A promising payout

While Commander Haggard was waiting for Jay to repeat what he had just said, the young man simply grinned at him and began his explanation.

"...I used the time waiting for the research to check out the dock house I got hints to.

The Bandits used it to transfer the abducted people and distribute supplies.

Arriving there I learned where their main base is, though I couldn't save anymore people.

They already got transferred to different locations as I learned.

Most of the survivors got enslaved and sent to the west.

While I couldn't get more information about where to they got, I learned quite something about the bandits themselves.

They call themselves Defiers of Arathor and had taken over the Brackwell's Farm.

After they had killed all inhabitants they relayed all informations and ordeers from there.

I also defeated two wanted bandits, Erlan Drudge and Morris, if you want me to I can deliver their heads..." J.



'The Bandits 3' cleared!

2900 XP


"No need for that. You can get the bounty from Arathor when you transfer the totem to there. You're taking the job, right?" H.



'The Cause (7)' cleared!

1500 XP


Jay had gotten the quest updated after he entered the close proximity of the farm.

He then had to free the Farm and report to Haggard for the third part to complete, and it just did.

The second part had earned him so much experience points he leveled up.

With the rest of the Defiers and the bandits he was again not so far to a level up, but his jobs had just reached their maximum level ten.



The Cause (8)


transfer the totem to Mazen Mac'Nadir


Giving him no real choice in this matter, Jay's system notified him of the new quest.

He had to transfer the totem either way and welcomed the additional experience points he would receive.

"Of course I'll do it. What do we do with the information I got? Relay it to Arathor as well?" J.

"That as well, but I'd like you to investigate further regardless of what they say..." H.



The Bandits 4


find leads to the Defiers in Westfield


"But I want you to first take another Mission.

A request for help came in from Eastvale.

Not only do they have repeated cases of disappearing villagers and workers, they now even got trouble with Gnolls in their region.

As the missing people may be related to our bandit problem, I guess it won't be a problem that much longer.

But you should look into that as well.

The problem lies with the Gnolls. I fear we might find another totem there.

You should hurry as Gnolls are far more ferocious and troublesome than mere Kobolds and Goblins!" H.

"No problem, but I have two requests as well.

I brought the bandit I received the information about the transfer of the people from, with me.

A guard is watching her outside and I'd like to know my options for her." J.


You can sell her for her bounty.

There's also the option to make her a crime-slave in case she is of worth, but as you are not in the army we would have to charge you for that.

Normally something like this is exclusive only for officials. Think about it...

So, whats the second request?" H.


As for that: the job-changing crystal you have here, may I use it?" J.

"Sure! Never thought you would be this quick in your leveling. But considering how active you've been it's not too surprising.

I'll guide you there..." H.

Walking out of the room they passed Thalia waiting on a bench.

Haggard eyed her in the passing for quite some time and then guided Jay to a small room next to the official meeting room.

As Jay was about to enter Haggard grabbed his shoulder from behind.

"I'll wait here for you so we can talk about your captive.

Take your time for the job change..." H.

With an ominous feeling to what Haggard had said, Jay walked towards the small crystal on a pillar in the middle of the small, dark room only lit by the crystals shine.

Grabbing it like he did before in Arathor's Adventurer Guild, he saw the possible jobs for him to choose.

This time he was a little baffled as the assortment had changed.

*Available Jobs*

| Hunter || Scout || Philanderer || Fighter |

| Warrior || Brawler || Sorcerer |

The Sorcerer seemed to be the higher version of Mage, while the Warrior job would be the evolution of the Swordsman job.

How he met the requirements for Fighter, he didn't know as Brawler should have been the first job.

Whatever Philanderer meant, Jay had kind of a hunch as to how he got it.

He had been quite active in this regard, but noted to himself to first look it up when he had the chance.

* Job changed*

| Mage |


| Sorcerer |


Job: Sorcerer

Status adjusted

New Skills available:

[Spell Weaving LVL1]

(Mana Shield LVL 1)


With the familiar notification he learned of the new skills he got.

A mana shield looked to be of no use to him but the other skill might be something good. Looking into them he learned that (Mana Shield) was better than he thought as it not only blocked magic attacks but also physical ones.

On the other hand [Spell Weaving] did not teach him anything at all. Jay only learned how to manipulate mana to change or combine spells.

This would be a massive boost for most casters, but he was more combat oriented and all to often simply used his quick slots instead of casting himself.

Next he went on to his second job.

Directing his mind to the [ Multijob ] skill, the same window as last time appeared.

Again a new job had mixed in.

*Available Jobs*

| Hunter || Scout || Philanderer || Fighter |

| Warrior || Brawler || Magic-Swordsman |

Thinking about it, Jay was a little unsure if he should go for Fighter as an enhanced job or the new appeared Magic-Swordsman.

With it appearing after he had changed to sorcerer, it seemed the Magic-swordsman was of even higher ranking than Fighter. With this in mind, Jay decided.


Job: Magic-Swordsman

Status adjusted

New Skills available:

[Wield Magic LVL1]



*Multijob level up*

Please choose a third Job



Just as he was about to concentrate on his new skill another notification appeared.

With his second time choosing the second job, he got a level up.

Not having any choice he chose [Ok] and was back to the job list for the third time today.

*Available Jobs*

| Hunter || Scout || Philanderer || Fighter |

| Warrior || Brawler |

His mind was still shaken but this time, he was going to choose Fighter.

Just as he was about to choose his eyes went to the Philanderer job.

He was still intrigued as to how he got it when suddenly...


Job: Philanderer

Status adjusted

New Skills available:



Screaming inside, Jay hated himself for his blunder.

How the hell would he be able to explain this to Alexis when they met again, or anyone else able to read his Status?

Concentrating again on [Multijob] in hopes to make what happened undone he received the same message again and again.


*Multijob inaccessible*

Please reach max. Level in your current Job first.



With no other choice, Jay left the room a little downhearted. As he had promised the Commander was waiting for him leaning on the opposite wall.

"Not the Job you wanted?

Don't let it get to you, it's just the second one...

As for the woman you captured: keep her!

I guess you don't know, but she is the disappeared apprentice from a influential Mage in Arathor.

While her background is quite complicated, killing her or turning her into bounty would bring you even more troubles.

In exchange for the slave collars fee, you can let her work in the garrison. How about that?" H.

"...Then what work would that be?" J.

"Worried about her? Normal chores, not like... Ahem, we will also have her do the physical training with the new cadets, as she seems to be a little lacking in that regard.

You can leave her here as long as you want as long as no one finds out." H.

Agreeing to Haggard's proposal, Jay walked over to Thalia while the Commander had the guard pick one of the few collars they had in stock.

As he returned he gave it to Jay, who then had to put it on the woman's neck.

Thalia had readily agreed to Jay becoming her master instead of rotting in a cell. The idea to work here and get trained was a lot better than that, though she had hide herself from getting identified.

After the collar was closed, Jay had to pick his thumb and put it on the collars lock.

With that the lock clicked and Jay was asked from the Commander to place a order on her while touching the slave-collar.

"While I'm not around, listen to Commander Haggard's orders as long as they are not against mine or would be against your personal rights.

For normal orders you will listen to them and behave like a soldier should!" J.

Leaning forwards he whispered to her ear while still holding onto the collar "...and you are not allowed to ever wear less than one of my two 'gifts', understood?..."

While she was nodding to him staring wide eyed and slightly shaking, Jay turned around and left the building together with Haggard.

The two said their good byes in the yard and then Jay left towards the Inn.

He wanted to at least greet Mia and may be have a nice lunch as it was just time for that.

Entering the Inn Mia spotted him instantly and winked him over.

Hugging him lightly she asked him to sit down on his regular seat and, after ordering him a meal, sat down next to him.

During the hearty meal consisting of a roaster and sliced grilled vegetables, he told her about what happened and that he was asked to go to Eastvale.

Mia asked him to stay there for a night but as he had explained, the probability of there being a totem was high and he had to hurry. Giving in, Mia had him promise he would stay at least a night when he returned from Eastvale.

There had been no room for negotiations.

After lunch Jay left the Inn and made his way towards Eastvale.

Given the distance there was no way for him to arrive there within a day, let alone half a day.

Glad Mia had given him a lunchbox for his journey, Jay still hastened along the road.

Near the forking to the McLures, he took a little break as even if he got there in less than two hours, running along the road that fast was still taxing on him.

Haggard had offered him a horse, but considering the breaks it would need, he could travel faster on his own thanks to his abnormal stats.

With enough free time now, Jay took out the Royal Satchel.

It was a relatively small leather pouch adorned with beautiful engravings. Opening the top, he put his hand inside and the obligatory notification that he was going to bind it appeared.

Choosing [Ok] he instantly knew what was inside the bag.

And he was Shocked.

If the bag of holding he found held a treasure, this small pouch offered him something like a national treasure.

Apart from the nearly countless items inside it held over fifty thousand gold and fifteen of the platinum plates he had found.

Most of the armors and weapons were again out of his league in terms of level requirements.

Only a ring and a brooch had no requirements and got him interested.


Essential Ring

Ring – Epic


Necessary Experience reduced by 20%



Brooch of Growth

Accessory – Epic


Experience gained boosted by 30%


The pieces looked a little to fancy to him as he took them out and analyzed them.

Jay would wear them anyways as, if they worked like he hoped, they would boost his experience gain to over three times.

The next thing that took his attention were five crystals.

With different colors they took a single space each instead of building stacks like most items of the same kind did.

Other than them being (Summoning-Crystals) he couldn't get any more information. Even after he bound one as he took it out and the use of analyze Jay only learned that (Summoning LVL2) was necessary for this particular one.

A glass bottle with a strange ship model inside lay next to the crystals but as he wanted to take it out he learned it required Level 50.

With that he went on to the next item.

A tent.

A simple looking, build up and ready ridge tent was inside the satchel.

It looked made of linen cloth and not more than two yards square. At least Jay wouldn't have to worry sleeping under the open sky passing the tower he would otherwise have taken shelter in.

With this he could travel on further, in hopes he would reach his destination at noon the following day.

Other than that, he found lots of different ores and materials or ingredients he still had no use for.

But the Soulstone he still needed for his first conjuring was not within those again.

Pulling out his hand and storing the satchel, Jay went back onto the road with his new jewelry donned, and started running.

He wanted to get as far as possible that day and had a little experimenting planned before rest.