A little more than expected

Milly held him the door to the job-changing room open and pointed towards the orb in there. As Jay walked into the room Milly explained that she wasn't allowed to accompany him inside and closed the door. Unsure what to expect he positioned himself before the orb and touched it with both hands.

*Available Jobs*

|Hunter || Scout || Swordsman || Brawler || Mage |

The orb displayed the information floating above it in a pale blue screen.

Basically all the fighting styles he had used until now got modified into Jobs. Though he was inclined to take the Swordsman in hopes to get something like a [Greatsword] skill, he already knew a different way to get it. So he went with the Job that was the most fantasy...

* Job selected*

| Mage |


Job: Mage

Status adjusted

New Skills available:

[Mana Control LVL1]

[Arcane Magic LVL 1]


Directly after he had chosen his job and the screen displaying it had vanished, his system notification came up and informed him of new skills. Closing it and about to check on his status, another notification appeared in sight.



'Job – get your first job' cleared!

[Multijob LVL1] unlocked


It was followed by another one the moment Jay closed the screen showing him [Multijob LVL1] in purple letters.



Please choose a second Job



So he got to choose his job anew. This time the screen with jobs was floating in front of him while he stood a couple of feet from the orb. As it was colored white and not in the light blue as before it seemed to be from his system.

*Available Jobs*

|Hunter || Scout || Swordsman || Brawler |

This time it held the same jobs as before minus the already chosen |Mage|. This time he really went for the |Swordsman| and got another promt.


Job: Swordsman

Status adjusted

New Skills available:

[Sword LVL 1]

(Slash LVL 1)


Somehow disappointed not having received a skill for his Greatsword he noticed the (Slash) having a different frame. Getting an idea he opened his status to confirm his idea.



Jay Yanoz, János, J. [LvL 10 (1420/30980)]

Job: Mage LVL 1

additional Job: Swordsman LVL 1

920/1230 HP 750/900 MP



/[ ]\

/ \


Leather cuirass

woolen shirt

Padded Leather wristbands

garbed Pants

Leather belt

Used boots

Steady Bastard Sword



VIT 65+

AGI 62+

STR 67+

INT 60+

WIL 61+

DEX 52+

CHA 50+

LUK 10+

Statuspoints left: 10





Night vision

Camping [LVL 1]

Hunting [LVL 1]

Lumbering [LVL 2]

Trickery [LVL 1]


Sword [LvL 1]

Two-handed Axe [LvL 2]

Dagger [LvL 3]

Bow [LVL 2]

Thrown [LVL 2]

One-handed Mace [LVL 2]

Shield [LVL 1]

Parcour [LVL 1]


Reflect Magic

Chant shortening [LVL 2]

Mana Control [LVL 1]

Fire magic [LVL 2]

Air magic [LVL 2]

Earth magic [LVL 2]

Arcane Magic [LVL 1]

Light Magic [LVL 4]

Shadow magic [LVL 1]


Analyze [LVL 2]

Multijob [LVL 1]


His status points made a leap though he still couldn't tell how exactly the jobs adjusted it. But as the (Slash) was not to be seen he was certain it must be a ability from [Sword LVL1]. After he concentrated on the skill it appeared under the [Sword LVL1] in his Status. Now he knew he had to thoroughly check all his skills to learn what they hold for him. hat also applied to the new skill he got seemingly from the night with Shanti.

But he wanted to confirm the rise in his Status from each job, so he left the room to find Milly. She still stood before the room waiting for him.

"Say, is it possible to have a look at that compendium now? I'd love to confirm something.." J.

"I fear not, but maybe i can answer your question?" M.

As he asked her about the status of a Mage she went wide eyed. Catching her breath after stuttering "M-m-ma-Mage?" she explained the status normally goes up by 29 points all together for first tier jobs of level 1.

That was enough for him to know as the status went up by more than double that. Apparently some statuses benefited each other.

Walking out to the great hall together he thanked Milly again and promised her to keep her patronage in the future. She escorted him all the way to the entrance where Jay asked her to give his best regards to Nicoletta.

He had long noticed the tall beauty standing on a balcony holding a metallic plate in her left hand while alternatingly looking at it and him.

Out of the Guild house he went to clear the next quest on his long list. His target now was the Cathedral of light. To be more precise the Statue of Diabella.

Crossing the big plaza in itself took some minutes as the traffic had gotten immense. It was afternoon by now and a the stalls there had a lot of customers, but Jay was not interested at the moment. He went to the road in direct line from the main street and followed it towards the canals. Even at the canals road he saw countless of shops and small boutiques but simply left them behind him as he crossed over the humongous bridge in the middle of the Capital. It had the same dimensions as the one leading towards the main entrance and crossed the canals at the widest part.

As he arrived at the other side the atmosphere had changed. Everything there seemed in order and calmed his heart. Behind the second row of housed he arrived at a plaza nearly as big as the main plaza. If one were to exclude the space the big oak took there, this plaza might have been even bigger. Directly behind that plaza was the Cathedral he had set as his target.

There had been only a few passerby's here before he stepped up the long stairs leading to the Cathedrals entrance.

A Priest stood in front of the entrance and welcomed him the moment he reached the plateau after the last step. Jay greeted him and openly asked where the statue of Diabella would be found. With a light frown the Priest told him to go to the left after the first midriff and walk to the end. There he would find another Priest to guide him to the Statue.

After he did just as he was told he was greeted by a plump Priest who greeted him friendly. He guided Jay to the right and down a few stairs where the statue stood in a semicircular room surrounded by colorful arced windows. The Goddess depicted was beautiful to say the least.

Without waiting Jay knelt down on a small cushion before the statue, folded his hands as he had learned in his long gone past and concentrated on how he wanted to get answers from her as he closed his eyes.




Having lost the feeling of his body he opened his eyes. What he saw was a white pavilion made of marble. He stood at the entrance while the open spaces were veiled by see through silken curtains.

And in the dead center of the pavilion stood one of the most beautiful women he could imagine. Wavy blonde hair, blue eyes and a fine face that was adorned with a captivating smile. Her slim but curvy body was only covered by a robe which was slitted to under her navel and left her arms and neck free. What more it was slightly see through like the curtains and didn't hide her small perky pink nipples rubbing the fabric.

Smiling wider as she looked at him she greeted him with a warm yet lascivious voice.

"I'm glad you could finally meet me. As I watched most of your endeavors I was afraid we asked too much of you. And that we did...

But I bet you can't remember considering you are not mad at me. Let me apologize on my companions and my behalf. I promise to make it up to you when the time comes.

Speaking of time, we don't have much of that. If you stay here for too long we might arise unnecessary suspicion.

You are here because a group of God's and Goddesses from different factions compromised on you as the individual to save and fix the connection of our worlds. It had been damaged greatly over the last thousands of years from unnecessary reincarnations and tough summonings towards your current world. But the leading Gods wouldn't listen to us and are infatuated by gaining power from their believers, they simply ignore the signs of the worlds connections severing.

But enough of that..." D.

Touching his forehead with her index finger the memories of this past meeting flashed before his eyes. He couldn't grasp it precisely but he then was sure he had another appearance and life before. There even had been people dear to him, but he could neither visualize them nor know how they were connected.

"You will receive more fragments of your memories when you meet our expectations. This wasn't made to keep you back. Your mind would simply have shattered from the sudden influx of two personalities. And the same still applies now. Grow stronger while meeting me and my companions and you will have all your memories back in no time.

For the time being you should contact Niemira, the goddess of night and trickery. She will give you her first labour and provide you with further memories and her blessing. Be careful as she keeps rather to the darker side. At least you seem to get her riddled speech, she was the one to send you towards me. If you need my help you can always consult my oracle so you won't need to come here every time. My past champion will be happy to help you, that much I can promise you. Though I would like you to come back when you got a little stronger. That time we might have a real conversation, or something more..." D.

He wanted to retort to that as much as he wanted to ask countless questions: What were those Gods? Why was he chosen? What had happened to him? What about that champion of hers?… and so on. But he couldn't. He couldn't even talk in her presence. Jay just stood there unmoving and with his eyes affixed to hers.

"As you have already started fulfilling our contract of bonding the races, I will grant you a part of my blessing. See it as advanced payment and apology for what happened to you. Especially your sweet little but..." D.

Reminding him of something he was glad to have repressed she leaned forward and held his chin.

What followed was a long and sensual Kiss on his lips under which his mind faded.




As he opened his eyes he realized the statue not even coming close to the goddess herself. Standing up he notice he was starting to pitch a tent. Who would not after meeting her?

"It seems your prayers had been heard..." said the priest with a longing gaze toward Jay's crotch.



'Follow your dream' cleared!

You received [?ia???las Blessing]




The Goddess of the Night


pray to Niemira after reaching Base-level 15


He wanted to check this blessing immediately but he felt way to uncomfortable from the priests stares.

"Sorry, but I ain't swinging that way. Have I taken long?" J.

"...What a shame, but maybe in due time... Ahem, no, I was rather surprised of your ...reaction, as you had practically just closed your eyes and opened them seconds later..." Priest

Thanking the priest he walked towards the stairs but turned around as his foot toughed the first step.

As he asked the priest about Niemira, he hurriedly waved his arms and rushed over to him while whispering "Shhh, that's a dark God... Don't mention it here! I can't help you with that... May be you should ask some Thieves as she is their patron..."

Thanking the irritated looking priest Jay ascended the stairs and left the Cathedral through the main entrance. He would be back for sure in the future.