A turquoise night

Sitting down at his table opposite to Jay, the petite woman mustered him top down.

Her sharp black eyes didn't look like she was there to hook up some guy but something else and after a few seconds she gave Jay a small nod and started to talk.

"Nice to meet you, call me Kearnen. Do you have a room in this inn?" K.

"uhm.... yes?" J.

"Then come on, some privacy would be appropriate." K.

Urging him to leave the dining hall, Jay was a bit reluctant to follow her request that sounded more like an order. But Jay had a hunch as to what the small and slim woman wanted from him.

She was was either pretty miserable or she didn't even try to hide her profession as an Agent.

Walking up the stairs to the first floor and down the corridor, Jay stopped at the second door to the right. It had the same number as the key, so this had to be his room.

After opening the door, the dark clothed beauty passed him and looked around in the dim room.

Though the sun should have set for the most part, the room was darker than Jay had expected.

Stepping inside Jay understood the reason.

As the inn was built close to the city wall and he got a room facing it, there was not much light entering through the small window.

Lighting a candle with a tiny bit of his fire magic, Jay was about to set down on the bed but Kearnen was faster.

Sitting down opposite to her on a old crate, Jay asked why she contacted him so obvious.

"No need hiding it. I checked on the guests here beforehand, so calm down.

I already talked with Captain Stoutmantle about what happened today. Thanks to you quite a lot people survived as it seems..." K.

"That's good to hear. So, any news on our course of action?" J.

"Straight to the point huh, all right. We need to find the one behind all that's happening. The attacks on the farms are way to timed and planned out for a mere group of bandits.

Someone must be organizing their ranks and guide them." K.

"Then how will we find them? If we close in on them too fast, they might flee, but we have no idea as to who it is... right?" J.

"As far as we know, their base is the Alexton's farm, right?

Stoutmantle is planning a large scale attack on it. The moment the farm is freed, we will learn of the ones behind the bandits. Any questions?" K.

"Yes, what will we do if the soldiers free the farm?" J.

"You simply follow the Captains orders and report to him, while I will travel to Millshire and search for new leads.

As not one single request for help arrived from this regions district town, something seems off there." K.

"Anything else to watch out for?" J.

"We're happy for any hint we can get, so if you can find any information it might be of help." K.

With this, the short contact ended as the female Agent wished a good night and left the room. Jay was still sitting on the crate and thinking about what to do.

The couple of minutes he got his orders in had been enough for the last sunlight to fade and it was dark outside.

Out on the second ring road, Jay had the cool air of the night clear his mind.

He had decided to look at the bathhouse like the Innkeeper hinted him to. It was not like he had anything to loose there and relaxing in a warm bath sounded good to him as well after the strenuous day.

The building was located near the norther city gate and was constructed in a half-timbering fashion. It was two stories high with a high and pointed gable.

Entering through the wide double door, a turquoise haired woman greeted Jay from behind a set up counter in the lobby.

Her big blue eyes made her appear younger, but Jay was sure she was at least in her thirties. Tempted to analyze her, he suppressed the urge and simply greeted her as well as he arrived before her.

"Good evening dear customer, I am Bulma, the manager of this bathhouse. Do you wish for a bath or cleaning?" B.

"Good evening Ma'am. I came here on recommendation. Are there no other services you have to offer?" J.

"Oh my, ain't you a bit young for that?

Either way, all my service personel is occupied at the moment. Do you by chance want to take a bath in a private room and relax a bit at least?" B.

"Can't be helped, huh? Then sure, I'll take the bath." J.

"Then follow me please..." B.

As she walked around the counter, Jay could finally see her mature but slim body.

The alluring swing to her hips was not something she made on purpose for him but seemed to be natural to her.

Bulma guided Jay to a room further back on the ground level and asked him to enter after she opened him the big door. Two wooden bathtubs stood in the middle of the dim but pretty spacious room. Next to it, Jay saw the same pipe construction he had seen in the Gilden Roses Inn in Arathor, as well as the same crystals.

The pale manager explained the function of the pipes to Jay as she noticed him staring.

It was a simple mechanism to heat water that got pumped up from a underground well. The stones would either heat up the water slowly or, if one could provide enough mana, heat it up extremely fast.

After Jay provided some mana on his own volition, the tub was filled with steaming water in no time.

Bulma explained the house rules as she gave some more herbs and soap to the water that got a turquoise tint while it already smelled nice and had a lot foam covering it.

"...so again, no clothing in the hot tubs! Clothes are getting cleaned in the laundry section.

No mixed bathes! You have the room for yourself tonight.

And no eating while bathing! I don't want to clean your leftovers... " B.

"Yes Ma'am. No clothes, no girls, no food..." J.

"Then enjoy your stay..." B.

With those last words, Bulma left the room and Jay started to undress.

The closing of the door sounded only as he was about to pull down his pants at the very last though.

Climbing inside the tub, he instantly felt his tension lessening and after sitting down and leaning back, he relaxed in the hot turquoise water.

Thinking that, though it was a shame the washing girls were all occupied, he really needed some time to ease up, Jay closed his eyes and drifted into a light sleep.

His clearing up mind was pulled back to reality only a short while later, as the door behind him got opened again.

Looking over his shoulder while opening only one eye, Jay saw it was the slightly bossy Bulma who was carrying towels.

"Sorry, I have to fill up the towels. I'll be gone in a second." B.

Bulma passed him in the tub and walked over to a shelve on the other side of the room that still held a few towels. Jay had seen them as he had been undressing and looking for a option to dry himself afterwards.

Turning around she walked back towards the door but didn't miss the chance to watch the pretty boy in the hot tub.

Jay didn't mind it much but was still glad most of his body was hidden by thick foam.

"Is everything to your liking? The temperature is.... hey! I said no Eating in the tub!!!" B.

"Wha... I didn't do! Why do you think I did?" J.

Jay was startled by her sudden accusation and as he opened his eyes he saw a furious looking woman pointing at him. He really had no idea how she got the idea and was still baffled as she took a step forward and ended right next to the tub.

"And what the hell is that Mush....roo...m... whaaa..." B.

Not two seconds later, it was the beautiful Bulma that got startled and was ringing for words.

She had plunged her hand into the hot water and grabbed what she thought as something like a Mushroom.

The thing was, it was Jay's thing!

Unexpected from a mature woman, Bulma blushed fiercely as Jay sat up straight after his member got grabbed by a woman without any warning.

Looking her dead into her big blue eyes he asked:

"Mind telling me what you are trying?" J.

"I... uh ...really thought it was Mush...room... geez, that thing is..." B.

"Um, you're still grabbing it..." J.

"S-sorry... really... I-I'll make up to that for sure." B.

"And how do you plan on doing that?" J.

"N-no charge. The bath is on the house." B.

"How about I pay and you forget the rule against mixed bathing for tonight and join me?" J.

"If you wish for that... You're the last customer for today, I guess I can take up the service personally..." B.

As if she had been hoping for that, Bulma stood up from her bent forward posture and grabbed the sides of her pink shirt. And then she pulled it slowly up and started to strip.

Jay positioned his arms behind his head and leaned back to enjoy the show.

Her firm breasts with the light rose buds on their tops were already dangling in the open as she opened her short brown pants.

His little friend was already growing from the show he was given, and that got enhanced by a small surprise he was given as Bulma pushed down her pantie.

Her pubes were the same color as the hair on her head what gave her a slightly exotic look, at least for Jay.

Stepping over the wooden frame of the tub, Bulma joined him in the water.

At that time, most of the foam was gone, at least in the middle of the tub, and she was openly eyeing Jay's body. Of course her eyes kept glued to a certain place once they arrived there.

Gulping once as she watched the monster under water, she leaned forward to Jay who had given up his leaned back position and got close to him.

But before their faces came close enough to kiss, she ducked down and, grabbing his member with her left, had his whole tip enter her mouth in one swift motion.

Without wait she started to bob her head up and down, earning a pleasured sigh from the young man and an even bigger shaft in her hand.

"Hey, didn't you say no eating in the tub?" J.

With this statement, Jay had her look up and before she could answer, he had grabbed her butt and pulled her hips forward. He wanted something else and was no longer in the mood to wait.

Like she was positioned after his sudden movement, Bulma sat on his thighs and her clean slit was lightly touching Jay jewels. Her legs were spread around his and as she sat upright, his bulging manhood was leaning against her flat but not in the slightest toned belly.

Looking down and seeing the one eyed snake threatening her, the woman gulped loud. While it wasn't even supporting itself by then, Jay tool had collected quite some blood and was slowly growing.

Touching the thing and feeling it was still elastic, Bulma lifted one brow. As if to answer her questioning gaze, Jay's tool got filled to the brim and slapped slightly against her stomach.

In the position they were in it even reached to close under her breasts.

Shaking her head in disbelief, she rose a bit and guided the monsters tip to her entrance. Even though it might be useless in the water, Jay had activated lubed beforehand.

As Bulma lowered herself again, Jay knew his skill was not used for naught.

She had not much problems sliding down on his pole while Jay was wondering a little. But thinking about her occupation, it was no real surprise this woman wasn't that hard to enter as some of his previous relationships.

She still only managed to reach about two third on her first try.

With wide open eyes, she rose her hips again and then, more forceful this time around, lowered them on his manhood.

The result was nearly the same.

Repeating this and getting rougher and harder on each try, Bulma was riding Jay so hard in the tub, the water was splashing everywhere. Only a short time later, she started moaning to Jay's set and level of night-skills, what surprised herself a lot.

She still held out until Jay was closing in on his peak as well.

The whole time she was the one doing the work, riding him in the water while caressing the outlines of his muscled torso in the phases while she was moving slower. But she not once leaned in for a kiss.

Her warm and wet tunnel was accommodating his tool pretty well by then, with only a tiny bit left outside. That was something Jay had come to see as normal as only few human women could really fit him well.

With the last stroke before he had to release, Jay rose his hips and with that, doubled the force Bulma was sliding down on him. That was enough to have the last bit enter and the woman clamp down on him even more.

She had started coming three strokes earlier and was already clamping down on him.

It was far from painful or even too tight, but it enhanced the feeling of her inner walls and had Jay cross the line as well.

Releasing his cream inside her again and again, it even started spilling and tainted the water where they were connected.

This was even more the case as Bulma was trying to stand up and Jay's manhood was back in the open.

Her gaping hole was still leaking as he grabbed her wrist and asked what she was going to do.

A little perplexed she looked down on him, then on his little buddy and again, her big eyes went bigger.

"You want another round?" B.

Without answering, Jay went on his knees while he had her turn around. She leaned forward on the tubs edge and presented her well shaped, round and flawless butt.

Without wait, Jay had his tool enter her warm and ready tunnel.

While the first round didn't take that long, the second was more of a quickie. They both relished in the skill of each other and even though Bulma had quit this type of work long ago, as Jay leaned between her moans, she was once a very skilled wench.

He shot his second load inside her at the exact same moment when Bulma reached her peak as well.

Even though Bulma had not once kissed Jay due to her professional behavior, he leaned forward and kissed her neck while they were still connected. Startled at first, she turned around due to what his member slipped out of her, grabbed his face at both sides and gave him a deep and intimate kiss.

"Thank you, I haven't felt like a real woman in ages..." B.

"Ages ain't possible as young as you are... Want to try something else?" J.

"You smooth talker... wait, what?" B.

Pointing down towards his still throbbing boner, Jay shrugged his shoulders but Bulma suddenly had a sly smile on her face. Pushing him back so he sat on the tubes edge, Bulma stated that this round, she would lead again and he had to close his eyes.

A few seconds later he felt his manhood enter her again. But she was even hotter and tighter than before.

While he sat wide legged on the tub, he felt her outer thighs touching his inner ones and after a short while he felt her butt-cheeks on bis lower body as well.

It was at that moment he opened his eyes again.

And it was a sight to behold.

Bulma was humping him again while he was sitting on the tub and had her back facing him while she was looking over her shoulder.

The thing was that his thing was inside her other hole.

Nearly buried completely in her crack, he got a special service from her backdoor while the woman herself had started moaning again.

While she was moving way slower than in the last round she controlled, Bulma seemed to make sure she got the most of it. Lifting up until only the tip of his rock hard member remained inside her, she went down on it to have it vanish inside her completely, then up to the tip again.

This display continued for some time until Jay could hold out no longer.

From the next push down up to the lift and back down, he couldn't cease to shoot a few loads inside her tunnel, painting it completely white.

His warm filling had tipped Bulma over the edge as well and Jay saw a small spurt of liquid enter the water in the tub, while she quivered all over her body.

Holding her close to him while he was still rooted deep inside her, Jay whispered into her ear:

"I guess we need to clean ourselves again, right?"