A blessing for Sentinel

The check on the gate was a swift one, even more as the new Head Priestess peeked out of the carriage and Myres climbed off.

All the Guards stationed there saluted at once, hinting Jay the man he saved was no ordinary soldier.

As he himself showed his certificate and asked to talk with the Captain, the whole entourage was led towards the garrison in the center of Sentinel while being told about the city, remembering Jay of some tourist tours from his past life.

Passing the high wall, of which the eastern side was still under construction and not even half the height as the rest, they entered the fortified city. The houses inside were kept simple and easy to rebuild if the situation required it.

As the layout of the city was kept simple for better orientation and maneuverability, they only had to travel in a straight line.

It consisted of only two ring roads, connected to each other by five streets, while the outer was connected via two streets to the north and south gate.

The bigger buildings were all built close to the wall at that outer ring, like the small chapel, a smithy or the city's inn.

But the eastern half of the city was nearly completely barren land.

Some tents were erected there and upon asking, they learned those were refugees that fled their farms or homeless that had wandered Westfield. Poverty was a real issue since some time ago.

Only a few traders and craftsmen had their small houses on the inner ring road they had arrived at, and that surrounded the Garrison. A second, smaller wall was placed there as a last defense.

Two gates in the, higher than two men tall wall, positioned in straight lines to the city gates, connected the garrison with the inner ring road. The giant building behind it was still easily visible.

It was the tower of Sentinel Hill, a tall and sturdy tower that was said to be over 500 years old and was the base of operations in this region. The stables and the barracks connecting to it only became visible as the group entered the yard.

To Jay's surprise there were nearly no soldiers to be seen. Back in Arathor and even in Gold Creek, The yard was occupied by training soldiers most of the time.

Passing it and halting in front of the Tower, Jay was asked to enter by himself while Kylie, Myres and the wounded soldier were guided to a building on the side.

Without waiting Jay stated he would have his companion accompany him, to what the guard agreed. The Saldemas would wait for them outside and have their bull rest a bit.

Entering the Tower together, the two Adventurers were greeted by Captain Stoutmantle himself.

He didn't need any introduction or Jay to use analyze, as his steel plate armor and the military decorations on it told it all. The big War-hammer on his back showed how severe the situation had to be, as even the commanding Captain of a small City was wearing his weapon at the ready.

"Good day, I am Captain Gyran Stoutmantle, commander of this small fort. I was informed you came here on behalf of Marshall Whitmore. How can I help you?" G.S.

"Greetings, I have to report to you about the situation in Eldrin and Arathor, as well as our findings here in Westfield..." J.

"Your both? Then tell me about it." G.S.

What followed was a narration by Jay of what he found out in Arathor and Eldrin, though he kept it to a minimum of information as to not reveal too much. The things that happened in Westfield since they crossed the border, he recounted in detail.

At the point where he told about the overrun farms and the threat of totems he already found in this region, the Captain furrowed his brows and shook his head in bewilderment.

But Jay went on with his story and explained how he found out the Defier's base of operations being the Alexton's farm.

Sybill was stunned as well, but it was more the sheer amount of information Jay reported than the information itself. She had witnessed how the bandits attacked in the open and seen the burned down farms as well.

Stating it was hard to believe he found out that much over such a short time, Stoutmantle still trusted his words as he already got reports about the young Adventurer and his previous feats.

He explained that he would think of a plan to save the remaining farms and send a unit to the Alextons next.

Gyran's question if he could include Jay in his planning surprised the youth a bit, but of course he gladly complied. That was partially because of the two screens that had appeared in his field of view out of nowhere again.



'The Bandits 5' cleared!





The Bandits 6


free the bandit's raid base.


Jay had updated the Quest-line to part 5 when he questioned the bandit boss and learned how their raid on the farms worked. Thankful for close to two thousand XP, he had been surprised that he simply had to relay this information to Sentinel and not directly raid the Alexton's farm.

But that had changed with the next part, so he concentrated back on their report.

Jay had one more surprise for the Captain up his sleeve.

After asking to go to somewhere more spacious, the two Adventurers were guided to a meeting room in the tower. Upon entering the room, he took the Harvester from his inventory, shocking the Captain again.

"What the hell is that?" G.S.

"I was hoping for you to tell me. We spotted those things wandering on a field belonging to the Slademas farm." J.

"They were running autonomously without anybody controlling them close by." S.

"I'll have my engineer look at it. How did you deactivate it?" G.S.

"Oh, that... after enough damage it ceased functioning. I was hoping for you to find out some weak points or counter measures.

I bet we have to defeat quite some of those freeing some farms." J.

"We'll do just that. It's a blessing you were sent to Sentinel. A report about your help and a suitable compensation will be sent to the guild.

As for the Farmers you escorted here, they can set up their camp with all other refugees in the eastern part of the city. They are welcome and will get taken care of until we can free their property.

Please tell them my thanks!" G.S.

Just as the Captain finished his sentence, another screen appeared before Jay.

It was one he had waited for, as he would have set out to free their farm either way. With the quest pending it was just a matter of days until the Saldemas got their farm back.



Saldemas Farm


help the army freeing Saldemas Farm


Leaving the room and guided to Stoutmatle's office, the two gave their ID's for the promised compensation and report. While giving them back, the Captain again thanked the two and offered them a room for their stay.

Declining as he would prefer to stay in an inn after his travel, Jay and Sybill said their goodbyes to the man and left the Tower.

Relaying the information they got for the Saldemas, they all mounted the carriage and left the yard together.

The priestess and her guarding soldier were with them again as well, only the one armed man was getting further treatment in the garrison.

Just as they passed the gate and were on the inner ring road, they saw smoke rising behind the giant wall. Seconds later, they just drove down the southern road towards the outer ring road, a patrol came running and shouting their way.

"Make way! The fields are burning!!!!"

Without wait, Jay jumped from the carriage and rushed after the patrol. He just excused himself and stated he would ask if he could help.

It wasn't plain naivety or the wish to be a hero but two other things.

Jay was hoping for enemies as, even though he progressed nicely, he was not satisfied with his level progression and he was in dire needs for leads to understand the situation there.

On the yard he saw Captain Stoutmantle already outside the tower, ordering his subordinates to their posts and controlling the situation. Spotting Jay he asked him what the matter was and as the young man stated he wanted to help, Gyran was first baffled and then more than glad.

He welcomed him again and explained that he was forming a rescue party.

Apparently the bandits had set some farms and the corresponding fields on fire. With the region south of Sentinel growing mostly crops and a long dry period, the harvest there was doomed.

Some survivors of the raids had been spotted all over the place and the remaining patrols were trying to guard them as best as possible, but they would need help.

Without waiting for further explanations, Jay stepped down the stairs in front of the tower and summoned his horse. Mounting the monster and galloping down the street to the south gate, Jay passed the Saldema's carriage and swiftly informed them.

Kylie would have to prepare for wounded people and soldiers while Sybill said she would look after the farmer couple.

Out of the city gate, Jay saw a good portion of Westfield's southern part.

While the source of the smoke was still in far distance, Jay was sure it would spread fast. And the bandits would be pressing forward as well, so he had no time to spare.

Urging his horse to go full throttle, he rode down the main road towards the places set on fire.

On his way he passed a patrol escorting what looked like field workers towards sentinel, as well as two farms a good distance left and right from the road that had no traces of conflict.

Jay had checked on the right one with far sight, but for the farm to the left he had to leave the road and travel towards it. But the farms were all right and on the last one he even saw a patrol checking on the inhabitants.

It took some time for Jay to reach the next farm after he was back on the main road, even though he hurried.

Getting close by, a group of workers rushed towards him from the fields. He at first thought they were bandits and going to attack, but locking his eyes on the first man, the systems target window told him they really only had been workers.

Halting his horse, Jay learned the didn't even come for themselves to be freed, but their employers and their farm. Though the farmer had somehow, together with his aides, repelled the ones who laid the fire, the building was still burning.

Ordering the workers to run towards Sentinel as he would try to help their boss, Jay rode down the small road leading to the farm. Passing over a small hill, he saw the farm in a slight sink.

It was about the size of the Saldema's farm and the whole roof was burning fiercely.

Not a minute later he had arrived and jumped of his horse, crossing the remaining distance to the farmer and his wife. The only thing he understood was, their kids were still inside the burning house, so Jay didn't think twice.

Hoping for his fire resistance to help him, he ran to the front door and kicked it in.

The gust of the door flying inwards and crashing into the opposite wall ceased made the fire flare up for a second and had Jay guard his eyes.

This was one of the moments when he wished for the only elemental magic he still had not encountered, and that was water. It was the magic that would have helped the most in this situation.

But he had no other choice, and after thinking about it for a few seconds, he remembered that fireplaces were best extinguished with earth for less steam.

Jumping through the door he cast an earth wall where the biggest flames were raging. Walking two steps he could instantly hear the two children crying.

Going left after the voices he found himself in the remnants of the main room. Looking around once, he saw two small children cowering under the table.

Rushing over to them and kneeling down, he tried to sooth the two and, as they calmed down a little, he could pull them in his arms.

While shielding the white haired boy and girl as best as he could, he rushed out of the house.

Back outside their parents ran towards him and took over the children. They thanked them under whimpers and even the two small ones were grateful, but Jay had no time to linger about.

Telling them they should travel to Sentinel and seek shelter while he summoned his mount again, Jay excused himself as there still were others that needed help. Just as he wanted to gallop away, a part of the Farm broke together, resulting in loud crashing noises and sparks flying around.

Leaving the yard, he could only hear the girl ask her mother if they were saved by a hero or a Saint and he couldn't help but smirk.

He thought how far off she was, as his only goal was killing a few bandits to finally level up...

In high speed he rode towards the next farm as he was back on the main road. It was not that far until he had to turn left and follow another smaller road towards the farmgrounds.

Not two hundred yards further, Jay heard screams from the field on his right.

Jumping from his horse and running over, Jay found a farmer and his family on their carriage.

They were surrounded by a horde of boars that seemed to be overly aggressive. Though they only numbered to 5 beasts and were up to Level 15 at max, they still posed a lethal threat to the farmer family.

How and why they came there was something Jay wondered about but had no way to find a answer at that moment.

While his family was trying to hide away on the loading area, the Farmer was screaming for help.

The moment he spotted Jay, the man warned him of the boars as Jay inquired about their well being.

"You all right on the carriage?" J.

"Thank you, we're all right for now." Farmer

"Stay up there for a bit, I'm gonna take care of the beasts." J.

"Of course... Thank the gods they blessed us with help..." Farmer