A number of Changes

Leaving the bathhouse early in the morning, Jay made his way back to the inn. Though he hadn't gotten a room there, he wanted to at least have breakfast there.

The cool and fresh air of the morning was just right for him to wake up completely after the long night.

He hadn't gotten that much sleep after Kayla and him went into the bathtub together. He really had kept to his own promise and they continued until both their skills ran dry.

And not only their skills.

Glad he didn't have to clean up behind them and he'd probably never meet her again, Jay snuck out as soon as he woke up. He gave a quick glance to his Status on his way over to the inn and got a surprise.

Not only had his warrior Job leveled up, even his philanderer Job did. And that one even finally reached it's maximum level.

Tempted to change it immediately, Jay decided to wait until he was back at the inn and had the necessary calmness.

Another thing he had seen on his status was the rise in Status-points by two, but he wanted to check the skills he gained at the inn as well.

The waiter was a bit surprised at the request of a single breakfast this early but left Jay to choose a table and went into the kitchen without issue. Taking the table in the furthest corner of the dining hall, Jay looked through his log.

The notifications of maxed out Jobs came nearly at the and but he wanted to check the skills he integrated first, so he scrolled up.

It was just like he had anticipated with [Gossip LVL3], it enabled him to pick up or spread information through gossip more easy. After reading this he was even more glad he left the prostitute behind in a messed up state and nearly unusable anymore.

That brought him to the second skill he integrated. [Night skills LVL4] combined with his own pushed his level to 8. And it brought with it the reason he left such a mess.

The ability (Geyser LVL4) explained why Kayla had leaked so much and he himself set new records in this regard as well, as it doubled the produced body-fluids for each level.

Glad that it seemingly only counted for fluids from sexual organs, Jay was glad at least the next notification was of use to him.

(All night long) got to level 4 in the last night, though not through integration.

What followed was the last skill he got.

Jay would probably have no real use for [Cleaning LVL1] but he knew from last night that it was applicable to washing humans as well. It simply enhanced the cleaning effect and sped it up considerably.

Deciding to switch his latest ability to off, Jay had to abort looking through his status as the waiter came over with his platter.

For breakfast it was a bowl of sliced fruits, some bread with cheese and vegetable topping and a big mug of coffee.

The waiter left after Jay thanked him and then concentrated back to his status. Jay saw his [Alcohol tolerance] had leveled up again but wasn't sure if it had happened just then or at the last level up.

Scrolling through his log, he didn't find any notification about it so it must have been a while ago.

Only at the end of his list did he find another skill he had already seen in his log. The description made it sound like this was an optional or a bonus skill. [Lucky] was granted only the luckiest Philanderers and doubled his LUK.

Instantly scrolling back up to check on his stats, Jay opened his eyes wide.

Other than some minor changes in his other stats, his LUK had skyrocketed. Naturally his other skills had risen as well as some skills level he had used regularly.

Deciding to test the [Lucky] skill out a bit, Jay touched the small plus next to the number 78 behind his LUK five times. And the number changed to 89. The skill really doubled his stat but the other multiplicators still seemed to count.

All that was left to do for Jay was finishing his breakfast and changing Philanderer to another, more combat oriented Job.

Concentrating on his [Multijob] skill, Jay saw the same screen like always. This time though there was no change in the selection of Jobs.

*Available Jobs*

| Hunter || Archer || Thief |

| Fighter || Brawler |

| Summoner || Pyromancer || Arcanist |

Not quite sure about the progression speeds as Magic-swordsman still did progress, but extremely slow, Jay was pondering what to choose.

Remembering the huge boost in stats he gained from the sole third tier Job he had, Jay was set on taking yet another of those. He would reserve his first Job for the ones that looked understandable for his level, namely first and second tier.

With no idea what would wait for him in Millshire once he arrived there, Jay wanted to be prepared as best as he could.

* Job changed*

| Philanderer |


| Pyromancer |


Job: Pyromancer

Status adjusted

Skill Level-Up:

[Fire Magic LVL5]

(Blazing Flames LVL1)

(to be set)


Going with the element he knew best by that time, Jay chose one of the two only options with tier 3. The level up in fire magic was welcomed, as well as the spell to choose freely.

Jay checked the (Blazing Flames) first though and learned it was a channeled spell that set the area surrounding him on fire.

Not too good, he thought, but as he was alone most of the time, it might have come in handy at some point.

The second one was to be chosen by himself. His options this time were (Pyroblast), (Blast Wave) and the new (Conflagrate) added to the same ones to choose he had been given a while back.

While he knew the first ones already, Jay read the description of the last. (Conflagrate) was an instant cast and would explode a burning target, dealing massive direct damage and had additionally a chance to incinerated others close by.

With his critical hits setting targets aflame pretty often, this was his spell of choice. Combined with (Scorch), this could become a major attack routine for Jay.

Pondering if he should check his status as a whole once again, Jay noticed he wasn't alone anymore.

The dining hall had begun to get crowded as he finished his breakfast, so he left the table and went to the counter to pay.

Only minutes later he was out of the city, riding along the main road to the south.

His next destination would be the lighthouse on the shore, contrary to what he told the people in Sentinel other than Stoutmantle. Latter had asked him to go there as he received a help request.

Along the way, Jay spotted a few boars on an empty field some miles down the road. Deciding to give his new spells a try, Jay cast a fast fireball and got surprised. Not only did the damage go up considerably, he killed it in one hit due to hitting critically.

The same applied to his next spells as well. And it wasn't only his fire spells but all.

He found that out with an arcane missile when one of the boars came pretty close to him. Wit a single shot, half of the beast was gone.

Deciding to check that further, Jay saddled back up and traveled on.

Except one piglet that had come out a bit roasted but mostly intact, Jay simply left the burned remnants of the pack laying on the field.

He had one more chance to test his spells when he stopped for lunch at the roadside. A pair of starved looking Gnolls tried to sneak up on him what lead to the death of those dumb hyenas.

Though he couldn't use fire magic as the fields there were growing crops and would possibly have burned down completely, he tested other spells.

It was a short test as on round of stone shards perforated the first to a humanoid sieve and the second died due to a missing torso. The critical arcane missile intrigued Jay as it shot not one but three missiles for the cost of one. With the second and third shot getting weaker respectively, it was still three consecutive his.

Back on the road, Jay decided to check his status again after he tweaked his [Hide Abilities] a bit.

With fire magic at level 5, it was no longer a good idea to show it even though not many people would be able to see it at all.



Jay Yanoz, János, J. [LvL 19 (8.936/92.200)]

Job: Warrior LVL 15

Job 2: Magic Swordsman LVL 20

Job 3: Pyromancer LVL 1

4479/4479 HP * 3021/3032 MP






Diplomacy – CHA +20%


Jack of all trades – Job-correction +10%


Dynamic (I) – Mana and Stamina +10%


Magic Resonance (I) – Mana and Spell-power per INT +33%

Beastkin (herbivore):

Escapist - Agility and movement speed +20%


Porter - Vit and Stamina +10%


Hide'n'seek – all Stealth skills +1 LVL and skill [Danger Sense]


Inquisitive - chance to learn new things (skills, spells, abilities) +20%







/[ ]\

/ \


Clasped Leather Breastplate

fine linen shirt

Fingerless Gloves

Hard Leather Cuffs

Black leather Pants

Hard Leather Belt

Swift Graves

Soldiers Sword




VIT 144+

AGI 134+

STR 128+

INT 136+

WIL 106+

DEX 127+


CHA 105+

LUK 89+


Statuspoints left: 28


Skills (shown):


[Sword LVL 4]

-rises proficiency and enhances the damage done with one handed swords by 80%

(Slash LVL 2)

-energy enhanced cutting attack dealing massive damage

(Riposte LVL2)

-high chance to counter melee weapon attacks, dealing 150% Damage + 40% of attack.

[Arcane Magic LVL 4]

-arcane spells deal 25% more damage

(Arcane Missiles LVL 2)

-homing projectile of pure magic energy

(Mana Shield LVL 2)

-accelerates the distribution and acquisition of Mana

(Arcane Blast LVL 1)

-deal high damage to close enemies and push them back

[Silent cast LVL 3]

-enables to cast without chanting loud up to LVL 4

[Mana Manipulation LVL 2]

-allows distribution and control of mana inside and outside of the body



Skills (Hidden):





-enables to talk, read and write Common


-enables to talk, read and write high Elvish


-enables to talk, read and write Gnomen dialect

[Night vision]

-enables colorless vision in total darkness

[Camping LVL 1]

-Rest outside well

[Hunting LVL 2]

-enhances damage against animals by 40%

(Tracking LVL 2)

-allows to easily track targets lower than your Level

Lumbering [LVL 2]

-proficiency with Axes risen: Damage +20%

[Cooking LVL 4]

-cooking speed and taste +20% for learned recipes +40%

[Service LVL 3]

-enables and lightens the burden of service related work

[Trickery LVL 4]

-notice and figure out trickery up to your skill level +1

(Pickpocket LVL 1)

-pickpocket targets up to your base level

(Lock-picking LVL 3)

-open locks up to good grade

[Night skills LVL 8]

-enhances pleasure given by 130%

(All night long LVL4)

-you can go on 4 Times without pause after 1st Climax

(Sexual Stamina LVL 3)

-enhances the sexual stamina by 100%


-secret slimy fluids on genitals to erase friction

(Horny LVL 1)

-ready for nightly activities anytime once a day


-reduced fertility – ON

(Lust inducement LVL 3)

-forces strong lust on target by touching a target

(Geyser LVL4)

-doubles the generated body-fluids for each skill-level.

(forced erection)

-forced blood supply to genitals, may cause pain and harm

[Haggling LVL 3]

-enhances success-rate when negotiating a deal

(Arithmetic LVL 2)

-instant results for addidions and substractions, boosts calculation

(Overcharge LVL 2)

-sell anything for 10% more

(Discount LVL 1)

-get a discount of 5% on each purchase

[Persuasion LVL 3]

-high chance to convince others of your ideas

[Gossip LVL3]

-enables to pick up or spread information through gossip more easy

[Alcohol tolerance LVL4]

-Alcohol has 40% less effect


-gain EXP by intercourse

[Hide LVL2+1]

-Hide your presence and make you nearly impossible to distinguish

[Stalking LVL 1]

-mark a target to perceive and find it as long as within sight

[Shadow Step LVL 2]

-leap into your shadow and proceed towards the next one, up to 10 yards apart

if your shadow connects to others you can proceed for 2 minutes.

[Poison LVL 2]

-high chance to apply and resist poison, grants basic knowledge of poisons

[Commanding LVL 2]

-boosts the efficiency and speed of orders. Gain better insight on the troupes ability

(Battle Shout)

-increase the attack power of party members by5% for one hour.




[Pain tolerance LVL 3]

-ignore pain to a certain degree

[Dual Wield LVL 3]

-efficiently use two weapons at once. Damage: 100% Main-hand, 80% Offhand

[Martial Arts LVL 4]

-enhanced knowledge about hand to hand fighting

(Kicking LVL 4)

-teaches a variety of kicks and enhance them by 40%

(Punching LVL 3)

-teaches a variety of punches and enhance them by 30%

(Grappling LVL 2)

-teaches a variety of grapples and enhance them by 20%

[Charge LVL 2]

-dash towards a target close to instantly, up to 20 yards away.

[Staves LVL 3]

-enhances the damage done with staves by 60% and magic attacks while wielding one by 9%

[Two-handed Axe LvL 2]

-rises proficiency and enhances the damage done with two handed axes by 40%

(Cleave LVL 1)

-energy enhanced attack cutting multiple close targets

[Dagger LvL 4]

-rises proficiency and enhances the damage done with daggers and short-swords by 80%

(Stab LVL 3)

-energy enhanced piercing attack dealing massive internal damage

(Piercing LVL 2)

-ignore 20% armor and 10% defense of target when using piercing attacks

[Hidden Weapons LVL 3]

-rises proficiency and enhances the damage done with any hidden weapon by 60%

[Bow LVL 3]

-rises proficiency and enhances the damage done with bows by 60%

(Aimed Shot LVL 2)

-charging attack dealing massive ranged damage

(Double-strafe LVL 1)

-two arrows shot as one, making one impossible to block

(Curved Shot LVL 1)

-enabled to shoot around obstacles, higher levels allow more difficult aims

[Shooting LVL 2]

-rises proficiency and enhances the damage done with any barrel-weapon by 40%

[Thrown LVL 3]

-rises proficiency and enhances the damage done with throwing-weapons by 60%

(Throwing LVL 3)

-energy enhanced throwing boosts range and damage 3-fold

[Sniping LVL 2]

-boost accuracy and reach of ranged weapons by 20%

[One-handed Mace LVL 3]

-rises proficiency and enhances the damage done with one handed blunt weapons by 60%

(Crushing Blow LVL 2)

-energy enhanced attack enhancing the weight of a blow by 40%

(Slam LVL 1)

-channel 2 seconds energy into the next attack for doubled damage

[Shield LVL 1]

-rises proficiency and absorbed damage with shields by 20%

(Shield Bash LVL 1)

-energy enhanced bash dealing damage and knocking target back

[Wand LVL 5]

-enhances the magic attacks while wielding a wand by 25%

[Parcours LVL 1]

-enables to cross obstacles more efficiently




[Reflect Magic]

-reflects all magic at the cost of 10% of that magic

[Chant shortening LVL 6]

-shortens a chant by 60%

[Wield Magic LVL 2]

-enables to infuse elemental magic on weapons or one self

(Wield Element: Fire LVL1)

-gives the fire attributes to a Weapon

(Wield Element: Air LVL1)

-gives the air/ lightning attributes to a Weapon

(Magic Strengthening LVL1)

-instant cast that boosts strength and agility by 10%.

[Mana Control LVL 5]

-manage the mana output of spells, allowing to charge then up

[Spell Weaving LVL1]

-reshape spells spending additional mana

(Spell Fusion LVL 1)

-combine up to 2 Spells

[Fire magic LVL 5]

-fire spells cost 30% less mana, critical hits incinerate the target

(Fireball LVL 4)

-cast a Fireball dealing high damage

has a chance to inflame the target

(Firewall LVL 2)

-cast a Wall of Fire burning what ever touches it

(Scorch LVL 1)

-fast cast spell dealing direct damage in a wave

(Conflagrate LVL1)

-explode a burning target to deal massive direct damage and chance to incinerated others close by

(Blazing Flames LVL1)

-channeled spell setting the surrounding area on fire

(Meteor LVL 1)

-fused Magic of earth and fire, creating a burning rock that explodes on impact

[Air magic LVL 2]

-air spells get cast 18% faster

(Lightning Strike LVL 1)

-charge lightning on a target dealing consecutive damage

has a chance to electrocute the target

(Chain Lightning LVL 1)

-cast lightning on a target and jump on dealing lessening damage

has a chance to electrocute the targets

[Earth magic LVL 3]

-Earth spells weight enhanced by 60%

(Stone Shards LVL 3)

-hurl stone pebbles towards a target with high speed

the number and size changes with control over this earth magic

(Stone-forming LVL2)

-mold and reshape basic stone. Mana expenditure depends on size, distance, speed and duration

(Stone Skin LVL1)

-grant blunt- and cutting-resistance depending on casters level and skill

(Earth Shield LVL1)

-summons three automatically guarding orbs of earth or stone depending on environment

(Earth Wall LVL 1)

-call forth a wall of earth blocking attacks, shape depends on level

[Light Magic LVL 6]

-Healing spells enhanced by 60%

(Heal LVL 4)

-accelerates the healing of a target by 200%

(Instant Heal LVL 3)

-heal a target visibly for high Mana consumption

(Light Barrier LVL 3)

-barrier of light blocking 15% of elemental attacks and 30% shadow attacks

(Great Heal LVL 3)

-instantly heals the most severe wounds

(Revitalize LVL 1)

-recovers health and stamina while cast channels

(Renew LVL 2)

-replenish health over a short amount of time

(Banish LVL 2)

-enables to sense and block off or cleanse spiritual beings, depending on LVL

(Purify LVL 1)

-cleanse the target of cursed or magic impairments

[Summoning Magic LvL3]

-enables summoning spells for spirits up to level 3

(Summon weapon: Earthen Hammer LVL 1)

-summon a poor hammer made of stone

(Summon Spirit: Water Spirit LVL 2)

-contract pending for water spirit of level 2 to summon

[Conjuration lvl.2]

-enables conjuration spells for one demon at a time

(Summon Imp)

-use a soul stone to summon and try to bind a imp

(Summon Void)

-use 3 soul stones to summon and try to bind a void

[Shadow magic LVL 4]

-enhance damage and reduce mana requirement for shadow spells by 16%

(Shadow Bolt LVL 3)

-hurl a shadowbolt towards a target devouring energy

(Soul drain LVL 1)

-drain the souls energy of a mortal creature, gain a soul stone if the target dies during cast

[Mind Magic LVL 1]

-enables to use and resist mind magic of level 1


-erase the casters deeds from the targets memories, physical contact required.

The time-span depends on duration and mana

[Space Magic LVL 1]

-enables to register 2 portal- and transfer-locations

(Portal: Gold Creek)

-create a portal to: Gold Creek plaza, closes after caster passes through.

[Barrier Magic LVL 3]

-barriers duration enhanced by 60%

(Negating Barrier LVL 2)

-barrier that reduces 20% of all damage and 40 % of weak attacks

(Physical Reflection Barrier LVL 1)

-barrier that reflects 5% of all damage and weak attacks completely

(Counter Magic Barrier LVL 2)

-barrier that reflects 10% of all magic attacks and blocks any spell below level 2




[Battle Intuition]

-chance to land a critical hit +20%

[Battle hardened]

-additional ([Base LvL]*100) HP

[Analyze LVL 2]

-The number of information shown depends on the skills level

[Multijob LVL 2]

-set two second jobs


-Experience gained doubled (incl. Party members)

All Stats +10%

[?ia???las Blessing]

-rep?a??d ?kin??i? may ?a?? ??? co??any ??ore y?u


-Experience necessary halved for the Champion.

All Stats +20%

[Enhanced Magic Resistance]

-doubles all magic resistances

[Hide Abilities]

-enables to hide all or a chosen amount of Skills and Abilities

[Danger Sense]

-highly enhanced awareness to lethal threats


only granted to the luckiest Philanderers! - LUK doubled


Going with Sword skills and Arcane magic made him look like a magic swordsman, something not to mess with but still believable for his level if one disregarded his age.

Riding on for some time, Jay finally arrived at a big crossroad. The sign pointing to the left had written Hilder Forest on it while the one pointing to the right said Millshire.

Turning to the left, Jay rode on towards his next destination.