A new connection

Jay was sitting on the couch and couldn't help but grin wide as Nicoletta narrated to him why she wanted a private talk.

Milly looked at them both alternating, unsure as to what was transpiring there.

All in all it was about him skipping a rank and reaching D rank way too fast.

But the true reason why someone like Nicoletta wanted a talk was the paper she held in her hand.

"...anyway, here is your new Guild Card. With this you can retrieve some of your money from each branch as well as cash in your rewards directly to your account.

It also gives you permission to contract a guild employee, but that, I had already arranged.

Though I'm sure Milly here had already informed you of your own choice, I advise you to stick with our Guild Master's little daughter..." M.

With this she handed him his guild card back.

Even he himself went wide eyed as he looked down on the shining, copper colored card that held a big D on one side.

It looked the same as the old one in any other regard.

But the ID card wasn't what Jay interested got in.

"Oh, that's new to me... I'd have chosen her anyways. But that's not all you want from me, right?" J.

"No. It's this..." N.

Without further ado, Nicoletta shoved the note she had held in her hand over to him. Giving it a quick glance, Jay instantly recognized what this was.

It was his status.

Every single status-point was depicted there, as well as his Health and mana.

Glad only his first Job as well as no special ore rare skills were noted, Jay was a bit baffled as to when they even noted them. Glaring at Nicoletta ready to complain, the woman held her hand up and shook her head.

"Don't worry! I promise to never talk about the true result of your test.

I already noted not even a quarter of your skills in your file.

We had to take the test for your ranking up to D.

Who could expect you to not only reach the required skill levels, but reveal your abnormality?

Again I'm sorry for not talking to you about it beforehand.

I had received a piece of your status before and was sure there was something special about it..." N.

"So, what about this note then?" J.

Rising in a flash and picking the note as fast from him, the dark haired beauty ripped the note to shreds after she sat back.

Giving him a meaningful glance while keeping up her sly smile she clapped her hands.

"No problems then, right?

I am sure you will grow further in power, seeing how fast you reached this point. As the one representing the Adventurers Guild, I'd like to keep in touch with you.

If you are okay with that, I'll have Milly here report to me and, may be, give you some personal tasks.

When her Father returns you should have a talk with him as well..." N.

"That doesn't sound too bad.

Then... you have already read the report from Haggard I guess? Any ideas what to do next?" J.

"My advice? Take some quests for Westfield before you leave the city. I would bet on you getting busy there.

I bet Milly would gladly get you a collection of quests ready for when you leave... ricght?" N.

"Y-Yeah, sure! W-when will you leave?" M.

"As I have some more reports to deliver and friends to visit, I'd guess in about three to four days." J.

"Oh, okay then. I'll have them ready by the day after tomorrow. Excuse me..." M.

After Nicoletta signaled it to her with her eyes, Milly took her leave and closed the door behind her.

A little bit of reluctance could be seen in her eyes.

Clearing her throat, the tall woman opposite to him gave him a stern look.

"Now that we are alone, there is one thing that's bugging me.

How in the world is your status possible? It's like your base level is depicted wrong, but then again you only have a second tier job...which in itself is a feat at your level considering it's the mage class.

So? Any explanations?" N.

"None." J.

"What was that? You might be strong, but don't underestimate me..." N.

"I have no explanation. Ask Alexis or Mia about it if you must..." J.

"Hiding behind them, Huh?" N.

"Again, No.

Even people like them have no explanation.

As I had lost my memories of everything past a few weeks back, I have no idea..." J.

"Sorry I had been this forceful then. I have overstepped my boundaries with this and hope you won't hold it against me.

But you honestly piqued my interest..." N.

The last part she said with a faint smile.

Very faint...

Saying his goodbye in a slightly cold tone after he rose from his seat, Jay marched out of the room.

Though he kind of liked the normally cold and distanced beauty, she had pissed him off.

The person herself knew that as well and kept pondering about how to make it up to the youth in the future.

Back on the main street, Jay summoned his horse and rode towards the fort.

With the letter he was given, he would have the chance to enter this time around. At least that was what he had been told.

Contrary to last time, it took him only some minutes to arrive there this time.

The streets to there had been less crowded and the horse he was riding was a lot faster, but the major reason was him no longer sightseeing.

Not to alarm the guards, he dismissed his horse some distance away to the gate and walked over.

Like last time his senses rang alarm.

This time he knew he was being watched, and the stalker was strong.

Strong enough to take his life with ease.

But on the other hand, he was now able to at least get the general direction of where he was watched from. And it was somewhere above the fort's walls to his left.

To his luck he was led inside after only a minute.

The guard had reluctantly taken his letter of introduction, but upon seeing the crest it held, he rushed inside after he asked Jay to wait for a moment.

The interior of the fort was way bigger than he had imagined.

With this it was no wonder it had taken Tharynn some time inside, back in the days.

Behind the doubled gate, was the lowest level of the vast plazas inside.

To the right Jay saw a big stable, easily holding over fifty mounts as he was led to the stairs towards the next plateau. On the left side were some barracks over two stores.

The second leveled plaza was even bigger. Over a hundred yards wide and even longer, it held a training area with at least fifty soldiers sparring.

Further back Jay saw a shooting stand for soldiers with bows and crossbows.

They walked along the right side and towards the stairs in the middle of the wide plaza.

Ascending to the third level, Jay was greeted with a heated battle between two fully armed knights.

At least it looked that way as both wore plate mail and were equipped with expensive looking shields and swords.

While the one attacking seemed more nimble and energetic, the defending one left no gaps for any attack.

They both moved in a trained and refined manner, though sparks still scattered on each impact of their swords and shields.

With a aimed block of the defensive one, the attackers sword got swatted away and in the blink of an eye the pointed end of the defenders sword aimed at the opponents throat.

With the training match concluded, the winner came walking over to where Jay was standing with the guard that brought him there.

They had only taken some steps after ascending the second set of stairs.

From his point of view he could see the whole yard that was surrounded by the main building of the fort.

A massive, three store high building made of rough stone that encircled the yard in an U shape facing the lower training grounds.

The balcony in the middle on the second floor surely gave a complete view over the whole area.

As the winner of the match arrived before him and took of the full plated, golden helm, Jay got a big surprise.

The woman that revealed herself was short platinum haired and middle aged, but still nice to look at.

From how undaunted she looked in the fight, Jay would have never guessed it to be a woman, but a bigger surprise followed.

"Greetings young one. You there, ...here, hold that...." ???

Grabbing the letter he was holding after she pushed her helm to the guards arms, she read the first lines and looked up to Jay.

Reaching out her right hand she offered it for a handshake to him.

"I am Field Marshal Whitmore. I take it you had been send here for a report?" W.

"Yes Ma'am. Commander Haggard had asked me to report my findings directly to this fort.

I also have a detailed written report, as well as the item it is about on me.

Though I recommend the talk to be private..., Ma'am..." J.

"Then follow me. And stop that Ma'am!

Either call me Marshal or sir. This way..." W.

Another surprise came as they walked over the yard towards the central entrance to the main building.

The other person that had lost the fight, who had walked over to some weapon stands, had taken off her helm as well.

She was a youthful beauty with long blonde hair and a very stern facial expression.

He had no time to use [Analyze] on her as Marshal Whitmore was walking in fast steps towards the building, but as he looked over to her he saw her watching them with unhidden curiosity.

As he reached the office on the second flood, the room with the big balcony, Jay reported about his findings and even offered to take out the heads he collected.

That was denied, of course, with the reason of it sullying the floor.

There was a office on the ground level for something like this. He would receive his pay there as well or have it transferred to the guild.

After his report was finished and he stated his impression of the situation, the Marshal said her thanks.

As they stood up together she mustered him again and stated, she some time in the future wanted a sparring match with him as well.

The things he accomplished told her a lot of his competence.

Leaving the office, Jay walked down through the corridors led by the same guard that accompanied him since he stepped inside the fort, minus the private talk with the Field Marshal.

Reaching the small counter where he could leave the heads he hunted, he asked the reward to get transferred on the guild account.

This way, Milly would receive some coins as well and he was in no need for cash.

It was rather the opposite.

And Jay had decided to postpone a visit to the bank for his next visit in Arathor, even though he had a quest for there.

But his schedule was already full and with meeting Jeany and Shanti, he had no time to get that one done as well.

Leaving the fort while pondering about such things, jay was handed a small medal as he reached the gate.

The guard explained that with this, Jay could enter the fort any time now. He had been instructed to hand it down to Jay when he leaves.

With this, his tasks in the Fort had been fulfilled.

The next one was quite anticipated by the young man and without wait, he summoned his mount the moment he crossed the gate.

The guards were quite stunned as he saddled up on the black horse and rode towards the workers district.

Glad to get some distance from Field Marshal Whitmore, Jay only slowed down after he had crossed the bridge over the canal, separating the two districts.

The Woman had such an overbearing presence that he didn't even dare to try analyzing her.

He was sure the gracious woman was not only far stronger and versed in combat than him, but she somehow seemed familiar...

Riding on towards the next district while using his [Analyze] on every stall and shop he passed, Jay was a little downhearted he not even spotted a single item of interest.

Though that may have been due to his new standards, after he plundered his looted bags and equipped himself fully in at least uncommon armor.

Not much later he crossed the next bridge over the canals.

His target though was not the cathedral plaza or the warehouse district, but the adjoining harbor district.

There he was going to meet up with Kayla, and may be even Elishka...

Cleaning off his wandering thoughts he sped up the horse as he entered the slope down towards the warehouse district.

The rocky, not too high cliff in the middle of the city was what separated the many warehouses from the workers district.

Crossing that cliff, the upper city lay behind him in the light of the setting sun.

Dismissing his mount as he entered the harbor district at the same place where he had dinner the last time he was in the capital, Jay began to descend the stairs towards where he would enter the red-light district.

Turning right at the last plateau before the harbor and entering the street towards the red-light district, it took Jay only minutes to reach his target.

On the way to the brothel he got quite some offers for a cheap night, but the women on the street were those who couldn't get a spot in one of the brothels or shops there.

As the house he was going to could be considered pretty high class, Jay didn't even consider one of those offers.

Entering the house over the veranda, he was immediately greeted by the madam.

She recognized him instantly and mustered him from head to toe, leaving her eyes lingering at a certain place for a little too long.

Clearing his throat for attention, Jay was going to ask for Kayla as the Madam took the lead.

"I'm extremely sorry, but Elishka is not available as she has today off. May be I can call another girl for your service?" Madame

"Oh, that's a shame. But I am here for Lady Kayla today anyway. Would that be possible?" J.

Clapping her hands twice, a young woman came rushing past her ascending the stairs. Only some seconds later she hurried back down the great stairway and gave a distinct nod when the Madam looked her way.

"Lady Kayla should be ready for you any minute. Have a nice stay, dear guest." Madam

The moment she had uttered her words, the woman in question appeared at the top of the stairway.

Smiling graciously the redhead descended the stairs like floating and hooked Jay as she arrived by his side.

"Oh my, Elishka will be downhearted when she learns you had been here on her day off.

We were sure you will come back in due time.

I will I'll do the transaction myself if you don't mind." K.

Kayla talked to Jay in a playful and slightly teasing tone, while the last sentence was directed towards the Madam.

And it was uttered in no questioning tone.