A parting gift

The sun was already rising again, when Jay had finished "questioning" the little spy. On his last round he had been alternating between her holes, resulting in quite the mess.

The beastkin was totally wrecked and leaking his and her own fluids in streams, so he left her just this way.

With the hope for the field workers to find her and may be get a little compensation for their capture from her, Jay cleared the shrubbery hindering the view on her.

With some swift swings of one of his plundered axes, the greenery was gone in no time and the view right on the farm was open.

The only thing left for him to do now, was to use one of the remaining scrolls. As any explanation was missing, Jay prayed it would work the way he was hoping for.

And of course that he could integrate the skill if it was effective.

Taking out the [Scroll of Oblivion] Jay send mana inside and directed it towards the passed out Romy.

And his prayers got received.


Skill integrated:



Reading the description the moment he could click on the skill shown in the notification window, Jay was glad he had guessed right. Oblivion would erase the casters deeds from the targets memories.

The longer one used the spell or the more mana one used, the longer back the effect would reach.

Taking the chance, Jay checked up the other integrated skills he got in the last hours. [Bow LVL 2] integrated with his already gotten skill and leveled it up to three. [Sniping LVL 2] was a sub skill that boosted his accuracy immensely, as well as the range of his ranged weapons.

Hide got also boosted, but even though he used it frequently the last days, it only leveled up to [Hide LVL 2]. But the last skill he got was one he really came to like upon reading. [Stalking LVL 1] enabled him to mark a target and find it nearly everywhere in sight. It also enhanced the perception on this single target.

All that was left was the racial skill, and that one he pulled up into a notification window again.


Racial Traits integrated:

Beastkin (herbivore):

compensation: Status-point +1


Hide'n'seek – all Stealth skills +1 LVL and skill [Danger Sense]


Jay had guessed on the compensatory status point, but it was the first time he got a skill from a racial trait that was a skill in and off itself.

The skill was nothing too special, enhancing the awareness when exposed to a potentially lethal threat. Something his senses coped pretty good with already.

But the boosted stealth skills explained why he had such a hard time locating and spotting Romy, as well as why she found him with such ease.

Thanks to this, his hide skill leveled up once again, even though it was just a boost in use and not in the level itself.

Leaving the place towards the road of Molgen's Farm, Jay turned around one last time as he got a small distance away. The bound up and dangling midair beastkin was slowly waking back up, while her wide on display crotch was still leaking.

Shaking his head at the sight, Jay went on his way onwards.

On the road, only some steps from the yard, he met the first workers that thanked him for freeing the farm. The four middle aged men had listened to his warnings and kept hidden over the whole night.

Hinting them that he saw movement at the oak last night but bandits fled from there, the men promised to have a look there. They would go over in their break together in case there was a bandit left.

Grinning inside, Jay wished them a good harvest and went on to the Molgens. With the stage set, he entered the house and reported about the killed and fled bandits, and that the farm was free again.

Receiving lots of thanks and a healthy breakfast, Jay left the farm about 30 minutes later.

His next target would be Sentinel where he would meet up with his contact. Walking further on the road he came to the crossing on the main road.

Suddenly a heavily slating carriage with ripped open cover and arrows sticking to one side rushed to his position.

The bull like animal pulling the vehicle looked to be totally exhausted and was breathing heavy.

The man steering the carriage slowed down halted the moment he was next to Jay.

"G'morning young man. Are ya by chance a Adventurer?" came from the worn out looking, slightly aged man. The woman next to the bald man looked equally worn out but greeted Jay equally friendly.

"Yes, I am. Do you have any business with me or need help?" J.

"A'm Farmer Patric Saldema, and this's ma wifey Salley. Wegot a farm just east from ere...

At least we used ta have it. Those damn bandits came running a few days ago but a kept defendin'. Last night they got ma best worker with their crazy machines..." P.S.

"And after that I told him we had to leave before more of our workers got harmed. So we rushed out with our carriage while the others were to leave towards Sentinel." S.S.

"And now you ask me to help you with your farm?" J.

"No no... that'll be ta much fer one guy. Not a chance! But we're askin' fer an escort ta Millshire." P.S.

"Millshire? Then ain't this the wrong way?" J.

"Nah, 'ere, look at da map. Da way along Alextons is shorter than a detour through Sentinel." P.S.

To this he gave Jay a poor map depicting most part of the region.

In the north the distance between the Furbow's and the Jansen's farm looked pretty accurate, even the Jango-lode mine was implemented.

South to the farms, near the crossroad from Eldrin to Sentinel or the mine, was another farm printed on the map. Saldema stood in poor letters over it.

Between the Saldema's and the Molgen's farm lay another one but the name was crossed out. The ruins Jay had found Gnolls living in, was called Wells Manor and the farm next to it had simply 'Willy's Farm' written over it.

To the south, near the coast and with quite the distance to other farms was the Alexston's.

It was no wonder to Jay why the bandits would take this location as base of operation.

Located pretty central with multiple options to flee and perfect vision on anyone closing in on it. At least if there weren't any big hills the map didn't depict close to it.

Near the coast and in the vicinity of the Alexston's farm was a mine depicted, called Gold Coast Quarry.

It was a point of interest for Jay as he had to check on every mine anyways.

Further to the south, more than double the distance to Alexton's from where they were, lay Millshire. A road passing the Alexston's Farm went there in a nearly straight line, passing two other farms with Desmont and Linnet written next to them, until it forked to Millshire and the coast.

The map was ripped apart there so Jay had no idea as to what lay at the coast.

On the other side of the lower Map Jay saw the depiction of a big tower and Sentinel written under it a good distance next to Alexton's farm. South to there, the map was pretty worn out, only two farms named Belcon and something like Cradler were barely readable.

Everything else was more of a guess as to what it depicted, but Jay had at least gotten a general idea of the region with this.

Folding it and holding the map up to give it back, the bald farmer denied it.

"Take it, We know da region. Our plan is to get to Millshire fast and ask for help, so we need a escort at least ta Alexston's..." P.S.

"Well, that won't be possible. That Alexston farm has been taken over by the bandits. I advise you to turn around and travel over Sentinel." J.

"H-How do you know that? Are you sure?" S.S.

"Pretty much. The Molgen's had been taken over as well until we freed it. From here the bandits attack force had rushed on, trying to take the northern farms. Every bandit I questioned told me they came from Alexston's." J.

"Then we're damned..." S.S.

"Hold it dear... it dis young un freed the Molgens, he might help us, right?" P.S.

"Sure, no problem. Though..." J.

"We'll pay ya fer sure!" P.S.

"No...well good, but it's the carriage... We should at least pull out the Arrows and try to fix the slant." J.

Doing as Jay suggested, the three went to the Molgen's farm. The fields had again been occupied, but this time it was the real workers again, trying to bring in some harvest.

Farmer Molgen and Saldema knew each other pretty well and while they provisionally fixed the carriage, they talked about their neighbor getting burned down together with his farm. Farmer Saldema had seen the fire some days ago but got attacked himself that night.

Back on the road again, Jay rode behind the carriage on his horse. Shortly before they reached the crossing on the main road, Jay saw a few workers walking over to the tree he spent the night at.

It seemed the workers really kept to their word as they went over with four men even.

After a short while the entourage was back on the main road, traveling to the east. The boring ride didn't take too long until Jay spotted three people walking towards them from the front.

Passing the carriage, Jay closed in on them and analyzed them as they came within reach. They were all three Adventurers as well.


Bogus (Warrior LVL 14)

Base LVL 16


HP 670/670 * Mana 0/0

[Shield LVL 2]

[Sword LVL 2]

[Taunt LVL 1]



Kolja (Brawler LVL 14)

Base LVL 17


HP 585/585 * Mana 50/50

[Martial Arts LVL 1]

[Fist Weapons LVL 2]

[One-handed Mace LVL 1]



Sybill (Archer LVL 6)

Base LVL 17


HP 470/470 * Mana 120/120

[Bow LVL 2]

[Sniping LVL 1]

[ Dagger LVL 1]

[Hunting LVL 3]


Though it was a unbalanced party, it would have been more than enough to fight off some bandits or monsters. Jay's eyes landed last on the slender woman with a wild curly mane, walking in the back when they arrived in front of him while the Saldemas carriage closed in from behind..

"Good day, I take it you are fellow Adventurers?" J.

"Hello, yes we are. Your carriage looks pretty tattered, had an encounter with Gnolls maybe?" B.

"No, it was bandits. Gnolls you say..." J.

"Yeah, we're on a mission for a nearby farm to get rid of some Monsters attacking their fields." K.

"Oh, maybe the Molgen's Quest?" J.

"Hmpf, you know about it? Sorry, but the group is full..." K.

"Well, about that... that Quest is no longer pending.

The Gnoll encampment was eradicated, though the Molgens sure need some protection against thieves as well..." J.

"How do you know that?" S.

It was the first time the woman talked and it was a sharp voice. Abiding to her demanding tone, Jay truthfully answered in a nonchalant tone.

"I cleared it with a party yesterday, so the Molgens had no chance to report.

We stumbled on them on pure coincidence but you are of course free to check it." J.

"You're telling me the trouble coming here was for naught? Hell..." B.

"Damn" K.

"What about those people behind you?" S.

"Those are the Farmer Saldema and his wife. Their farm got raided and they need protection for the travel to Sentinel." J.

"We're still going to check on the Gnolls. Can't believe they really are all dead." B.

"Yeah, and the Farmer has other requests as well I bet." K.

"Just be careful and don't travel to far south, the region was taken by a huge group of bandits..." J.

"Don't worry about us, boy..." K.

"We'll manage some puny bandits with ease." B.

"Just a friendly hint." J.

To that the two men simply passed him and were on the height of the carriage as they stopped.

The female Archer still stood beside Jay's horse and had a thoughtful expression.

"Sybill, you comin'?" B.

"Hm? Sorry guys, I'm gonna take up the offer and join the escort. With the Gnolls done in, my next stop would be Sentinel anyways... You, you keep your word, right?" S.

"Sure thing. Gonna report to the Captain directly, so if you wanna join that conversation..." J.

"I'll take you up on that. Guys, I'm leaving, stay safe!." S.

"Same for you, I hope we meet again!" K.

"Yeah, and protect the boy there...hehe." B.

"Oh, the two of you should have a look the big oak on the Molgen's field.

It's on the right side when you are on the road to the farm. Some workers spotted something there as we left the farm." J.

With this the two men took their leave towards the Molgen's farm.

Jay dismounted and went back to the Saldemas to tell they got support from a seemingly capable Adventurer. Latter came next to him and introduced herself. As Jay asked for her combat occupation, she was first surprised but a small smile formed on her pretty face.

She was more of a wild beauty, but the stoic look she had until then ruined it most of the time.

The next thing that happened surprised Jay a little, though he welcomed it at the same time.


Sybill invites you to form a Party

[accept] [decline]


Gladly accepting the offered party, it was the curly haired woman that opened her orange eyes wide in surprise.

Jay had forgotten to switch off his buff from the Hero skill. This blunder seemed to have shown the young woman something he should have kept to him.

The look she gave Jay vanished in the next moment as the Saldemas began to talk and promised her to open the request officially to the guild once they were in Sentinel.

Her expression was back to stoic and cold in the next second after she thanked the Saldemas.

After Jay had mounted the Carriage together with Sybill, he told her about him being a Sorcerer who got some experience and training in close combat, so she wouldn't have to worry for him being defenseless.

She explained herself as Hunter, though the job had already gone up to Archer.

Upon asking further, Jay learned her goal was still to hunt and slay beasts of all possible kinds in all regions available to her.

That had been some kind of trial her Teacher gave her.

"Was that the reason you went with them for the Hyenas?" J.

"Yes." S.

"So, any more targets in Westfield?" J.

"Some." S.

"Not very talkative, are you?" J.

"Don't you think we should be on the lookout instead of chatting?" S.

"We only need to be cautius when closing in on their farm. Until then we should be safe..." J.

"Mages... only good with their mouths..." S.

"We'll see about that!" J.

Jumping down from the carriage and summoning his horse, Jay was back to riding in front after asking Sibyll to take the rearguard.

He has had enough from the cold and very curt answers the woman gave him and would rather go back on checking his own skills that were still left.