A even harder Night

It came an hour after midnight. The garrisons bell rang alarm and his door was flung open just seconds after that.

"Wake up boy! Your time to shine..." A.

Wondering how a drunkard like her could even wake up so fast he collected his things and rushed after her. They could barely leave the inn as Tharynn, Haggard's adjutant, met them and urged them to follow him.

The Fargo deep mines were under attack as he stated.

At midnight the miners who stay there were woken up by noises from within the mine. Only three of five miners made it out when they were attacked by Kobolds, a normally peaceful race.

Shortly after they got informed, two soldiers stationed in town went to look what happened, while the miners had come to the garrison.

Haggard dispatched a rescue party consisting of two Lieutenants and their groups half an hour later. But until now there had been no response and a attack had to be expected. All available adventurers and personnel was to secure the town.

As Tharynn was finished reporting to the two, they had reached Haggards location in town. He wanted to ask the two for help and go to the mine in hopes to secure the safety of the rescue party. Apparently the already befriended patrol was one of the two groups.



Inspect the Mine


search the miners




Rescue the rescue Party


rescue every survivor you find

in the Fargo deep mine


Confirming with Alexis, J. rushed in the direction she pointed. With her speed she could easily catch up with him after she discussed tactics with Haggard.

Just as he had reached the proximity of the mines nearly three miles away she appeared behind him.

Their first target was found in no time. Just some steps closer to the mine they saw a group of three soldiers encircled by 10 Kobolds.

As they reached them and killed the first half of the creatures instantly the saw that only two of the three Soldiers were still alive. The smaller one was trying to heal the other one, ignoring her own wounds. Yes her. When Alexis and J. had killed the last attackers, she put down her helmet for better sight to heal the other soldier. It was no other than Riley, the blondie from the patrol.

Kneeling beside her J. concentrated and used his own healing magic for the first time. The energy consumption was quite severe but he could manage. After the wound had closed, visible to the eye from his newly learned spell [Instant Heal], he used a normal [Heal] on Riley who looked at him baffled and with admiration.

Alexis took the wounded Soldier and urged the girl to follow her, only for said girl to shake her head. She wanted to go into the mine after the rest of her group.

They had mixed the groups because the other Lieutenant was adept in healing and wanted to take part in the rescue of the missed soldiers. That was the reason why Riley got stuck with Marlow and two of the other group as a lookout. Just minutes after that they got attacked from both sides. The mine seemed infested with aggressive Kobolds.

As J. calmed her down a little, promising he would search until he found the others, Riley limped towards Alexis who was still carrying Marlow over her shoulder.

After Alexis gave him a approving nod, J. ran towards the mines upper entrance. He had seen a body on the slope leading up to the small wooden building over the lower main entrance to the mine. As he arrived there he saw the corpse of a miner with a dent in head.

The other miner had been slain in a similar way only a short distance inside the mine. A Kobold was still rummaging around in his pockets, seemingly in search for anything useful. Hearing him coming it jumped up and ran towards J., swinging around it pick axe.

In the meantime he had confirmed its level and the decease of the miners with [Analyze].



'Inspect the mine' cleared!

400 XP




Inspect the Mine 2


find out what happened at the

Forgo deep mine


After ending the Kobold with his sword he made his way deeper inside. His objective were to find the remaining four men and two women. The two soldiers who went here an hour ago were already goners in his mind.


Level up!

You reached level 8


Happy about his level up he rushed forward to find his next prey. In not even a day he had leveled up twice and was now eager to make it a triple.

The following Kobolds didn't have a pick axe or any kind of weapon, so J. decided to train himself a little, sheathing his Sword on his back. Punching an kicking his way though a bunch of Kobolds he found a severely wounded Raynard sitting leaned on the wall. As J. arrived next to him he h a broken pick axe piercing his shoulder and hanging him in that position. The bones of his left leg were shattered as awkward angle and dent in armor suggested. But his breathing was steady, differntly to another soldier next to him. The corpse got mangled. Every limb lay in a way impossible for a human skeleton and the armor was littered with dent ins.

After pulling out the pick axe, J. used his fast heal and moved on to the leg. Before he could finish, Raynard realized it was him and started to talk.

"...Lourna... help her...please! Th-they took her away..." R.

The next moment J. heard people arriving from behind him. Two adventurers had been sent to assist him by Alexis. He recognized them as people lodging in the Inn.

After promising Raynard to find the rest, he gave him in the hands of the adventurers to bring him back.

Dashing down the tunnel Raynard had pointed at, J. encountered some more Kobolds. Though they were all higher leveled and a bigger than normal, their movements were sluggish. With bloodshot and ill looking eyes they rushed for him, only to get minced and mangled like they did with the last soldier.

As all the Creatures in his way had been taken care of, he heard a scream. Moving towards the now muffled crying he could hear wet slapping noises.

Following a turn he saw the cause of all the noises he heard. On a small t-crossing two thicker than normal Kobolds had their way with Lourna. She had her arms tied up behind her and was laying on her back.

One of the ugly creatures , wearing a ragged blue shirt, was standing next to her face while its dirty little friend touched her cheek. The other Kobold was plowing her missionary, holding her legs in a M-positions at the ankles.

Lourna was screaming on top of her lungs but the first Kobold was holding her mouth closed. From the fluids covering them all, the two had been going at it for a while with her.

While analyzing them, J. rushed forward as fast as he could. With a flying kick he freed the woman from 'Ruklar' plowing her nethers. It was a named Kobold Trapper at level 12 and had the skills [Hammer lvl1 and the [Trap lvl1]. The other one dangling his thing in Lourna's face was also a named Creature.


Narg lvl. 11

Kobold Taskmaster

HP 340/340

[Axe lvl.1]

[Mining lvl.1]


The moment Ruklar crashed into the cave wall behind him, J. gripped its ratlike tail. With a rightwards turn he flung the creature around him until it crashed into Narg. With this they had gained some distance to the mishandled woman, now crying and curling together.

Taking out his sword, J. took the few steps towards the two Kobolds fallen on each other. Ruklar lying on top, Narg had its legs spread with his crotch wide in the open.

Grinning cruelly J. lifted his right leg and stomped down as hard as he could, bursting the creatures nethers. He was sure its scream was at least an octave higher than before...

The Two opponents had taken serious damage with this, not waiting any longer he plunged his sword down, impaling both Kobolds at once.

Glad that the next adventurer that arrived was female, he entrusted Lourna to her. Male company wasn't the best at this moment. After making sure she was safe he left them.

What greeted him in the following tunnels and small caves was hordes of Kobolds. Two crossings later he made another terrible dircovery. Three Soldiers lay down with clearly broken limbs. All around them slain Kobolds littered the ground. Checking up on them he went pale as he recognized Mennards face under the helmet.

Only the Lieutenants and three soldiers were now left on the list of missing people.

In the adjoining tunnel that count went down by one. The other Lieutenant lay down with a pick axe sticking out of his skull.

From behind the next right turn, J. could see flickering light. Though he had to halt before he could pass the turn. There to the right lay Aiden amidst a bunch of dead Kobolds. His eyes staring into nothingness while again a pick axe was the tool to have ended a life. It had been rammed through the armor right into his heart.

Only then did J. hear muffled crying again.

It was close.

A sonor screeching of a Kobold sounded simultaneously.

Looking around the corner he saw the cause of said noises. A mature woman was hung at her wrists from a beam at the ceiling. The light brunette had been stripped down and tied up. Her ankles were fixated to a wooden box on the floor, keeping her from closing her legs.

Behind her stood the biggest Kobold J. had seen until now. It was banging her from behind while holding her mouth shut. Though it was nearly as tall as her, it still had to stand on the box on the ground.


Gug Fatcandle lvl. 15

Kobold Geomancer

HP 350/350

MP 160/190

[Earth Magic lvl.2]

[Mining lvl.1]


The name fit perfectly. From what he saw it had by far the fattest candle so far. At least for a small creature like a Kobold...

As it noticed him standing in the Entrance of the cave, it reacted calmly. Stepping backwards down from the box, the woman was finally freed from its still standing candle. The Kobolds spunk was still dripping from her hairy crotch, showing how it had been going at her.

As it stood still nude before its trophy, it started to cast a spell.

Still unsure if his magic reflection worked on everything J. positioned his sword and prepared for impact. The distance was still to far that he could intercept the cast in time, if possible at all.

As the spell went off, hurling countless pebbles towards him he instinctively crossed his arms to guard his head and braced for impact. But the high level difference didn't matter, as well as the magic interfering with actual rocks. They still got hurled back at the Kobold.

With a quick glance, J. saw the attack just now had cost the creature 50 mana points and 150 health points.

Grinning wide he calmly walked over towards the right side of Gug. The Kobold turned from wide eyed to a enraged state, casting its spell again.

As the effect was the same as last time, Gug had to dodge his own spell.


Skill integrated:

Earth Magic lvl. 1


Its evasive maneuver worked only partially what had to be considered a feat at the short distance they had.

Had J. not walked to the side, the Kobold would wave stood still in front of the woman, which in turn would have received the attack.

With practically no space between them, Gug went on the defense. A new spell rose a stonewall in front of it, right on time to block J's sidewards swing of his sword. Right thereafter the wall crumbled as the Kobold had taken some steps backwards.

As he rushed for another attack, the creature summoned a second stonewall. The distance was so close, he was about to crash into the wall, so he stretched his left hand out to cushion himself.

His had went right through the wall, dispelling it completely. His reflection had proven its worth!

Not missing this chance, J. gripped the panting Kobold by it's neck.

Pointing his blades tip slightly downwards, he pushed it forwards.

"Gug, no more Fatcandle..."J.

Just as he said that, he castrated the Kobold that was apparently the reason for him loosing two of his new friends. Life sure was hard in this world.

With this thought he squeezed his left hand as hard as he could, crushing the 'Koboldettes' neck.