rise in Kobold and Goblin activities in this region. The Bandits were getting more persistent as each day passed.

Turning around he addressed Alexis and János to keep an eye open where and may be why there is so much trouble in this normally peaceful region.



Troubles in Eldrin


find clues to why and where the

disturbances arise and report them




The Bandits


find the Bandits that captured you

and report them


Yep, another Quest presented itself to János. He was long over wondering over something like this or getting surprised. It was just one more task he had to eventually fulfill.

Directing his attention back to Haggard and his men he learned that the patrol had searched for the bandit camp. The blonde beauty had been the one he heard back then and ordered two of them to search for bandits while their lieutenant and the rest brought the wounded back. The arrows and cuts had seemed serious so they brought him tho the best healer possible. And that was Mia.

After thanking the patrol again they left with the promise of some drinks. As he was alone with the Commander and Alexis again, she asked for something unexpected.

"Say, can we use your Job-Changing-Crystal? The boy still has no job..." A.

"No job? Seriously? A wonder he survived out there... Unfortunately, no. We only have a second grade Crystal. As he needs his first job, I'm sorry. He'll have to go to the Capital..." H.

"Thanks anyway. At least a weapon and some gear should be possible, no?" A.

"Sure Thing ma'am. And I guess a soldier badge would fit in nicely. If it reads out passably I'll put a recommendation on top later on... deal?" H.

Grinning to each other, the old friends shook hands until Alexis turned around and left the room stating a "come on...".

As they entered the armory next to the barracks they were greeted by what looked to be a dwarf. Just four and a half feet tall but nearly as wide stood a orange bearded man with a overly present nose.

Alexis told him to hand a soldier badge and a set of light armor. The weapon was to choose by János himself.

"Whadda'ya want young' un? Guess ya a novice... Right Lady?"

As she nodded the dwarf turned around and went to the back to take a rather slim great sword from its stand. It was longer than the dwarf himself.


Steady Bastard Sword

Greatsword – Good

Damage 16-22 Weight 6


As he analyzed some of the displayed weapons he was surprised that the greatsword was the only weapon of 'Good' quality. Every other weapon was only of basic or even poor quality.

Seeing his doubtful look the Dwarf started to explained the weapon scornful to him.

"Look dude, da sword is ya best choice. Not like ya have da experience ta tell... Not too heavy, easy to handle and quite versatile. Has quite the reach and works even with brute force. Ya don't have ta tell me you don't know shit! ...also, it´s the best I have at hands... "

Though the dwarfs teachings ended quite pitiful he decided to go with the sword. He would have liked to stay and analyze every last weapon in hopes for a level up in the skill.

But as the dwarf urged him and Alexis also seemed to get bored he decided to cut it short.