A secret talk

After laying down on the bed next to the snoring Kayla, Jay checked on the new skills he received.

Though [Night skills] and [Dagger] got a little boost, even leveling up, he concentrated more on the other skills.

[Trickery] for example finally enabled him to (lock pick). That was a skill he could have used a couple of times by then.

Other than that he looked at [Persuasion] but it only did what it's name implied. Until now his absurd charm rating did the job for him, now he even had a boost if it should ever fail him.

The next two skills didn't quite fit his fighting style, as [Hidden Weapons] and [Poison] befitted a thief or spy best, but came in handy should he ever take that path.

The latter even gave a massive boosted poison resistance.

Last but not least came the special skill he integrated first in this session.

It was not colored like his other special skills, hinting it to be not that special, but its function was just what Jay needed.

It made it possible for him to hide most of his skills.

Tinkering with this skills and sorting his own skills, Jay decided to only show some minor magic skills for now.

His job stated him as Sorcerer, so he only showed related skills.

Of course he hid his night skills and other unbefitting basic skills.

The whole process had taken quite long, so Jay decided to close his eyes and get himself some sleep. The next day was going to get busy and the last hours could not get shaken off so lighly, even by him.

Waking up on the bed, missing all but the pillow he used and a slightly frowning Kayla standing besides him, Jay got a little confused.

Sitting up while scratching the back of his head, he looked towards the beautiful courtesan.

"I gave word to the main base. You are registered there from today on and should head there first thing today..." K.

"Good morning, and thank you. I was hoping you would guide me there..." J.

"Well, I have to clean someones mess here... took me long enough to peel free my face!" K.

Inspecting her face closer, Jay saw how smooth yet reddened her skin was.

Setting up his most sorry face he apologized to her.

"I'm really sorry for that. It was just..." J.

"No need to feel sorry. Next time I won't make that mistake again. Anyways, I can't leave together with you. This brothel is a secret relay point and safe house. You'll have to head to the headquarters alone.

It's located in the old town's fort. Just state your name and that you have business with the AI:7... hey, you're listening?" K.

His mind had wandered off a little as she explained how to get to the headquarters, but not enough to not listen.

"Sorry, I was just a little distracted from your 'next time'... So we'll spent some time again?" J.

"As if I can let you ruin some of my other girls. I'm still sore. But yes, maybe next time I'll call Eli for help... Now get your lazy ass to work! I need to clean the mess here." K.

Not daring to pry any further, Jay jumped off the bed and donned his clothes and armor.

Just as he was about to leave the main room, Kayla asked him to not go to the old town on a direct route.

Leaving the red-light district towards the harbor, Jay looked out for stalls to get himself a breakfast. Fnding a small shop selling fresh fish he bought himself a sandwich and some dried fish for snacking later.

Striding along the buzzling piers and watching the big ships docked there, as well as the gigantic ones anchoring further away, Jay reached the border to Seaview.

Crossing the bridge over there he summoned his horse and rode towards the direction of the mages quarter.

Up the hill he had a nice view over the mansions at the shore he had traveled along.

One in particular had caught his eyes as it was bigger than most, even blocking the view on the sea for some houses behind it, but totally run down. Whoever had lived there either went bankrupt or had abandoned this once beautiful house.

Thinking about stopping at the mages guild and academy, delivering the totems, Jay quickly dismissed this thought. He had gotten instructions to go to the headquarters and would do exactly that.

Riding on he had to dismiss his horse when he reached the trade district.

Even the outskirts at the canal were filled with people.

Crossing the intersection and entering the inner part of the district, Jay was surprised to see a sign he thought he would have to search.

The gilded Rose was a Inn located in the trade district. Though now was not the time to enter, Jay was glad he then knew where it was located.

Walking through the crowd of people on the streets, it took Jay over half an hour to pass the district.

But the sights he had taken in were interesting to say the least and he didn't pass the time unproductive.

Analyzing who and whatever he could, Jay was up for the next level up.

While the last one revealed quite some information on his targets, the next Level would take quite some time to get achieved.

At the canals to the north, Jay summoned his horse again and rode directly to the fort.

He no longer needed to keep it hidden and it was not only much more comfortable but also faster to ride.

Arriving at the Gate, he dismissed the horse and stated what he was supposed to say.

A minute after the guard went inside, he returned followed by a dark clothed man with long black hair.

He was stern looking and had black goatee and mustache. Mustering Jay he gave an approving nod and turned around to enter back inside the gate.

As Jay was not following him he halted and looked over his shoulder.

"Follow me, young one! Someone wants to meet you." ???

Until then, all of Jay's attempts to analyze the man had failed.

The same had applied to Alexis and Mia, so he was either in their level range or at least way over Jay's capabilities.

Hurrying after the man not to anger him, he walked into the fort.

Contrary to last time, he followed the man to the left as they had climbed the first set of stairs.

The huge training field was unoccupied today but the shooting range was in use.

Passing a small gate to the north, they entered another yard.

Crossing it and walking up a twining stairway they reached a small patch of green in front of a stone mansion.

It was smaller than the building where he met the field marshal, but not by a lot. With its nooks and crannies it fitted perfectly into the adjoining park to his right.

Jay had the feeling someone had stood on the balcony facing the yard, but as he looked there he couldn't spot anyone.

Nor could he sense any presences in the whole building.

Following the man towards the entrance, Jay didn't dare to ask him anything.

That proved right as they entered the building.

At least twenty presences revealed themselves in the hall they entered.

Atop the wooden beams or behind the equally wooden pillars, dark armored men and women showed themselves.

At that moment the man turned around with a beaming smile on his face.

"Welcome to the SI:7, young man.

My name is Osborne and I'm responsible for our new aspirants.

Miss Ravencrest wishes to see you, so please follow me." O.

Without say in this matter, Jay was guided to a spiral staircase and led to the upper floor. There, two guards stood next to a arced wooden door. Passing them and through the door, he was greeted by a big room under the roof.

In front of the far wall made of stone stood a big wooden throne under a banner that hung from the ceiling.

Jay was sure he had seen the sign before but couldn't remember.

Two people stood left and right to the wooden seat.

The one on the right was clothed in a leather armor showing his strong build, while the much smaller woman on the left was wearing a armor with additional plating and decorations.

Both wore a helmet so Jay could only discern their genders by their figures.

Seated on that throne was a mature looking beauty, with hair as black as her tight leather armor.

Her piercing glare sent shivers down Jay's spine but also revealed to him she was using a inspection skill on him.

"So you were finally able to hide some of your skills..." ???

Guessing she was leading this organization and the one who called him here, Jay bowed down as he reached a close enough distance to her.

"Thank you for welcoming me, Miss Ravencrest. My name is Jay and I was sent here by..." J.

"I know who you are and who sent you here. Otherwise I'd be miserable in my position. It is my job to get information prior to anyone else. But from your expression I see you don't have the slightest idea, right?" ???

"From what in can guess, this is the thieves guild of Arathor, hidden under the cover of AI:7. It should have been you who eyed me since the first time I went to Arathor with a man called Tharynn.

Isn't it considered rude to inspect someone without their consent?" J.

"Hooo, tough words from someone who ran around inspecting whoever he could, not half an hour ago... Nice job noticing though.

My name is Shalina Ravencrest, assigned Master of AI:7.

I take it you don't know about us?" S.

"Only what I was told by you, Ma'am." J.

"Miss!" S.

"I'm sorry, ...I only know what I was told by Kayla and you, ...Miss." J.

"Better... So let me tell you about us while we walk around the manor for a little bit." S.

Rising from her seat, she signed her guards to stay back and walked over to Jay.

The alluring swing to her hips seemed natural on her as she passed Jay and signaled him to follow.

While guiding him through the building and towards the entrance she told him about the function of this unit.

"The AI:7 was formed by certain individuals after the contest with the north, as means for infiltrating and information gathering.

We had always kept close contact to the royal family and done the dirty work behind the scenes, be it negotiations with friendly kingdoms or stirring conflicts between enemy nations..." S.

After some anecdotes, they had reached the park next to the manor.

When they reached around the middle of the grounds, Shalina turned around and took a relaxed posture.

"...Now we can finally speak free. Sorry for the act, but it seems even the infiltrators get infiltrated sometimes... Anyways, I know Haggard and Alexis have sent you and both have great hopes for you." S.

"You got infiltrated? The thieves guild?" J.

"The remnants of the thieves guild...

Since over five hundred years ago we have ceased to hold our ground. By now we are merely a shadow from the once proud thieves guild.

But house Ravencrest never truly gave up and kept searching for whoever framed them." S.

"If you say the guild got framed, you have a guess, right?" J.

"It's a wild one. But ever since Prince Andurin Lothar went missing together with his famed amulet signaling him as the heir of Arathor, things went awry for us.

My ancestors fought for their rights and freedom, but only my grandfather managed to get back in touch with the kings family.

In the end, he still only managed to get the guild in a position under the military while earning himself distrust for, at least to the public, defying the thieves guild.

The culprit has to be one of the families that profited the most since that time, hundreds of years ago.

The problem is just that it's too many of those.

Some earned riches from new contracts since then, others got high positions in the military and some even rose to be counselors to the kingdom." S.

"Any names to keep my eyes open for?" J.

"It might be personal aversion, but I'd keep my distance to the families of Pernolde and Falconhold, as well as Lady Preston.

Those not only rose after the incident with the young prince, they also openly antagonize the thieves guild and kingdoms that tolerate them.

If the recent happenings stood in any relation to that, we could possibly narrow down the possible culprits." S.

"So, what do you want me to do?" J.

"For starters we need to find the slavetrader that provided the scrolls from what I read in the reports.

You should look out from the old town to the harbor. May be you should try to get some gossip as the shop will be kept hidden.

I'll have some of my trusted men look out as well but the final action will be up to you." S.

"Thank you for that. I have only one more request..." J.

"State it!" S.

"Do you, by any chance, have one or know a location of a statue of Niemira?" J.

Grinning wide, the woman before him seemed truly happy for the first time in their talks. Shaking her head slightly she sighed.

"I'd never guessed a sorcerer to be a fellow devotee.

There is only one statue to the goddess left in this city. It's placed in the crypt of my family where outsiders have no access...

If you want to pray, prove that you are worthy. The Ravencrest Crypt can be found on the cemetery behind the Cathedral." S.

"Thank you. I'll try my luck there then." J.

Grinning, the woman in black waved him good bye and vanished in a smoke screen, leaving Jay standing in the park alone.

Making sure to remember what he was told and the names of families that discredited the thieves guild, he went on his way back to the city.

Until he left the AI:7's grounds, he noticed being watched by hidden agents and even met two as he got close to them.

Back in front of the fort's gate he summoned his horse and rode towards the cathedral plaza.

On his way there, he took a break for lunch and eavesdropped some conversations in the shabby pub.

From then on he walked on, listening to the gossip of passerby's and even gifted some beggars a coin for information.

But all he got was the location of two shady stores and stories about a new brothel.

That way it took him quite some time to cross the distance towards the cathedral district and it was afternoon when he arrived on the plaza.