A win and loss count

As the second Collar clicked and activated, Jay confirmed it with the use of his log, he heard rustling from his right side.

Looking over to there, he first saw Haribelle looking at him with apologetic eyes.

Further behind her he saw the sorry try from Sasha to run away. Bare naked she wobbled down the camp and tried to reach the cultists area as it seemed.

Jay didn't hurry and walked after her only when he had finished ordering the still unconscious Brynna to stay there.

He was still at least twenty yards away from her when Sasha jumped back out of her tent, still not wearing anything but holding a big scythe in her hands.

Looking angrily at Jay she started mumbling something, then she turned around and jumped into a run. At least she tried to, but it still looked comically, and not five steps later she stopped.

Taking another step that looked like she was in immense pain, then another, she turned around and looked at Jay.

Mumbling something again and turning towards the south-west again, she left Jay no other choice. He took out a simple knife and hurled it onto her leg, trying not to wound her too serious, but she still kept trying to flee. Dragging her left leg with the small throwing knife sticking inside behind her, Sasha kept going while looking like she was in immense pain.

Jay still hadn't reached her as she fell flat forward without moving any longer. Walking up on her, Jay barely managed to analyze her again to see her status switch to deceased. Looking it up, his log stated it as his kill at about the same time.

With pity he eyed the slender woman again, questioning himself why she hadn't even pulled out the bottle before she started to flee. It was no wonder she couldn't run properly or else he might have jumped in to catch her earlier and she wouldn't have tried to curse him.

Jay had noticed it directly as she chanted but no spell came. Her getting it reflected didn't hold her from trying it again, and that was her demise. Taking her weapon only out of curiosity, Jay stored it after he squatted down next to her.

Looking at her still beautiful but rigid face again, Jay thought he saw pain and pleasure likewise on it.

He left her lying in the same miserable position she fell into, with her arms parallel to her upper body, the legs slightly angled and due to a certain object peeking out, a held up bottom. Whoever might find her should never report it to her family…

Back at the fireplace, Haribelle asked where the "Bitch" was, to what Jay only stated that she tried to flee and as she thought to fight him, she got herself killed.

While only nodding, the Bovinean sat down on the log and after touching her collar once again, she looked Jay dead into his eyes.

"I'd never fight you. Not that I'd have the chance or hopes to survive it anyways, but somehow I have the feeling me following you was fated…" H.

"I don't believe in fate, but you might be right… Why did you call Sasha "Bitch" by the way? J.

"Cause she was one? Sorry, but she not once called me by name, only "Cow" or something alike… Speaking of names, you should call me Hari as it's easier. May I learn yours, ...Master?" H.

"Stop it with the Master! Call me Jay!" J.

"Yes mas… Jay." H.

Keeping up their small conversation, Jay learned Hari joined the Bandits as her mother had thrown her out.

The unwanted child she had been and her father never known, she didn't have much choices when a group of Defiers came to the settlement she lived in and recruited new members.

She managed to refrain from killing or the likes for a long time, but at some point she got in a situation no woman should end in.

Though two of the men were bandits, one was not and she got flagged the moment she managed to get rid of them. From then on things went down and she ended in a similar but totally different situation again when she met Jay.

To his question if she knew something about Brynna, Hari had to decline. Other than small talk and being friendly with each other as weapon fanatics, the two hadn't shared much time.

But she stated that it was bound to change as they would probably travel together from then on.

During all the time he took enslaving them, running after Sasha and finally his talk with Hari, the Half-Dwarf didn't wake up. Even poking her a little changed nothing and only earned them small grunts between her silent snoring.

Fetching a blanket from close by and taking out some of the food he had stored, Jay had Haribelle sit down with him a bit closer to the fire and eat something. It was leftovers and fruits he always took with him on travels or excursions, something he started back in Eldrin as he was trying to find the maximum capacity of his inventory.

A thing he still hadn't hit.

While she looked inquisitive to his actions as he pulled out food from out of nowhere, she didn't ask about it. Sitting next to him and munching on an apple, she didn't even bother fetching some clothes.

As he asked about it, unsure if his orders prohibited it or something the likes, she blushed visibly.

"You know… I thought you might want some more company later. Why bother clothing if my chances you take me again rise this way?" H.

Without really wanting it or using some skills, Jay's little buddy woke back up from its slumber.

The bulge on his thin woolen pant grew by the second and as Hari noticed it, she threw her just finished apple to the side with a carnivorous glint in her eyes.

"Guess what, I kind of have appetite for some really big sausage…" H.

To this she crawled forward and without even asking for his consent, pulled down his pant and pulled out her next meal.

Hari carefully went to work on it and as she was still guiding his glans to her mouth, Jay got rock hard.

This way she of course had no chance to 'finish' her treat and only bobbed her head a few times on it. Though she was quite skilled in this as well, Jay had more appetite for something else.

Pushing her back so she lay with her head to the log, close to the still sleeping Brynna, Jay crawled between her wide spread legs.

Pushing down his throbbing member, he let it slide into her. what posed no real problem. She was not only already dripping wet, but the last rounds and his previous filling made her really squishy.

With some more weight put on his hips he entered her really deep and as he leaned back a bit he saw a bulge on her belly were a certain tip should be.

She looked there as well and with a sly grin shook her head.

Jay pulled back a bit to double check and learned it really was his tool's outline visible there. After they looked at each other and chuckled a bit, their next session began for real.

The humping and moaning seemed to not bother Brynna's sleep next to them, not that any of them both would have cared for it.

But some minutes later in the night they still managed to wake the Half-Dwarf as Haribelle reached yet another peak and screamed nearly into the Blacksmith's ear.

Totally befuddled she woke up, only to learn she no longer was bound tight.

Different to Jay's expectation, who was still rocking his hips, Brynna didn't even think about running. She looked at them both and the moment she got the situation and came to her senses, groped Haribelle's giant melons and played with them...

As the two women started groping and petting each other, Jay kept on banging Haribelle in missionary position.

When they both started kissing each other in pure ecstasy, Jay got an idea how to finish the day.

The moment they both began pleasing themselves with rubbing their sensitive spots while he was still ramming deep inside her, his idea got set in stone.

Not even ten minutes later, Jay had built up so much pressure from the sight and banging Haribelle, he could release any second.

While still holding back, he waited for her to reach her peak first and just then it happened.

With a muffled scream due to the women kissing, she leaked a tide of her fluids while rubbing her clit like she had gone mad.

Due to the massive stimulus from below and getting her nipples played with, she even leaked a bit of milk.

Jay simply pulled out of her and left her lower mouth wide agape, leaking even more to her not stopping to rub herself.

Brynna as well has had a small climax around that time, though that wasn't the reason they both stopped kissing.

Because the rhythmic movements from Jay had stopped, both of them looked towards him with hazy eyes. What they saw was him stroking his tool himself, holding it over Hari's belly and pointing it towards them.

And then all went white.

Jay had reactivated (Geyser) as he saw the two of them making out and groping each other.

Having himself build up enormous pressure and keeping it up for a while, Jay made ready to release after the two women finished off themselves.

And then he did so himself.

The first shot splurted completely over their faces, giving them both a new paint.

Both of the woman had a surprised expression the moment a white tide flew towards them.

That didn't get any better when the second load landed on Haribelle's stomach and even up to her chest. It splattered even a bit onto Brynna who had in between crawled over the wooden log and lay next to Hari.

Both of them opened their eyes and mouths wide in shock by the sheer amount they got bathed in. That proved to be a fatal mistake the next moment.

Having kept on massaging his giant tube, the third shot flew from Jay towards the two women.

It was the biggest load he released and it fell again onto their bust and up to their faces.

The splashing sound even surprised Jay a bit as it fell on their smooth skins.

While the Half-Dwarf began coughing and spitting out Jay's spunk, Haribelle simply gulped down all she took in and even licked her lips.

Grinning wide she even began scraping some up from her bust, just to lick it off her fingers the next second.

Jay only watched her doing so with awe as his pointed down member released a last load onto her lower body.

Brynna only shook her head after she got able to see by then again. But she she seemed to have gotten curious as she slid her index finger over her chest and licked it clean afterwards.

Her thoughtful expression as she tasted it turned into one of enlightenment a second later.

Taking a step back, Jay watched the two women clean themselves while he fetched an apple himself and bit into it.

It was quite the show he got there, so much he had to watch out not starting another round.

Pulling away from it and walking over to where his clothes landed he put them back on. Jay then looked for a place to sit down and rest a bit.

The two women surely would be busy for the next minutes.

It was time for him to check his gains from the last hours more precisely before talking with the two women about what was going to happen to them.

Staring with the skills he integrated first and scrolling up to when it began, the first skill he read was [Conjuration LVL3].

That one leveled up his own skill and though it didn't grant Jay new conjurations, it still enabled him to have up to two active for increased mana expenditure.

Other than that it brought him a new skill he wasn't sure if he even wanted to test it. (Call Demon) was a skill that enabled him to conjure a demon through a conjuration ritual. It needed either a sacrifice, soul-stones or mana, depending on how powerful the demon should be. But that conjured demon was neither bound nor possible to choose and it was possible to attack him the moment it entered this world.

While her next skill [Fire Magic LVL3] wasn't enough to level up his own, it granted the spell (Pyroblast LVL2) that he nearly had chosen from his Job-change.

Glad he had chosen the other one and his arsenal of spells kept growing, Jay looked at the next skill.

Her [Shadow Magic LVL2] didn't help him leveling his own as well, but (Corruption LVL1) was the first curse Jay learned from this. It dealt internal shadow damage over some time and could be cast pretty fast.

The last thing he gained from Sasha was a weapon skill he had not only no weapon for but thought it inpractcable as well.

[Scythe LVL1] was specialized on scythes, tools he thought used for field work rather than as weapons.

Going on in his log, Jay saw a skill that had interested him from the beginning.

[Hammer Mastery LVL3] turned out to be nothing else but the combination of [One-handed Mace LVL 3] and [Two-handed Hammer LVL 3].

The moment one mastered both to the same degree, both weapon skills combined.

For Jay though, it still showed the [One-handed Mace] skill separately as it had leveled up to LVL4. (Pummel LVL2) was another Ability he gained with it, pushing back the target and slowing it down. The abilities he had, apparently worked for all types of blunt weapons from then on.

The next skill in the log was something he didn't integrate, but level up himself. (Sexual Stamina) went up to LVL 4, granting him more time for cultivating Experience Points.

What followed was a skill he thought useful but wasn't sure if he'd ever find the time to level it up or set it to use.

[Smithing LVL3] flooded him with recipes and techniques the moment he concentrated on it, giving him an impression on what Jay was able to create by then.

As if that one alone wasn't enough, Jay had even integrated another rare skill from her. [Overpower LVL2] was a skill that doubled the attack power on any following skill or ability up to its own Level after successfully blocking or dodging an attack. It was a skill similar to (Riposte) but needed another skill to be used upon.

Jay doubted it was without a cool-down as well, but if it was, the skill was even more beneficial to him who had such an abundant collection of skills.

Next was the skills he got from Haribelle. Like he had already seen her use them, her favorite weapon was axes what showed in her skills as well. [Axe Mastery LVL 2] was the same as [Hammer Mastery] and counted for all types of the weapon class. It brought the ability (Mortal Strike LVL2) with it, a weapon strike that dealt good damage and reduced any healing of the target.

But of course her true specialization lay in [Two-handed Axe LVL 4] he got from her. The skill brought him another really useful ability called (Execute LVL2).

It dealt unbelievably much damage but could only be used once the target was below 30% of health. Once Jay found an opponent strong enough he wanted to test that skill.

Another small bonus was his Cleave finally reaching Level 2, as well as a skill that seemed special. It was called [Hamstring LVL 3] and enabled Jay to slow the opponent by sending energy to the targets tendons.

He wasn't sure what the benefit of it was as he could simply cut them to have the same effect and even permanently, but there would most probably someday presenting itself a situation where he could put it to use.

The last skill he integrated was [Lumbering LVL 3].

To Jay's surprise it leveled his own up to LVL4 granting him even more additional damage with axes.

After the skills came the traits he integrated, though the first thin he got was of course the compensatory status points from Sasha, and another one from Hari.

She was not the first beastkin he had been with, so the general trait was the same.

But the second trait read even better for Jay:


Brawny- Vitality +5% and Strength +10%

With this another massive bonus to his stats had gotten integrated. Not that his strength hadn't been out of then norm anyways, but a nice ten percent bonus topped that again.

Last but not least was the trait he integrated from Brynna.

Jay had been aware it would be only one trait as she was a halve, but they mostly got pretty good ones as compensation.


Racial Traits integrated:


Forged in Flames (I) – All Stats +3%




Looking at the notification screen for a while, Jay pulled himself away from it and looked over to the two women.

They were cuddling together and had fallen asleep what didn't surprise Jay after what they experienced.

After taking some blankets from all over the fireplace and placing some over them, Jay took some himself and laid down as well after again throwing some wood into the fire. The day had long changed and he was tired himself as well.

Thinking about what he gained and lost this day after he closed his eyes, Jay drifted into a soft sleep.