A new Day, a new Job

With his eyes already heavy, Jay still managed to check his status.

It was something he had wanted to do since the fight during the day. The notifications he had seen in the log were so many, some of them really nice ones, he knew the day had been more than productive.

Summarizing the gains he read and saw in the next fifteen minutes, it was a massive amount of Experience Points from the over two hundred bandits he killed or helped in killing, the finally reached level up in [Thrown], as well as three notifications that picked his interest.



'The Bandits 6' cleared!





The Bandits 7


locate the Defiers hideout in Millshire.


The first one was the expected actualization of the quest-line considering the Defiers he already had expected and noted during the questioning/ torture of Malcom.

But the next one really made Jay happy.


Level up!

You reached level 19


For as long as it had taken him to get the levels before, the last two he had reached in nearly no time.

He doubted he would keep up the pace he had reached just then, but still hoped to at least stay within similar leveling rates. As his opponents levels were lower than his own by that time, he feared to be back to slow progress like he had experienced in Eldrin a short while ago.

The last notification was the one that took the most time. He was happy o the one hand, but indecisive what to do on the other.


Scout level 10

You have reached the maximum level!


He had reached the maximum level with his Scout Job way faster than ever before.

His guess was that with it being a tier one Job, it had a lot lower XP requirements than higher tier Jobs to level up. That would explain as well why his Magic Swordsman Job was progressing so slow in comparison to others had already gotten changed.

He had been pondering for a while whether to try changing his first Job himself.

As he had never tried it, Jay didn't know if it was possible at all or if he would be able to abort the procedure. Until then he only changed it at locations where his progress would be reported to the guild.

While his records at the guild weren't that important to Jay, he wanted to keep his unique condition a secret and not suddenly change his setting abruptly.

But as he knew the next day might give him the chance to earn lots of Experience Points, he still tried to activate his Job setting.

*Available Jobs*

| Hunter || Archer || Thief |

| Fighter || Brawler || Warrior |

| Summoner || Pyromancer || Arcanist |

With the screen opening before him like always, Jay sighed in relief. The number of options had multiplied again, so he looked them all through.

Archer and Thief seemed to be the second tier to Scout, but he knew it would be unwise to change to one of those as he had just switched to Scout a short while ago.

With him having told about his current Job to a member of the military, it would have been unwise to complicate it even more.

Hunter had been there from the beginning, as well as Brawler and Warrior. The Fighter Job had appeared later and Jay thought it might be a second tier job.

He already had been able to take a higher tier Job without taking the first tier before. That had been the case with Magic Swordsman.

Already set on getting himself another first tier Job as second tier Jobs took twenty levels while first took only ten, Jay made his decision.

His aim was to max his next Job out as fast as possible, then change to the next one.

And there was still one skill he wanted to acquire since had come to this world but had no luck with it until now.

* Job changed*

| Scout |


| Warrior |


Job: Warrior

Status adjusted

New Skills available:

[Charge LVL 2]


Checking his status once again, Jay got surprised by his significant growth in Health. After all was finally done, it had gotten pretty late and Jay closed his eyes to not sleep in on the next day.

But of course he did.

The long checking and thinking about his Job when it had already gotten late made him sleep longer than he normally would. It wasn't late in the morning when he woke up, but it had been long enough to bring a certain someone to look for him.

What had woken Jay up was rustling at his tents entrance and a female whistling as she peeked into the tent's living area. Sitting upright in his bed he saw her looking around with astonishment after she slipped in, until she spotted him further back in his bedroom part.

Somehow she looked even more surprised after he stood up and was about to walk over to her. But then he remembered his habit he had developed since the days got warm, that was to sleep naked.

Hurriedly putting on some pants he went to the living room where Fiona was standing and still looking at him with a questioning gaze.

"The tent is a magic Item I stumbled upon through sheer luck. Setting it up is quite some trouble, but…" J.

"I guess the tent isn't the matter here. Who, or better What are you?" F.

"Huh? Still just the average Adventurer. May be a little more versatile…" J.

"Average, yeah… outsized in every aspect you meant, right?

Come on, breakfast is waiting!" F.

Back on the farms yard, Jay saw most of the soldiers already eating their portions while chatting leisurely.

The atmosphere had changed drastically from the day before, though the sorry state of the buildings didn't.

On their way over and during their breakfast, Jay spun the story about the tent something he found on his travels even further, while Fiona tried to inquire about his way to high versatility. Though the dry bread and thin tea was not to Jay's palate, the talk with Fiona was fun to him, even though he had to be careful not to spill to much.

Not even an hour later he was on his way towards the Gold Coast.

The soldiers would stay at the farm for some time and had already started to help the farmer clean up when Jay was picking his equipment from his tent. At least that was what he played.

The tent he left at the farm as he had no option to store it inside his inventory without anyone noticing. There had been too much trouble on the yard, so he told Fiona she could use it while he was gone as it would be way more comfy than hers.

Without thinking about it she agreed and thanked him.

Before he left the Farms grounds, Jay was thanked again by the Alextons and told he was welcome anytime.

Even some of the soldiers seemed reluctant to him leaving, but his request was something he had gotten from Captain Stoutmantle.

The trip through the fields didn't take long and Jay already could smell the ocean as he passed the first plantation. Not a mile further he saw the cliff and behind it the sea until the horizon.

The way to the Cold Coast Quarry Jay was about to check was simple. He just had to follow the road until it lead down a slope towards the beach.

Around the path leading down, some sparse trees had grown like it had been the case atop the cliff. A small sign on the roadside made it even more simple for him to find the mines entrance and Jay reached it some minutes later.

It had been located to his left and well hidden behind a lot of overgrowth. Even the area directly in front of the cave like entrance looked wild and long abandoned.

Nothing made it look like workers had been here in the last years.

Looking around some more, Jay remembered he was told the mine had been active until not too long ago.

The logistic problems Stoutmantle had mentioned seemed nothing but an excuse as well with his trip there from Alextons farm having taken not much more than an hour.

While still examining the tools littered around near the entrance, Jay suddenly heard someone or something closing in on the mine. Using hide he kept watching and just as he had guessed he saw some of the new occupants from the mine appear.

It looked even somehow funny as two Kobolds came back from the direction of the beach and were pulling a Murloc towards the cave entrance.

Thinking about if he should simply kill the two creatures off, Jay decided to follow them and sneak into the mine.

Directly at the wide entrance, two other Kobolds had been stationed as guards or lookouts. But directly after the two pulling the dead fish-like monster had passed them, they left their post for all time.

Jay simply shot them with two simultaneous arrows to their heads. At that moment the Archer Job would have come in handy, but he managed anyways.

What followed after he passed through the cave entrance was a slope down, followed by a hard turn to the right. Jay lost sight on the two creatures he was following for a moment as they turned around the corner.

Passing around it he nearly crashed into a patrol and was glad the two other Kobolds had gained a little distance. Without them noticing they were followed, he slashed at the patrol and beheaded the two Kobolds with one single strike.

From then on, Jay kept enough distance to follow the hunters bringing home their prey, so they wouldn't notice when he killed the patrols and lookouts on the way.

That happened once more at the next turn, where the path led to the left, and again as they passed a deep pit to their right. Taking a peek down, Jay saw about a dozen of Kobolds digging the walls in search for ores.

Tempted to jump town and trash them all, Jay decided to look into the depth of the cave first. Even if those down there later joined any possibly occurring fight, it wouldn't matter to him.

Following the two Kobolds further down and taking care of one more patrol, Jay soon arrived at a gigantic cave. From this single cave-room, numerous smaller ones had been digged out and even something resembling buildings had been carved out.

It was something like a Kobold-Town and Jay estimated there to be dozens if not hundreds of those creatures.

Sneaking onward he arrived at the cave where the two Kobolds had gone to. Jay had thought those two had been proud fighters that slayed a Murloc and brought it back to present it, but learned it had been something completely different.

Inside the cave sat some more Kobolds and were all doing the same. They were dismantling the prey that seemingly got brought in continuously from different hunting parties.

The smell coming from the cave should have warned him beforehand.

Jumping back, Jay barely managed to properly hide when the next pair brought another prey. It wasn't only Murlocs, as some like those two brought in rabbits and similar small animals as well.

Thinking if he had ever seen or heard of carnivorous Kobolds, Jay saw some other of those small creatures carrying fruits and vegetables to another cave.

Their behavior still was off.

Deciding to check on it directly, Jay left his hiding spot and went back to the cave where the Kobolds dismantled the monsters. But two of them came out carrying a pile of meat at just that moment, resulting in them crashing into Jay.

The shriek that went off, even though Jay's reaction was so fast when he killed the Kobold with a swing of his hammer, alarmed all inhabitants of this cave.

And they all came rushing for the intruder.

Though all of the Kobolds attacking where level 15 at most, it was still a humongous amount of opponents.

Any other Adventurer would have jumped into a sprint and tried to get out of there alive, but not Jay.

Grinning wide as his new Job would finally pay off, he took out a weapon he looted on the farm. It was the big axe the guy with an iro had wielded.

One swing proved him right as he had no problems wielding it and three more Kobolds turned into six halves.

With his next swing backwards, he split two more Kobolds until he hit the caves wall. Hurling the weapon over him and down onto another creature that got split in half from the head to the toe, the Axe again crashed into stone as it hit the ground.

The still incoming Kobolds got kicked and slapped away until Jay turned around and swung the big weapon in circles.

The sound of the axeblade slicing through meat only changed as Jay's grip slightly slipped due to the blood on the handle. With a loud hitting sound, one of the kobolds got hurled away until it crashed into the caves walls, bringing it the same result as if Jay hat hit right.

The fight took quite some time and a lot of his stamina, but Jay killed off all Kobolds to the last.

Looking through the bloody cave he counted over a hundred dead bodies until he stopped. There was no use in knowing the exact number.

But what he got to know was his latest skill. [Charge LVL 2] was another movement skill that enabled him to reach or intercept targets in up to twenty yards.

It felt kind of absurd when he activated the skill. While the initiation was like him going to sprint forward from any position he was in, something like an invisible force pushed him forward so fast he couldn't even see anything but a blur until he arrived at his target. But it was a physical skill as the force of movement could be used in the following attack, making it even more devastating.

Walking over to where he had spotted the next passage, Jay left the utterly destroyed weapon there, sticking in the middle o the Kobolds to the ground. Him crashing it into the hard stone multiple times had chipped and dulled the blade so it was no longer of use.

Taking out a weapon he hadn't used for a long time, Jay entered the dark tunnel that lead down to where most certain the next totem was to be found.

For this level of opponents and his new Job, Yetimus Maximus, the massive hammer he looted long ago, was one hell of a fit.