A new invitation

Waking up to a smooch from both sides, Jay had to stand up immediately as the two women hurriedly collected their belongings and stuffed them into their bags.

The three had gone too far the last night and therefor slightly overslept.

In less than two minutes they had packed everything together and then started to put on their clothes after a quick wash. Jay had done so before and waited for them to get ready.

His log was flashing with many posts and he was already eager to check them out, but Jay would first escort the two women to their boat.

After some minutes and whispered curses, Shanti and Jeany were ready to leave, and so the three did.

Meeting the other three in front of the Inn, where they had already gotten impatient, they threw Jay totally different glances.

Aman only smirked at him by then while Eagan only shook his head in defeat.

Asher though walked over to Jay and greeted him "Yo, Jay... didn't know you were also staying in this in... 'Mornin!"

After having five people look at Asher with defeated expressions, the party plus Jay departed towards the harbor. Jay was carrying the women's luggage who were chatting up with Aman.

While the ladies were pressing the big guy for any information after Jay's hint last night, the other two men were walking at the front without listening.

Jay used the time to scan through his log until he found the most pressing thing for him at that moment.

Touching the line of his log pretty high up I the list of last night, a screen appeared before him.


Skill integrated:

[Contraception] ON


Touching on the skill, the screen changed and revealed the information about the skill and its function Jay was hoping for.



reduce fertility independent to gender

by 99.99 %

Toggle to switch ON of OFF


Concentrating on the new skill, Jay managed to turn it off and then on again. This meant he had successfully integrated the ring's skill and nothing to fear from the fillings he gave the two beauties last night.

Glad he had one worry taken care of, he closed up on the trio in front of him.

The two females had some problems keeping up with the men so Jay summoned his horse and asked them to ride.

Somehow their faces cramped a little as they sat on the saddle. Asking them only earned Jay angry glares so he didn't inquire further but knew it was due to last night.

The group proceeded way faster either way and reached the harbor with enough spare time for a quick breakfast.

Seating themselves at a rustic table near one of the few stalls that had already opened, they had a simple breakfast on Jay's treat.

They would leave with the biggest boat that lay on pier two and would travel down the coast to the port of Andria in the Kingdom of Calef. That was were they would stay for a while until they would travel to Sograt Desert.

After finishing their breads with fish, Jay accompanied the women to the ship. They still were hard pressed with walking and had even problems sitting down.

For Jeany, Jay had anticipated something like this, but even Shanti was not so well off.

Promising each other to meet again, Jay saw the two beauties off as they climbed on the boat. Jeany suddenly turned around, went back to him and planted him a kiss on his lips. Whispering him a promise to repeat that night when they met again, she returned to the boat as quick as she rushed to him.

It had been just in time as the dew's got loosened and the giant ship gained some distance to the pier.

Jay saw them off and waved good bye until the ship passed the mountainous rock next to the harbor, separating it from sea view.

Turning around, Jay only walked to a small wall to sit on it and finally check his gains from last night.

And they were a lot.

Shanti had leveled up and gained a new skill that Jay integrated. [Hide LvL1] enabled him to visually camouflage him and reduce the chance to get percepted.

To him it was not the most useful skill at that point.

What was useful though was the information he got from the other skills he integrated from her. His log stated: 'due to already integrating personal skill, only the upgraded amount will get integrated!' as Jay clicked on the [Dagger] skill he already once got from her.

The rest of her skills were similar and held not much for Jay, due to their different styles.

Strengthening himself had been not the reason for last night, but simply affection and carnal desires.

Going on with scrolling back in the log, Jay saw two lines next to each other that nearly shone.

The two lines read 'racial traits integrated: Pixie' and 'racial traits integrated: Equitan'. Clicking on both lines, Jay got two screens that stupefied him one after another.


Racial Traits integrated:


Magic Resonance (I) – Mana and Spell-power per INT +33%





Racial Traits integrated:

Beastkin (herbivore):

Escapist- Agility and movement speed +20%


Porter- Vit and Stamina +10%


Not believing the screens, Jay checked on his status where the new racial traits had boosted his stats even more than he had anticipated. The rest of the skills he was going to check after he had scrolled through the log, so Jay closed his status and read on where he had stopped.

What followed were the skills he copied and integrated from Jeany.

Much to his pleasure, the small Summoner had learned a lot of skills he could and would use. Starting with the rare [Summoning Magic LvL3], Jay integrated [Mana Control LVL 4] and [Mana Manipulation LVL 2] , boosting his own control over Mana considerably.

The [Wand LVL2] he integrated last was the only skill he had absolutely no use for.

A little disappointed that Jeany had no elemental magic skills, Jay has all the more happy to see how versed she was in the arcane as he had integrated [Arcane Magic LVL 4].

The abilities that came with all those skills was something he would check on later. The same applied to the strange notification he received for leveling up with his Philanderer Job last night.

Reaching Level six had awarded him a ability of the Night skills category he had to choose himself.

For now, Jay walked towards the next location he had to check before he would have to go back on learning about the totems and scrolls, as this was his main and most pressing reason for his visit to the Capital.

On his way he checked up his Status to have a detailed look on the changes. And those were more than he had expected.



Jay Yanoz, János, J. [LvL 15 (29340/59500)]

Job: Sorcerer LVL 11

Job 2: Magic Swordsman LVL 8

Job 3: Philanderer LVL 6

3733/3733 HP 2655/2655 MP



/[ ]\

/ \


Embroided Leather Breastplate

silken shirt

Dark Leather Cuffs

Plated leather Pants

Hard Leather Belt

Swift Graves




VIT 124+

AGI 119+

STR 109+

INT 104+

WIL 95+

DEX 113+

CHA 95+

LUK 32+

Statuspoints left: 21


Skills (shown):

[Mana Control LVL 5]

[Spell Weaving LVL1]

(Spell Fusion LVL 1)

[Fire magic LVL 4]

-fire spells cost 20% less mana

(Fireball LVL 3)

-cast a Fireball dealing high damage

has a chance to inflame the target

(Firewall LVL 1)

-cast a Wall of Fire burning what ever touches it

[Arcane Magic LVL 4]

(Arcane Missiles LVL 1)

(Mana Shield LVL 2)

-accelerates the distribution and acquisition of Mana

Skills (Hidden):



-enables to talk, read and write Common



[Night vision]

-enables colorless vision in total darkness

[Camping LVL 1]

-Rest outside well

[Hunting LVL 1]

-enhances damage against animals by 20%

(Tracking LVL1)

-allows to easily track targets lower than your Level

Lumbering [LVL 2]

-proficiency with Axes risen: Damage +20%

[Trickery LVL 4]

(Pickpocket LVL 1)

[Night skills LVL6]

-enhances pleasure given by 90%

(All night long LVL3)

-you can go on 3 Times without pause after 1st Climax

(Sexual Stamina LVL3)

-enhances the sexual stamina by 100%


(to be set...)


-reduced fertility - ON

[Haggling LVL3]

(Overcharge LVL2)

(Discount LVL1)

-get a discount of 5% on each purchase

[Persuasion LVL 2]

[Alcohol tolerance LVL2]


-gain EXP by intercourse

[Hide LVL1]

[Poison LVL 2]


[Pain tolerance LVL3]

[Martial Arts LVL 4]

[Staves LVL 3]

[Sword LVL 2]

(Slash LVL 2)

[Two-handed Axe LvL 2]

(Cleave LVL1)

[Dagger LvL 4]

(Stab LVL 3)

(Piercing LVL2)

[Hidden Weapons LVL 3]

[Bow LVL 2]

-enhances the damage done with bows by 40%

(Aimed Shot LVL 1)

(Double-strafe LVL1)

[Thrown LVL 2]

(Throwing LVL3)

[One-handed Mace LVL 2]

(Crushing Blow LVL1)

[Shield LVL 1]

(Shield Bash LVL 1)

[Wand LVL 5]

[Parcours LVL 1]

-enables to cross obstacles more efficiently


[Reflect Magic]

-reflects all magic at the cost of 10% of that magic

[Chant shortening LVL 6]

-shortens a chant by 60%

[Silent cast lvl.3]

[Mana Manipulation LVL 2]

[Wield Magic LVL 2]

[Air magic LVL 2]

-air spells get cast 18% faster

(Lightning Strike LVL 1)

-charge lightning on a target dealing consecutive damage

has a chance to electrocute the target

(Chain Lightning LVL 1)

-cast lightning on a target and jump on dealing lessening damage

has a chance to electrocute the targets

[Earth magic LVL 3]

(Stone Shards LVL 3)

-hurl stone pebbles towards a target with high speed

(Earth Wall LVL 1)

[Light Magic LVL 6]

-Healing spells enhanced by 40%

(Heal LVL2)

-accelerates the healing of a target by 200%

(Instant Heal LVL1)

-heal a target visibly for high Mana consumption

(Barrier LVL1)

(Great Heal LVL 1)

[Summoning Magic LvL3]

[Conjuration lvl.2]

(Summon Imp)

(Summon Void)

[Shadow magic LVL 4]

(Shadow Bolt LVL 3)

-hurl a shadowbolt towards a target devouring energy

[Space Magic LVL 1]

(Portal: Gold Creek)

[Barrier Magic LVL 3]


[Battle Intuition]

-chance to land a critical hit +20%

[Battle hardened]

-additional ([Base LvL]*100) HP

[Analyze LVL 2]

-The number of information shown depends on the skills level

[Multijob LVL 2]

-set two second jobs


-Experience gained doubled (incl. Party members)

All Stats +10%

[?ia???las Blessing]

-rep?a??d ?kin??i? may ?a?? ??? co??any ??ore y?u


-Experience necessary halved for the Champion.

All Stats +20%

[Enhanced Magic Resistance]

[Hide Abilities]


The list of skills he kept hidden was steadily growing. Jay was sure it would grow even more the moment he decided to take up different classes as well.

What kept bugging him though was the Experience counter.

It wasn't that he got shocked from the necessary amount he had to collect, that was something he had seen after the night with Mia and even before.

It was the Experience bar that showed on the lowest border of his field of view, when he toggled the head up display on. He hadn't noticed it until a short while ago, as he had it toggled off most of the time.

It was nearly full, indicating he was about to level up again, but his status showed not even half the necessary Experience points.

Concentrating on the displayed bar in his vision, Jay read 29340/29750 XP on it.

While pondering over his seemingly bugged System, he had arrived at the targeted location.

It was a tavern in the back alley of the harbor district.

Contrary to the hidden gem shop, it was in the northern part of the district, where many of the smaller boats docked and the shipyard was located. Most of the poor dock workers, fishermen and sailors lived or lodged there as they couldn't afford more.

The sign over the entrance read 'incognito' and the pub itself looked pretty run down.

Entering through the squeaking door, a shabby middle aged man noticed him and didn't even greet. Only as Jay reached the bar did the man speak up.

"...'Mornin young un. Ya ta earlay fer a drink, so whaddaya want?"

"Good morning. I'm just here for some information... I heard you might have information on how to get a slave around here?" J.

"Pha... Who'd spout sucha bullshit? Ya know it ain't allowed! Da guard's no easy on dis one and i'm'a rightful fellow. Name's Buck." B.

"So, no info on this one, eh? Then, do you know about a store called slave for a day? Or at least the location?" J.

"Eh? Ya inta that kinda stuff? Hell, da youth 's goin' crazy..." B.

"What kind of stuff? So you know about it?" J.

"Aye, da slave-play and domina stuff ain't my type... Dat shag's full of dis shit, but if ya' in fer it..." B.

"Oh, I was hoping for something else.... then, what's it your in for?" J.

"Heh, me? Me's Buck, and me's here fer a f...." B.

"Sweeetie... ain't ya gonna introduce me?" a female voice interfered their talk from behind Jay.

Turning around, Jay spotted a small, busty and ...may be a little chubby woman. She had dark blue hair and her arms crossed under her bust, empathizing it even more.

"That' ma wifey, Payton... I dunno the gal. Came 'ere fa information..." B.

"Hey there..." J.

Walking over while trying to look alluring, Payton crossed the room until she stood next to him and touched his shoulder with her hand.

She was more than a head smaller than him, so her position was a little awkward. Jay had analyzed her as she crossed the distance, as well as Buck, the barkeeper.

The two of them had nothing special, except being over level 20 and their nautical reading skillsets, as well as her having the [Night Skills] on Level 3.

Trying to take his leave from the tavern as the small mature slid her hand down his arm, trying to place it onto his crotch, Jay gained some distance that she closed instantly.

To that, Jay asked for the restroom in panic and hopes to get rid of her.

She only looked really happy and guided him there, seemingly ready to wait for him in front of the door.

The reason for this showed as Jay closed the door behind him and walked deeper inside the dimly lit restroom.

To his left he saw four normal cabins with doors a rustic loo each. But in the right wall, separated by a small privacy screen, were two fist sized holes in the height of about 35 inches.

The light shining from the other side instantly hinted Jay what the holes would be for.

That assumption got proven right as one hole suddenly darkened and a voice sounded from next door.

"~C'mon sweetie, pud'it through...~ No shyin' away even if it's a small un!" P.

Though Jay could have really used the restroom, he turned around and rushed out towards the bar. Passing it, Buck shouted "No worries, in da ev'nings we gat some nice hoes 'ere..." after Jay, as he ran on and left the tavern.

It's not like he was against some glory hole action or that Payton was too ugly. The feisty woman had simply been to forceful, remembering him of his not so distant past.

Jay had also feared that Buck might retaliate, but that proved unfounded judging by him asking Jay to come back.

Though she surely was no beauty and didn't even wield skills of use, Jay might come by some time in the future to properly "apologize".