A prosperous banquet

As he lay on the bed and relaxed a bit, Jay had time to think about the list and check on his status again. Other than slightly risen stats and the additional status point not much had changed.

With nothing else to do and quite some time left until his new clothes got delivered, Jay took out the second book he got from Daphne Stillwell.

Though she had stated it was one that required attunement, he still decided to test learning [Sense Undead]. Opening the book he got proven right as the same old screen appeared.


[Skill-book: Sense Undead]

[Sense Undead] is ready to be leaned.

Do you want to learn it or read the book for deeper understanding?

[Learn] [Read]


It was the same message, yet something different. It stated deeper understanding not higher level to be achieved by reading the book. Intrigued to find out what that meant, Jay chose to read and turned to the first page.

It was about an hour later that he got interrupted by a knock on the door.

Telling whoever it was to enter, he was a bit confused as instead of the tailor he had expected, Kearnen slipped inside.

Like the cunning agent had stated, she somehow managed to get on the guest list to the banquet.

She only came around to inquire if he had been at the tailor as she would go there next as well. Jay told her to be careful as he got ripped pretty bad by the tailor and was still waiting for his clothes.

He also asked how she had managed to get an invitation but she only shrugged and grinned sheepish.

About to leave again she asked what he was reading, to what he told her the truth. Most of it at least, as he stated it's a skill-book he recently got.

Though irritated at first she only remembered him to get ready soon as he had to get to the mansion in time, then she left stating she had to hurry and get ready as well.

Another one and a half hour later Jay got woken up by a knocking sound again. He had fallen asleep while reading as the content was really complicated.

Trotting to the door he opened it and expected a small woman about to show off her dress and urge him to hurry…

It was the innkeeper that stood there with a package in his hands.

He explained it had been delivered a few minutes ago and shoved it to Jays arms, then walked back down to the dining hall. Ripping open the wrapping, Jay saw his new clothes neatly folded and put them on his bed once he went back.

After giving himself a quick wash again, he stripped down and put the new clothes on. The tailor had really done a good job as the trousers and vest fit perfect and even the shirt felt more comfy.

A bit disappointed the room had no mirror, Jay looked down on himself and was about to leave when he heard someone knocking on his door… again.

Opening the door he heard a whistling sound first until his senses got back. He was absolutely stunned by the looks of the beauty standing in front of him.

The small and slender agent stood there wearing a dark red dress and matching gloves. It looked to be made of silk with velvet seams and a bit of embroidery where it fell more loose and was not tight fit.

With her partially asian look it made Kearnen look even more exotic and alluring.

That was until he looked at the expression she wore and saw her wide grin and raised brow.

Next she jokingly mocked him how gentleman he looked in his new clothes and the two couldn't help but start laughing.

Jay then complimented her for real as her looks was breathtaking. This time she noticed he was being honest and thanked him for his kind words.

A bit sorry they couldn't go to the banquet together, Jay took his leave first. The agent would be getting picked up by some noble a bit later.

That was how she got on the guest list: she threatened a rich merchant to either invite her on the banquet or get his business ruined by her.

Leaving the inn he strolled over the big plaza and towards the mansion. It was illuminated by many torches all around and a small line of guests was waiting to enter, as well as two luxurious looking carriages.

Arriving at the end of the queue, Jay waited until it was his turn.

Not even ten minutes later he got led trough the lobby and into a big ballroom on the left side of the mansion. Lady Brittany was wearing an opulent violet dress emphasizing her bust and stood in the back of the room. That way the guests had to come towards her for a greeting. Just as he got a clear view on the duchess, Jay saw Agent Kearnen leave her.

She had managed to arrive earlier than him as it seemed.

As there was again a short queue to the greetings, Jay waited until he got to the duchess. She greeted him overly friendly and again eyed him top down.

Getting closer to him she even pressed her chest onto him as she whispered into his ears.

With a soft voice she told him that there was someone with connections to the Arathor Intelligence within the guests.

That person told her he was being watched by them since a while and she thought it was best to warn him as he had done her a great service. He played totally surprised and thanked her for her concern and telling him, to what she really looked happy.

Truth was of course that Kearnen was covering for him and showing he had no connection there, while at the same time hinting her backers not to start something big soon.

It was what the two of them had planned not to get them to move until they had found out what was going on exactly.

Using the moment while she was pleased with him and seemed to believe him, Jay asked if she has had the chance to speak with her mine personnel. He still was interested to visit the mines if it was possible and she had promised to ask the security if they were okay with that.

Her answer though disappointed him a bit.

The duchess asked if there may have been anything else he wished for, be it some female contacts or a monetary compensation.

He could only shake his head to that and reply he had enough of both, to what Brittany raised a brow and couldn't hide her interest for him.

As he insisted on his wish to get a tour trough the old mine in the city and the adjoining constructions, she looked even a bit sorrowful for a moment.

It had been just a split second before she regained her composure and explained that the buildings next to the mine were all connected and the ores mined were stored there. Those warehouses were the main reason for all the security and why she had to ask for permission even though she was the original owner.

It was just then when his system recognized he fulfilled the quest and donned him another prompt:



'The Bandits 8' cleared!

2000 XP




The Bandits 9


enter the mines and inspect them


To Jay's luck another man joined him and Lady Brittany exactly at this moment. His vision had been blocked for a short moment and he was sure the duchess would have noticed he had spaced out.

From what he heard the man was a noble affiliated with Millshire who seemed to know her quite well: "…I was wondering where your daughter might be? I haven't seen her for quite a while and began to wonder…" was all Jay heard after he had read and dismissed the notifications for the quests.

"Lord Silberin, I'm heartbroken having to tell you she is on vacation. But when she comes back I promise to tell her about your care for her. If you would excuse me…" B.

She looked one last time to Jay and excused to him as well, then walked off and greeted the next pair of guests. In nearly no time she was surrounded by a small crowd of people and Jay looked at the noble standing next to him.

He wanted use that moment to learn more about that daughter mentioned by the slightly tanned man.

"I'm sorry, Lord Silberin, right? You mentioned the daughter of the duchess… I didn't even know she had one." J.

"Ha, no wonder you didn't. It's not like that bit… woman would openly tell she already had a child. Though her daughter, Arya, is something completely different.

Well, a bit haughty maybe…" S.

"Hehe, you need to tell me more! Let's go to that bar and see if the duchess has something worthy to drink.

My name is Jay by the way." J.

"Something a bit stronger for a drink would be nice. Call me Silberin." S.

With this the two men went to the bar and had a drink together. The noble from a region to the south east was easy to talk to for Jay and so he learned quite a bit.

There were rumors about Lady Brittany having a thing for younger men and was switching them like others underwear. From what he had heard, she liked them not only fresh but hung as well.

Money had always been an issue to her house but since a while they kept holding banquets and invested in the city.

To the other nobles it seemed the mine was running more profitable recently.

Her daughter for a change seemed to be completely different, more concerned for real politics and beautiful without needing half a day to prepare. His explanation might have been a bit biased though, as he seemed to really have a crush on her.

To Silberin's frustration she had been nowhere to be seen for weeks and because of that he went to inquire about it from Lady Brittany.

They barely managed to drink two small glasses of a mild and very tasty whiskey when Silberin's eyes nearly popped out as he looked behind Jay. To that he also turned around and saw the cause of the nobles funny reaction as he was still coughing.

Agent Kearnen came walking over along the bar to their location.

Her alluring steps caught the eyes of many men until she stopped before Jay and kissed his cheek. The moment they were close she used the time to whisper in his ear.

"Did you get any information from him?" K.

"The daughter went missing… or is hiding." J.

"Should I keep questioning him?" K.

"Have a try, but I doubt he knows much more… What about me?" J.

"Your performance until looks good. Look, they're talking…." K.

"Yeah, I noticed. But what to do next.?" J.

"Wait until she calls you, you're her type after all…" K.

"Her type?" J.

"Young and… Oh Jay, who is this gentleman? You should have introduced me first. Nice to meet you sir, is your throat better now?" K.

"O-Oh, yeah… t-thank you miss?…" S.

"Oh my, I haven't introduced, right? I am Lady Kearnen, an you are?" K.

"Lord Silberin, at your service my lady…" S.

After Kearnen had ended their silent consultation she had switched to Lord Silberin and taken over questioning him from Jay. Latter would have loved to hear what she had meant with her last statement but had a hunch from what he learned from the noble while drinking.

Glancing over the banquet hall he saw a busty but young looking woman in a black dress standing with Lady Brittany and conversing. He wasn't sure as he had only seen a bit of her profile back then, but Jay guessed it was the woman he met in front of the duchess' office before.

If this really was that woman, he might meet and confirm the suspected slaver tonight.

Just as he was thinking about this, Lady Brittany waved him over. She had looked over to him before and even pointed at him in the talk with the other woman.

Crossing the short distance over to them while greeting some nobles that looked at him on the way, Jay made a slight bow to the duchess.

"My Lady, you called for me?" J.

"Right, this is Lady Kendra. While she is a dear guest lodging at my mansion, she also helps me rebuild the city and reorganize my security." B.

"Nice to meet you Lady Kendra. My name is Jay, and it's a pleasure to meet you." J.

"A pleasure it is, you're right.

The duchess told me you wish to visit our mines, is that right?" K.

"I take it you at least partially hold the responsibilities of the mines security, right? It's true, I would love to get a tour to your mines." J.

"Oh, and why is that? To be honest, this is the first time I heard of a request like this…" K.

"I was not planning to harm someone who welcomed me, if you're thinking that.

But from my daily business I had been to many mines until now, only never a single one still running and in good shape. It's just plain curiosity I guess…" J.

"Curiosity? For such places?" K.

"That's all the adventurer job is about, my Lady… Oh, but is it true the local tailor weaves threads of gold from you mine in his embroidery, Lady Brittany?" J.

"If he told this then it's true. Where else would he get gold from to work with?" B.

"Then that is one more reason to visit down there ...please?" J.

Watching them hold eye contact for a short moment, Jay had the feeling the two women with him had held an inaudible talk. Inhaling deep once, Kendra finally nodded and then she and Lady Brittany looked back at Jay.

"I will arrange a guide for tomorrow at noon if you still want to visit the mines. Be warned that we take no responsibility for your own security." K.

"No problem, but what do you mean by that?" J.

"Oh, you don't know that, right? Since a while we got support from the Kingdom in the form of Crime-slaves as mine workers. They are hard to control and sometimes even aggressive…" B.

"That was one of the reasons for our tight security as well as the name they call them sometimes… The death mines..." K.

With this finished the two ladies excused themselves and went to a couple standing next to them who seemed to be waiting.

The glint Jay had seen in Kendra's eyes as they had been conversing in silence showed him she would only accept one result if he really went there the next day, and that was his death.

Checking with his log he confirmed the progress of the actual quest and went back to the bar as he was standing there alone. Kearnen had mixed within the guests and kept talking with different people the whole time, gathering information as much as she could.

Getting himself some of the prepared snacks and one more of the drink he had with Silberin, Jay stood to the side and watched the nobles converse and dance in the hall for the next hour.

A few nobles greeted him in passing by and other than Lord Silberin only a few woman of differing age stopped by.

But after asking for his peerage, most of them instantly left. Only as he himself was about to leave, the agent came back to him...