A Situation to analyze

As Jay walked over to her leisurely, Aidra tried to crawl backwards, but with one arm and one leg out of function, she didn't get far.

Standing over her jay thought about what to do next. The camp should be quite close and if the two of them had been sent here, reinforcements would appear sooner than later.

It wasn't like he feared them, but he had something in mind for Aidra that might have taken some time.

Without access to his inventory and in lack of any rope, he simply ripped off her shirts arms and her linen pants right leg to bind her with it.

One arm piece he even used as a gag so she would stop screaming to the still sticking arrows.

Next he walked over to the other bandit, taking his crossbow, bolts and the little pouch with some copper coins from the corpse. As he was back at Aidras side he knelt down and held the gag.

"I guess you remember me by now? Now tell me where your base is and how many men your group is! If you behave and keep quiet I promise to spare your life!" J.

Having said that he pulled out the arrow in her knee and even used heal on the wound.

With wide eyes she stared ad him as he pulled down the gag. She clearly didn't want to talk, but it wasn't like she had much coice.

After she told him about the camp two miles to the east he had her stand up and guide him. Her legs binding was now her leash as she guided Jay limping through the woods.

The heal on her knee might have eased the pain and closed the wound, but her leg would take a long time or more spells to fully heal, if ever.

With this much distance Jay could have gotten back to Gold Creek without minding it, but Aidra had told him the leader is a wanted and the exact strength of the group in hopes he would spare her.

Some hundred feet away from the camp Jay had gagged and bound Aidra again, her pants second leg now fixing her to a tree, and checked the information he got.

She had told the truth.

Two bandits sat on the lookout, while two dark robed men talked to a broad shouldered man at a fireplace. Some crates and boxes were loaded on a small wagon, while the two wooden cages were still empty.

A bandit was skinning a wolf next to a tent to the right from Jay's point of view.

Deciding it was time for some more shooting practice, jay took out his beloved rifle. He had put it on a quick-slot from the beginning.

Taking aim he concentrated on his (double strafe) skill but it didn't activate.

This way he confirmed the skills had to be applicable to work with different weapons like it worked with (Slash).

The head of the first bandit on lookout still was gone as it splattered on the second guy.

With the second shot and gun-sound all of the camp was looking for the attacker.

Jay took the chance to erase the bandit who was skinning the wolf from his to-do-list with two shots.

By then the rest had finally spotted him and the two robed men casted their spells.

The spells reached Jay long before the last bandit, and it was even a spell he knew.

To the casters shock though, the two shadow bolts never reached their target but instead found a new one.

Like always the magic got reflected and hit the rushing in bandit. The man could take a hit as he was still rushing on, arriving before Jay.

Opening the close combat by a (Slash) with his dagger he equally dodged the following counter from Jay. The next (Slash) they blocked while countering their equally chosen skills.

With his sword still locked on the bandits dagger, Jay hit the skill again the moment his cool down was up. This time the bandits leader had no chance to counter, as the Wingblade sunk into his left shoulder.

By this time the guys in the back had cast their second round of shadow-bolts. While the first to be reflected took what little life was left to the bandit in front of Jay, the second got hurled back to the pair.

The hit was heavy as the first one dropped down to forty health points after he got hit.

Fearing the two would flee after they witnessed the fight until now, Jay rushed in on them.

And he was right with that.

The unharmed one took to run away as a volley of pebbles shot his back. The following fireball incinerated the corpse it left after impact.

The one lying down never ceased to struggle and even shot one last shadow-bolt towards Jay. His very last one.

'Some idiots never learn' Jay thought to himself when suddenly Ashers face came to his mind.


Skill integrated:

[Shadow Magic lvl.1]

[Shadow Magic] has reaced [ LVL 2]


With the camp now cleared he went back to fetch Aidra first thing.

Somehow he had a feeling this girl wouldn't stay idle and wait for her punishment to come.

And right he was.

She had just managed to push up her fixation to the tree enough to stand and was fumbling at the knot to loosen it. As she saw Jay approaching way sooner than she had anticipated she went pale.

"I-I... just wanted to come to your aide..." Aidra

It was a weak excuse and she knew it as well. Jay simply walked around her, loosened the knot and gripped her bindings that were by then on the back, guiding her towards the small camp.

In the camp he walked straight to the pushcart filled with crates, boxes and tarps.

He had only seen it from some distance but as he had guessed, there were some ropes.

With this Aidra got some good and tight roping and was bound with her arms to the back onto the wagons wheel.

Only after she was bound tight did Jay search through the camp.

The bosses dagger was something to keep, as well as his boots. The armor was destroyed thanks to Jay himself slashing it.

The bandits on lookout and the one skinning held nothing of worth. Only on the robed guy he found a pendant with a pentagram carving.

The other one was just a pile of ashes by then.

In a small box in the camp he found some gold and silver but the rest of the camp was a disappointment.

As the sun was slowly starting to set at that time, he decided to stay the night here and use this time to interrogate and take out his revenge on Aidra.

Walking over to the pushcart he made some room on the backside which was slightly pointing upwards.

Loosening Aidra's fixation to the wheel he had her sit on the now free space on the loading area.

Craking his neck left and right he crossed his arms and looked down on her.

"I'll take it you remember what you did to me?" J.

She nodded slowly and hung her head.

"Care to explain how it ended up this way? I guess you were supposed to transfer me to somewhere else?" J.

"I...It was that bitch Katja.

We were teamed up just recently and she had that kink since a while.

As a good catch you should have been transferred to the dock, but I don't know where to from there... Please, I know I was wrong back then..." Aidra

"Then, if you know about her kink, do you know where she got that tool? You know what I mean!" J.

At this moment he got annoyed to have no access to his inventory. He would have liked to show it or even use it for his revenge.

"You'll never let me go, right?" Aidra asked with upturned and teary eyes.

"I said I'll let you live, but I never said I'd let you go... And if you can do so at all tomorrow, that's something completely different!"

Stating this, Jay pushed her shoulders back and rolled her over.

Gripping her ankles as she lay on her chest he pulled her legs back until her hips hung over the edge.

Jay then spread her legs wide and bound her ankles to the wheels of the pushcart.

With her firm bubbly butt on display even trough the rest of the linen pants, he grabbed the dagger he just looted and cut off the pitiful remnants of her trousers.

Glad he had gagged her again the moment she asked a question herself, he only heard muffled groans as he had a good view to her nethers.

He didn't see much last time as she kept her clothes on other than Katja.

Her already seen pubes were visible through the gap of her legs as he was now looking at her hairless but a little used looking lips.

Though that wouldn't matter much as she hadn't much skill to give anymore.

With only hunting leveled up it wouldn't take long and he was here for torture, not for fun.

Though he had hoped to find both at least a little this time.

With the view he had on display his little buddy already gave his consent, resulting in his pant bulging and running out of space.

But it still wasn't time for that.

As he turned around he walked over to the tent a few yards away. When he returned to Aidra he had an evil grin and little pieces of wood in his hand.

The tent had already collapsed in the background.

Revealing to Aidra the four ten inch long, one inch wide tent pegs she started to struggle while sweat appeared on her forehead out of fear.

She had a hunch as to what Jay was planning.

Laying three of the four stakes down next to her hips, Jay positioned the last one with the tip pointing to Aidras butt hole.

While humming "An eye for an eye, ans ass for an ass!" he plunged the long piece of wood inside her.

Even the gag couldn't contain her scream completely.

Next he unbuttoned his pants as he had yet to collect some skills from her.

While the scene wasn't really to his likes, he even had to use a skill he hoped he wouldn't need.

With the (forced erection) his member got ready and he positioned himself right behind her.

Not waiting any longer he pushed in.

With his size burying itself inside her while she was anything but ready for it, it resulted in another scream.

But Jay had no mercy.

Not after what those women did to him.

He not even considered using the last night skill he got and lube her. Slowly he pushed in further.

At about half his length the resistance got to strong and even his tip got squeezed from all sides. Pulling back slowly he made ready for another push.

Stroke after stroke he piked up the pace.

Working her further from behind, even as a tinge of red dripped from her, she suddenly stopped struggling and even moved her hips accordingly.

She was getting off on how he treated her and his log stated he had already gained her hunting skill.

Just to make sure he got everything he could, Jay kept on with his piston movements.

At that time he had reached up to three fourth of his shaft buried inside her.

With some hard strokes resulting in her thighs ramming against the wagons edge, he shot his load inside her.

On this encounter he tried to make sure the other part would get as little pleasure as possible...

With Aidra laying on the pushcart panting while white mixed with red streamed out of her nethers, it was time for the main dish!

Pulling out the tent peg from her butt, he re positioned it and plunged it inside her other hole, sealing the seemingly never ceasing stream of white.

And then he took another of the wooden stakes. With a little more force he pushed it along the peg already inside her.

All this time Aidra simply kept moaning lightly. But that was to change the next moment.

Positioning his still rock hard member, Jay aimed for a place he probably shouldn't.

With his glans kissing her backdoor, Aidra let out a yelp.

He didn't mind her muffled screams and pushed in.

Though it didn't work out as he expected. As only his tip got inside her all to tight butt he got stuck.

She clamped sown so hard on him he couldn't move in or out.

With no other choice he used the (lubed) skill for the first time.

A oily fluid spread around his shaft coming from the tip and the friction reduced to nearly zero.

On his second try he plunged deeper into her thanks to the reduced friction. She still clamped down on him as if her life depended on it.

That was quite possible as what had entered her exit had a size said tunnel had never been made for.

Without ceasing his efforts he worked his way deeper and deeper inside her.

After about five minutes she had ceased her clamping and started to let tides of pleasure wash over her. His pleasure enhancing skill took her to new heights as she got introduced to quite a kink.

As Aidra had stopped her resistance Jay could plunge in even deeper.

With a little bit of force he accomplished what he never could until now, at least in this world. He finally buried himself into a woman up to the root.

With his balls slapping against her wet crotch while he never ceased plowing her, it took only two minutes more for Aidra to reach her first climax from her other hole.

She even squirted so much Jay feared she would wash out the two stakes inside her.

As her trembling ceased and her legs gave in, Jay leaned forward and pulled her gag out.

"Now then, are you now okay with telling me where the damned tool came from?" J.

"Wh-what did you do to me?!? Nn, fine, there's a store called 'the hidden Gems' in the harbor district of Arathor. They mostly sell rings like mine there but also custom made magic tools. But the prices are quite hefty... Whaa..." Aidra

When Aidra answered his question again with another one he had buried his right thumb also inside her butt while half of his shaft still stuck inside. Only as she had answered his question did he stand up again and rammed himself fully back inside.

This time he could go full throttle from the beginning but he stopped once after another four minutes of working her butt.

She was already about tho reach her limit for the second time as he took up one more peg and shoved it inside her already occupied cunt.

The gag was no longer needed as the only screams from her where of pleasure.

With the woman moaning and gushing out fluids while humping her hips Jay was closing in on his limit as well.

Even with the lessened friction, the warmth and the pressure from the tent pegs next to his member resulted in quite the exhilarating feeling.

With only some more strokes he colored her insides white as he sprayed everything he could.

Her eyes nearly popped out to the felling of getting filled from the wrong side.

As he pulled out, he heard her exhaling in relief and pleasure while her hole was still gaping wide.

There was no way for her to see Jay's member was still up for more. His skills he got in Arathor had already proven their worth on Alexis, and they came in handy in this situation as well.

Pulling out the tent pegs all at once Jay was greeted by his cream but didn't mind it much. Aidra's legs finally gave in and as her whole weight now lay on the cart she turned her head back to look at him.

Irritation was written all over her face as she saw him grinning in an ominous way.

A second later she knew why, as the first hard stake found its way inside her backdoor.

And then the second.

As the third one was about to enter, Jay had placed his little buddy between her lower lips and plunged in slowly while pushing the peg inside her butt with his belly.

With no strength left in her legs and her arms still bound on her back Aidra had no chance to retaliate, so she let the pleasure take over and relished in the feeling of her lower half getting worked like never before and probably never again.

Seeing this Jay took her bindings and loosened the knot. Even as she could use her hands again, she didn't struggle one bit.

Seeing this Jay pulled himself out and knelt down to loosen her binds on the ankles.

With this done he stood up and turned her on her back. Sticking his arms under her knees he held her by her hip while he plunged his shaft back inside her waiting and gaping hole.

The only use she found for her freed arms was to get rig of her old leather armor and unbuttoning her shirt.

What came to light was a flat and lightly toned belly and a pair of average sized funbags with a small red cherry atop.

Jay didn't wait for an invitation and grabbed her left breast with his right hand, massaging it lightly while she did the same to her other one.

With her getting off while he was plowing her hips and stuffing her full, Jay decided it was time for the final peg. With his balls and her cheeks colliding he found no way to access the hole where the other stakes got planted, so he got another idea.

Rubbing he knob with the pegs tip he got her attention and as he pressed it down on his nearly pulled out shaft he only heard he yelp.

"N-No, please, that's too much..."

He only shook his head to her pleading and grinned wide.

Pushing his hips forward again, the pack entered her with a light ripping voice.

He had gone a little overboard with that as her face distorted in pain an she started to bleed. He quickly put his hand on her pubes and casted a heal.

With that her expression changed again, this time to total bliss.

A smiling, slightly open mouth and rolled back eyes showed Jay he could do to her what ever he wanted from this point on.

And that he did.

He only let go of her as it had long turned dark.

The fire he lighted between his sessions now warmed him while Aidra had been again bound and lay on the pushcart.

Her position was a little awkward as her butt was held high and her head lay down on the loading area.

Jay had practiced some knots and fixated her wrists between her knees and ankles. After he was done with her he threw some furs over her as to not let her freeze or her smell attract any monsters and beasts.

What had greeted him during his break made him nearly stumble forward. What the hell did happen ???


Racial Traits integrated:


Diplomacy – CHA +20%


Jack of al trades – Job-correction +10%
