A visit to the black market

Looking to the roofs next to the yard Jay was in, he saw hooded Guards wherever his eyes wandered.

With a quick [Analyze] he learned they were at least level 30, and with this, way out of his league, at least in this quantity.

The walls to the sides, as well as the one with the gate, were all blank. Stretched over the whole yard was a triangular rag, hiding the back wall from curious gazes coming from above.

That was were the true back alley started.

Hidden from the street and the air above, a small cleft between the rock formations surrounding most of the northern city had been made into something like a bazar. The rags hung across the sparse gaps in the stony ceiling, hid whatever was beneath.

At the same time, Jay was sure there were other guards watching there.

After some steps inside the alley, Lenny who was guiding him turned around. Until now they only walked into a stony cleft with sleek walls, but that changed there where they had reached the first fork in the street.

"So, what's on ya mind? Business or pleasure?" L.

"A bit of both... I'm here for a slave, but I wont mind some entertainment." J.

"Whoa, good man. We' gonna take the right way then... Follow me." L.

Doing as Lenny said, Jay followed him inside the right path. Just some more steps in, they passed some set up blankets and tables with all kinds of junk for sale.

The shady merchants tried to jump at the new face but Lenny blocked them off.

As the path entered a slope down, it got darker until the first torches illuminated the tunnel they were in.

Reaching the end of the tunnel, Jay was stunned.

"Welcome to the real back alley!" L.

A narrow cave, at least a hundred yards long, with shags and shabby houses build on one another, along the caves sides came into Jay's view.

Most of those buildings held shops, but even something like a tavern could be seen.

Jay spotted shops he had never seen before like venom-shops or a weapon dealer for hidden weapons. Strolling around, Jay checked whatever item he found.

His [Analyze] had made no real progress in the latest time, so he thought it would be time to do something about it.

To his surprise, Jay found not a single worthy weapon. The same applied to the venom shop, but there he simply had no use for the poisons. Similar happened in some more shops, with some selling cheap clothes and others miscellaneous items.

Jay only got pretty disgusted as they walked deeper in and he saw a shabby man with a sign saying 'Slaves for rent'.

Further back in the passage he was standing before, he saw two men and a older woman in rags, all with collars and connected by a chain.

From the grunting sounds even further back in the alley and the chain hanging loose next to the last man, Jay had a hunch as to what was going on there.

After inquiring from Lenny, he learned that those things are despised even here, but common.

A brothel was something most inhabitants of old town couldn't afford.

Asking for some stores with at least a little bit of quality, not to blow his cover to early, Jay was led to the other side of the cave.

From there on, the passage went uphill with small shops and stalls carved into the stony walls. After walking a short distance, the ceiling opened here and there again, illuminating the alley with daylight through the rags.

On the crossing, Lenny guided Jay to a shop in the stone walls.

Entering revealed it as nothing more than a small artificial cave, illuminated by oil lamps and the sparse daylight shining in through the door.

Scanning the shop and analyzing whatever looked at least slightly interesting, Jay soon found two items of interest. The first was a thick black leather pant with auto-fit and a slight agility enchantment. Though neither worked as the pant was soul-bound and, judging by the bloodstain, plundered from a dead, it still promised a good defense.

For him, it being bound was something different of course. Just the required Level 18 spoke against it.

The second item was a pair of finger-less gloves. They were the same color as the pant and, though they had no auto-fit, were exactly Jay's size. They as well held an enchantment, though for strength, and were bound as well.

Haggling for the price, Jay got the two items dead cheap for one and a half silver.

Out of the store, Jay asked Lenny where to go next.

"Taking the left path on this crossing, you reach the exit after your business. I guess you won't need me afterwards, right?" L.

"Guess you're right. At least show me the way there first." J.

Nodding, Lenny took to the right, opposite to the two ways leading to the exit.

As they reached a stall selling stolen drinks, Jay asked him if the store was any good. To Lenny's nodding, he bought them both a bottle of some ale and earned a thanks from his guide.

The two had emptied their bottles just as they reached an area without stalls. Even the passerby's had diminished a lot.

Though the path went on in quite some distance, even leading back downwards, the only thing Jay saw was a big dark gate on the right wall.

Two guards stood there and as Jay checked on them, they got revealed as level 40 bouncers.

"This's what you were searching... Good business... but I'm out! It ain't my world behind that door..." L.

With this the thug turned around and left for the exit.

Jay walked over to the gate, thinking about how to knock on the door or if he should just push it open.

May be it was one to pull?

Reaching the wooden gate, the bouncers grabbed it and pulled it open, having Jay cursing himself for overthinking things.

What got revealed stepping through the door really was a completely different world than the back alley.

A lavish garden with green grass and form cut cypresses along the path leading to a really big manor. It was more of a park, with small fountains and flower beds that Jay was walking along.

The building he soon arrived at was built in a Mediterranean style, with arches supporting the roof of a patio on the lowest floor.

Everything above couldn't be seen from the garden, so Jay simply entered the only door on the whole terrace.

Wondering why not even a single window was to be seen on the ground floor, Jay fond himself in something like a reception room. The dark wooden furniture and shelves on the walls all represented wealth.

Even still outside, Jay had been sure this would the most noble building he entered so far.

And he was proven right.

From behind a small counter, a middle aged clerk welcomed him and asked Jay to come closer.

Eyeing the new customer, the butler-like looking man cleared his throat and asked "How can I help you, Sir?".

Deciding to take a careful approach, Jay went with his best mannered speech at that point.

"I'm here in search of some rare good and helping hands. Would it be possible to get those here?" J.

"In that case, please call me Norris, Sir. If you would like to follow me to somewhere more private?" N.

"Lead the way." J.

Following the clerk through the next door on the right, Jay was led into a small office. The man seated himself behind his desk and signaled Jay to take one of the leather-chairs opposite to him.

Taking a seat as he was asked to, Jay listened Norris as he began to inquire.

"So, Sir, what is it exactly that you are searching for? As you saw, we currently have not many goods on display." N.

"Oh, I'm sure you have some stock. I am interested in the helping hands." J.

"And are you looking for a temporary or permanent employment." N.

"Permanent, please." J.

"What about your preferences?" N.

"Preferences?" J.

"Gender, age, race and the likes. Do you have any wishes?" N.

"Female, please. Neither too old nor to young." J.

"I see... and what kind of help are you searching for?" N.

"Daily chores and travel company would be the main part..." J.

"I understand. So..." N.

*knock* *knock*

A knock on the door interrupted Norris who reacted with faked surprise.

With a "Yes please?" from the clerk, the door opened and a slender girl, with smoky grey hair and light blue eyes, wearing a maid apron came in and started to clean the shelves.

Jay immediately understood this was a display of goods more than a interruption. Otherwise the experienced clerk wouldn't have allowed such a thing.

"Would damaged goods all right as well?" N.

"Damaged in which way?" J.

"Do they have to be virgins?" N.

"Oh, preferably yes, please." J.

"Then Eloise here might be not that interesting for you. She was captured and brought here by one of our collaborating groups after some of them... let's say she at least has some experience by now." N.

A little disgusted by the man's open declaration of her having been captured and forced on, Jay was searching for words.

He had wanted to help the young woman as soon as possible, but couldn't blow his cover. And even if this was the right slave trader, he wouldn't have been able to leave alive, even more so with someone to protect.

"Uhh...You say damaged, but she looks pretty well to me." J.

"Yes, yes. We had her healed and prepped up. All that's left is her slight absent mind, but her submissive behavior makes up for that very well..." N.

"Makes sense. Well, I am more interested in something....more combat oriented?" J.

Norris started to read and search through his book after he heard Jay's last statement. Glancing over the content, Jay saw numbers, names and something more written behind it in each line.

He guessed it was something like a stock book.

While the trader was reading through it and searching for anything that complied with Jay's wishes, the latter had time to check on the clearly malnourished slave that was still cleaning the shelves.

She was glancing over to him in between, but trying to hide it while failing miserably.


Eloise -Slave- (Maid LVL 2)

Base LVL 6


HP 150/150 * Mana 30/30

[Cleaning LVL 1]

[Service LVL 2]

[Steering LVL 2]

[Tailoring LVL 1]


As he had thought, [Analyze] revealed her as human. With this, Jay was sure he had found the right place. Just in time for Norris to look up from his book, Jay turned his head away from the pitiful young slave.

"I am sorry to say it, but we have currently nothing on stock that fits your requirements. All I can do is note your request and ask you to come back when the manager is back." N.

"You're telling me there are no goods fitting my tastes?" J.

"I am truly sorry, but yes. The mistress is currently out of house acquiring new stock. As you are a new customer, I am in no position to sell you anything either way. All I can do at the moment is to place a reservation." N.

"And when will the mistress be back?" J.

"Oh, she left to Millshire just a few days ago, so it will probably take a while. Two weeks from now at least for new stock to arrive, and another one to have them prepared. We have quite a lot orders placed for new arrivals..." N.

"Then place a order for me as well, please." J.

"So, a young female, combat occupation and undamaged. Any specific race?" N.

"A Elf or Human would be good, but that is no priority." J.

"That will cost extra then." N.

"I thought as much. Talking about money, how much will it be?" J.

"With your extras included, ...at least 150 Gold."

"Chea... just out of curiosity, what about that maid?" J.

"Oh, that one is 30 Gold..." N.

"How does that sum up? I thought she was human as well..." J.

"Yes, but through the usage and lacking skills, it's just like that. Interested?" N.

"Get me some discount and place a reservation." J.

"Deal." N.

Though he couldn't help her at that moment, Jay at least tried to make sure she wouldn't be sold to somewhere else.

Saying his goodbyes after sealing the deal with a handshake, Jay left the building the same way he had entered.

Walking over the marble paved path towards the door he entered through, he could see the whole structure.

Embedded in a rocky cliff, was a small guesthouse like looking building. The cliff was about four yards high and ended in the foot of a mountain, probably the same one the old town ended in.

Passing through the door, Jay was back to the illuminated cave with the two strong guards. To his right side he spotted a path leading further down.

Jay guessed it was some kind of smuggling route and may be the way they transferred the goods into and out of the city. Taking a step in that direction, one of the guards cleared his throat...

"Where do you think you are going?" came with a deep voice from the giant man as Jay took another step.

"O-Oh... to the back alley? My sense of direction is not the best, that's why I had my guide to here..." J.

Finding a short excuse, Jay went the other way and back towards the back alley. But the reaction of the guard further manifested the thought of this being the smuggling route.

Back at the crossroad where he had bought some clothes, Jay strolled through the stall some more.

He had been sure there were some eyes watching him so he had to keep up his play until he left the back alley.

At a certain shop he got really interested as he walked along the narrow street. It was one of those build into the rocky walls, selling magic items of all kinds.

The old man behind the counter looked anything but trustworthy, so without asking, Jay activated his [Analyze] on every single scroll he saw in the shop, as well as on many other items.

Two scrolls caught his eyes, mixed within a lot of faked ones. One of those scrolls was called [Scroll of Oblivion]. Picking it up, the old man peeked up with slight unease.

Unsure if it was to him picking the only real one of those scrolls or simply because he touched one without asking, Jay went for the second scroll. That one was named [Scroll of Farsight] and if the spell worked as the name implied, would be perfect for spying. Jay didn't wonder why those shady sounding scrolls could be found in the back alley.

As he took the next working scroll, the man finally reacted and straightened his back, blurting out "Hey, no touching without buying!".

The tag on the tables had one gold and 50 silver respectively written on them.

The only thing else of worth in the shop, was a spell book that looked pretty old and damaged. It was positioned in the back on a shelve behind the counter where the old man was leaning on. After checking on it, Jay learned it was the [Skillbook: Shadow Step].

Taking another one of the cheaper farsight scrolls, one that was working of course, Jay went to the counter.

"Those three please, here's the two gold. What about the old book behind you?" J.

"It's 10 Gold for the scrolls!"

"The tag say something else..." J.

"Those are the rea..."

"The what?" J.

"Huh? ...ahem... 5 Gold"

"I guess I'll just go back and tell Lenny who guided me here..." J.

"Oh, well... in that case..."

"May be I should tell the mistress about the fake scrolls..." J

"Lady Kendra? Okay, two Gold then...."

"I want that book as well! How much?" J.

"20 Gold!"

"..." J.


"...and the real price?" J.

"5 Gold, last offer!"

"I'll give you five all together." J.

"Damn it....deal."

Thanks to his haggling skill, Jay got three scrolls and a skill book dead cheap.

Well, for his relations at least.

And if he could integrate those spells like he hoped for, it would top up the deal.

Leaving the shop with it's grumbling and cursing owner, Jay went to the exit while strolling along the streets.

It was time to report his findings to the thieves...