A daily routine

After he went to his room when the work was done he checked his status. The available status points went up by one and [Analyze] was displayed as level 2. Even the small figure depicting him wore the clothes he now was wearing and were noted as equipment. So he was sure it was a real time display of his status. What shocked him though was the required XP of 5320...

As six meager points wouldn't affect his status and he didn't want to misplace them, he decided to leave them be for now. As soon as he got his Job, he would know where to place them.

The better part was his credits. From haggards bag he got four silver and 45 copper coins. Combined with the tips he got during his work he was at 4S. 68C.

As a Meal costs five to twenty copper and a night in a cheap Inn about 40 copper he was well of for a days work. He was glad Mia let him lodge here for free as this Inn is quite high level and popular. As he came to know a night here is worth at least 2 silver.

Stripping down he gave himself a quick wash. The buckets full of water had to be placed at every room by himself, so he got himself one for later.

He couldn't help but be wary. The feeling of being watched didn't leave him until he turned of his oil lamp and laid to rest. Though he trusted his intuition after the last days, he was sure there wouldn't be any danger with Mia and Alexis around, though the latter was drunk. The Inn was filled to the brim with Adventurers, so there shouldn't be any issues.

Closing his eyes after his instincts calmed down it took only seconds for him to fall into a deep slumber.

The next morning started with Alexis marching into his room and yelling him out of bed. The sun was just starting to rise and the women before him had yet to sober up.

That didn't mean she would be nicer in his morning training.

Hell no.

The Stones she had him lift were about the double from last time. Alexis focused the training on speed this time.

After warm up presses and weighted sit-ups she had him run wile pulling a giant boulder on ropes. And her on top... most of the time.

Still not sober and with a good hangover she fell from the stone a couple of times. J. had lost count of her crashes and the nagging afterwards pretty much went through.

The worst thing was, the two hour training was even before breakfast. But the training again bore fruits and awarded him with a +1 on his Agility.

Ending their training it was finally time for breakfast. Marcus had prepared a triple portion for J. as his appetite had made the rounds. It was simple white bead and thin slices of boar ham. Some fresh milk and a glass of water were for drinks.

While they were eating Mia explained that Marcus made the ham himself, like any meat leaving this kitchen. Apparently the meat was running dry and they had to either buy some or hunt game themselves.

Alexis and J. shared a quick glance. His was saying 'hey, let's help?' hers was 'don't-you-dare!!!'... As if having read the situation Mia interjected.

"Can't the two of you do us the favor? I'd even settle your bills from yesterday... Our little J. will get even get some nice pay." M.

"HEY, what about my share?!?" A.

"That's still running through your veins! Be glad I'm not demanding full payment from YOU!" M.

With that we went out to hunt.

Leaving the town to the east the pair didn't have to wait long until they came across our first boar. Mia had lent J. a wooden bow as he stated he knew how to use it.

It worked out astonishingly well. After three hours they had hunted 9 boars, 6 deer and 8 Rabbits. The boars took often more than one shot, but J. was shooting them from some distance. The handling of the bow had been self-explanatory to him. [Bow lvl 2] was at work. That explained why he not only was adapt with the bow but could also used [Aimed Shot].

Alexis was at first surprised he really could use the bow but later explained to him the function of combat skills, after he inquired about it. She was already used to him not knowing a single thing of this world while surprising with power and abilities beyond expectation.

What he learned was that every Weapon skill not only increases the combat proficiency with that weapon but also give set abilities for each level. Some are bound to Jobs and either requirement or even given from that job.

The same rules applied to Magic skills, though they tought spells depending on element and level.

Sometimes rare skills could be learned by individuals who were very attuned to their element or weapon.

The experience he gained form the hunt was pretty meager until they ran into a wild Bear. It was a simple brown bear but topped the size of a earthly grizzly. Seemingly drawn by the hunted game it attacked instantly, but was killed with the bow and sword without much problem.

As Alexis stated that her item bag was full after most of their game was stored she had J. pull 6 of the boars back to the inn. She clearly just wanted to either train or bully him at each opportunity. May be even both.

On the way back a small pack of wolves attacked them. But the beasts were dispatched before even reaching them.

He would normally have welcomed the additional experience points, but was faced with the bullying of his trainer. Adding the wolves corpses to the dragging weight, the way back took a whole lot longer.

Three people were staring wide eyed at the mountain of dead meat lying in the backyard. When J. had dragged the beasts near the basement door, Alexis had simply emptied her part from the item box on top.

Marcus, his daughter and Mia were watching in disbelief after they wanted to welcome the hunters back. After reprimanding Alexis, Mia had J. bring the yield to the basement for bleeding out. Together with the cook he hung them on the ceiling and went up afterwards.

Lunch had been ready the moment the pair went up. This time it had been Ellie, Marcus daughter who made a soup. It was made of vegetables of different kind, but mostly potatoes and pumpkin with only small balls of meat. The taste was good but didn't compare to marcus cooking.

While they were eating together J. asked Mia about the dream or vision he had when he was brought there. He had decided to trust the two woman as his instinct told him and they had been helping him however they could.

"... to put their faith in the love and beauty of the nine. That could only mean Diabella, the goddess of beauty, love and art. She is not that good looked on by the church of light an in this kingdom, but there has a small statue in the Cathedral of Light in the Capital." M.

"Why is she looked down upon? And what even is the church of light?" J.

"The church of light is the most prominent church in the whole empire. It worships the Great Gods which Diabella is one of. She may not be one of the strongest and most liked, but surely the one with the most connections.

As for why, well... With love and beauty her domain, she doesn't differentiate between the races. The Goddess is also the patron of prostitutes, philanderers and the kind." M.

"Aren't you still one of her followers?..." A.

As the bomb hit, Mia's face turned beet red. Alexis knew well that her friend was one but wanted to keep it hidden. Now it was obvious to J. as well.

Trying to divert their attention, Mia repeated the to decipher phrase that J. had stated them.

"To restore what will be you have to find what was lost... That can only imply something about your memories" M.

Unimpressed by her miserable effort to distract them, Alexis and J. shot he a doubting glance and bursted into a laughing fit.

What she stated was obvious, but didn't clarify one thing. He had to find out by himself.

The afternoon was for experience farming again. As the morning hadn't been to fruitful in this regard, Alexis had planned for J. to clean three other spots from Murlocs.

Focusing on simple casting and pulling only smaller groups this time, it was not that hard anymore. Only on the second Settlement a small problem had arisen. A part of the camp had been under water, so he had to dive a few times.

Alexis gave him pointers and even showed him how to wield the sword. Though she was not well versed in the way of the sword, she had some experience.

On the way back he calculated that his experience couldn't be that far of from the treshold.

Mia wore still a light shade of red as she saw them return. Rushing upstairs for his room, J. quickly changed and was back in the dining room after three minutes.

They had taken quite long on their hunt today, so the dining hall had already been filled more than half when they came back.

Later on the evening his acquainted soldiers from the patrol had also come for dinner. They talked a little again and he learned that Riley had tried to heal him that night. After getting her spell returned she was quite intrigued by him, thinking he might be cursed.

After more than two hours of work and a little meal with his new friends in between, J. only wanted to sleep. He had drunken some Ale today when he sat beside the patrol group and already felt a little dizzy.

As they had cleaned all tables he saw Marcus and Ellie off. They were returning to their small house every evening.

Mia had already gone to her room and Alexis was probably snoring drunk in her bed. He dimmed the lights as the landlady herself had asked him to and went to bed.

Of course he washed himself again before he laid down.

Again, not without a odd feeling alarming his instincts.

After he had closed his eyes for not even a minutes he shot back up. The two mugs of ale he drank took their toll.

He had to pee...

As he snuck back from the shared restroom he passed Mia's personal room. It was then he heard swift movement and muffled moaning. The door wasn't shut so he peeked through the slit.

What he saw was the slim but extremely busty Mia in undergarment. She lay on her big double bed which stood diagonally right to the door and was in full view. Her left hand squeezed her boobs alternating left and right, while her right hand was buried deep in her crotch. She was biting into one of her pillows so no one would notice her. Though the wet slurping noises could be heard from the short distance he was standing from her.

He wanted to leave in fear to be found out but couldn't take his eyes from the masturbating beauty. As his manhood started to rise, Mia's movements got even faster and rougher.

Just seconds later he heard a scream escaped the woman's throat, muffled by the pillow she covered her face with...