A frosty display

Leaving Marisa bleeding and laying half over the table, Jay decided to check the skills he already integrated from her first.

He was still standing in front of her with a towering boner and a pondering expression so it was no wonder she looked utterly stupefied.

The first and most important thing Jay got from her was [Frost Magic LVL 3]. Concentrating on it he learned how to handle mana to freeze molecules and even a whopping three spells.

The first was (Ice Lance LVL2), a spell dealing physical- and frost-damage with a chance to partially freeze the target.

(Frost Armor) was a spell to enhance the own armor with ice and freeze opponents on touch. Its strength depended on the INT one had.

The last spell he got was (Bizzard LVL1) that could freeze the space three yards in front but only did low damage.

To his surprise, the other skill Jay integrated from her was [Torture LVL 1]. It was a skill he didn't even want but with the situation he was in and a certain curiosity, Jay read through the description. The skill was passive, taught him a certain knowledge and could bring him more corresponding abilities once it leveled up.

Done with his check up, Jay concentrated back on the woman on the table staring daggers at him. Instead of walking around the table again, he pulled her up and sat her wide legged on the table.

There were still more skills he could get from her so he positioned himself for yet another round.

Slowly shoving his glans between her loosely laying lower lips, Jay only entered her a short bit until he pulled back. Marisa had already again rolled her eyes up and thrown her head back in pleasure, something he wouldn't grant her anymore.

Reaching down his hand to her soaked crotch, Jay guided his mana like one of his latest skills told him. He felt the space at the tip of his index finger turn colder and colder.

At the same time, the woman in front of him stared at his hand in disbelief. That only was true for some short second though.

Reaching forward, he touched the small nerve cluster peeking out of Marisa's slit and the small knob froze the same way like she had done herself with the men.

Ceasing the magic, Jay held his middle finger with his thumb and snipped it against the frozen clit.

The scream that followed was ear shattering.

As the clinking sound like fine breaking glass rang out, Marisa arched up and screamed atop of her lungs.

It was so loud that it sounded like she wasn't gagged at all.

Falling back on the table while breathing hard, Jay knew she was in agonizing pain. And that would only rise in the next minutes.

Guiding his massive member towards her slit again, Jay not really inadvertently pressed it against the place where the frozen knob had been.

A jolt of pain surged through her and Jay used that exact moment to impale her once more. This time he would make sure she felt no pleasure in this until he had eased his stress inside her.

It took him quite a while and as she still received quite some pleasure from him inside her, Jay had to resort to drastic measures. In between plowing her, he slapped down on her crotch whenever her pain eased and she felt pleasure again.

That was one of the downsides handling a sadist with masochistic kinks.

Those stops in the process were the reason it took so long and Jay even got some more ideas how to mistreat this mean woman next. But she had apparently done the same and at a certain point when he had just buried his whole manhood inside her, Marisa twined her legs around his waist so he would stay this way.

Jay immediately understood her thoughts as in this position, while his pelvis got pressed onto her crotch and that should have hurt, he could at least no longer slap that spot.

What was more, she sealed his movements and that seemed to lessen the torture even more.

This situation was nothing Jay could accept.

Fetching two more from the numerous ropes in his inventory, he peeled one leg from him and bound it tight with the short rope and affixed her ankle to her thigh.

Then he proceeded with her other leg in the same manner and looked at his creation.

While the rope cut into her thighs as Marisa stemmed her feet on the border of the table, from his angle it looked like the stumps she left her victims with.

Grabbing her hips tight, he began his hard piston movements again while she had to endure his treatment.

For the next couple of minutes a mixture of whimpering, sobbing and moaning from her filled the small cave. Though it unnerved him that she still somehow found pleasure in all of this, Jay still managed to achieve his goal just a moment after Marisa reached a tiny last orgasm.

Pumping his cream deep inside her, so much it spilled even from the first shot as he still had a certain skill switched on, Jay only watched his log and saw he finally integrated all skills. With this he at least got sure of two things:

First was that he integrated different amounts of skill levels depending on, most probably, the time-span or the kind of how he was with the original skill holder.

The other thing was that he no longer had any use for the woman his tool was still sticking in.

Picking her up from the Table and carrying her while supporting three different spots, Jay walked into the middle of the cave. Concentrating and sending mana into his feet, he used (Stone-forming) to have an over a yard high stone spike rise from the hard ground.

The moment he was done he positioned her over it, pulled his hips back so his tool slid out and sat her on the spike.

Marisa slid down quite a bit until she managed to hold herself up. With her legs not available for use, or at least no more than 16 inches of them, she couldn't stand up and her arms were still bound on her back.

Thinking that (torture) might have had an influx on his psyche after all, Jay decided to finish her display with one last touch.

Using his recently learned magic in combination with mana control and another spell, Jay formed an ice cone of about nine inch length and two in diameter.

"This might prickle a bit, but you should be used to it by now…" J.

Without waiting for any reaction coming from Marisa, Jay shoved the cold hard ice into her backdoor until not an inch peeked out. Due to it being a spell it seemed to slightly freeze the surrounding skin.

Not a single sound rang out from her as she looked to bite her teeth, but tears started rolling down her cheeks.

Standing in front of her and not sure what to think of the sight, Jay decided to check the skill he just had integrated.

[Mana Control LVL 2] and [Silent Cast LVL 1] integrated into his own higher leveled skills like he had expected them to do. None of them managed to gain him a level up, but as the difference had been quite high it was no surprise.

Those skills hadn't been of much interest to him anyway as he already had them, and even to a sufficient level.

The last skill he got though was different.

Jay had been waiting to get [Teleport LVL 2] the moment he had read it.

However it worked he didn't know at that moment, but he had been sure it was another means for him to travel or shorten his travel times.

Concentrating on the skill he learned that it functioned similar to his portal spells, but different at the same time:

It used mana to travel along ley-lines to a set location as well, but that location did not have to be specified as the space wouldn't be blocked for more than a millisecond.

That was the biggest difference in the spells.

[Teleport] took the caster himself from one position to another and through this enabled the transfer to any location.

The only prerequisite was that the caster needed to have been in that place previously, that it was within reach and that one could travel there along a single ley-line.

And the two latter were the biggest problems. The maximum reach of the skill was a measly 25 miles and Jay had no idea where those lines traveled along.

From how the desciption read though, it seemed like the distance grew with levels and it was then possible to cross other lines. He would welcome simply vanishing and appearing at his target instead of having to open a portal that worked like a worm hole from the fiction of his old world.

Though it was part of the spatial magic, the skill came as a stand alone what Jay found out by checking on his status.

Deciding to test it out later, Jay concentrated back on the situation at hand. And that one was just turning ugly.

Miss du'Paige seemed to finally have either lost the strength in her legs she had been pressing closed or simply given up. She slid a bit deeper on the spike and her eyes turned even sharper than before.

Jay decided to hear her last words, even though they were bound to be nothing but scoffing at him, and took off her gag.

"I'll kill you! I swear I'll kill you painfully for what you've done…" M.

"No, I will…" J.

As he spoke his answer, Jay used a skill he seldomly had used until then and not once actively on a human.

The moment he casted (Soul drain LVL1) on Marisa, her eyes shot wide open in shock. The drain seemingly weakened her resistance to a certain ice spike still trying to freeze her and the white covering her skin spread all over. That took her last strength off her and with no more support from her legs, her body slid even deeper down on the spike she had been planted on. Inch by inch she slid down on the thick and sturdy stone spike.

And then it happened.

With a clinking sound her by then frozen nethers shattered and Jay could even hear her flesh ripping as the cruel woman slid further down on the spike again, so much that it must have pierced her heart and she died.

Cracks were running over her skin at multiple places and Jay didn't dare to touch her in fear she would shatter, leaving an even bigger mess.

His inner clock told Jay he had taken quite long for clearing this section, most of the time though had been used for guiding the slaves up and treating Marisa du'Paige like she deserved.

Glad his pants had dried for the most part by then he set out to explore the passage that followed the cave he was in. He had seen another door on the opposite wall the moment he had entered, but it had been locked with a bar so he didn't even care.

The tunnel he found behind the door was a relatively small one with no illumination. It posed no problem though as the light from the next cave shone in a bit and Jay had means for seeing in the darkness.

As he left the passage, he found himself in the giant mining site where he had defeated the noble before.

Jay stood atop the pit on the exact opposite side, at the end of the other path he had seen at the forking.

He went around the pit and to the place where he defeated the overseers, just to not find them anywhere. The same was true for the workers and even the noble.

Not sure what to think of that, Jay went down the slope into the pit and looked at the men working there.

All together there were about thirty people swinging their pick-axes or carrying stones to lores. Analyze told Jay that five of them had been mine workers and the rest was slaves. Looking closer he saw the difference as the slaves were in worse condition though even the workers didn't look good.

One of them came over to Jay when he saw him and greeted him friendly. He asked if he had been looking for the men he defeated what surprised Jay quite a bit.

After that he learned that the few workers had been not better off than the slaves. They got forced to work by the bandits or latter would kill their families.

That had happened when they tried to quit their jobs as they didn't want to be involved with such shady people.

Jay asked why they hadn't left to what the man explained there were more overseers in the mine and if they got found fleeing, it would mean death not only for them but their families as well.

Promising to travel further down the mine and take care of the bandits, the worker agreed to Jay's request to guide the slaves up to the warehouse and stay there with them for a while.

As he had checked all the men there and the weak but younger slaves would have no problem overwhelming the workers due to numbers, Jay was willing to take the tiny risk left.

After he had explained the way up he asked the last thing that was still open. The men he killed had been taken to the place where the overseers always had ordered them to bring the dead slaves. From what Jay heard there had been quite a lot, some with strange wounds and missing limbs, but most had died to starving of fatigue.

They all had gotten carried over to a cave in the darkest part of the pit, but hen man hinted Jay not to go there.

Ignoring his warning, Jay walked over there after releasing the rest of the slaves from their shackles and entered the tunnel like cave where no one was digging. He followed the slope down that took a long turn left and ended atop another cliff.

To his right there was a small slope leading down the few yards, but he had no need and even more so no wish to go there.

Numerous corpses had been left there to rot, piled up to a small hill. He even spotted the noble among them when suddenly a red dot appeared on his displayed mini map.

Jay didn't need to think about what he had to do.

Using his abundant arsenal on fire magic related skills he sat the whole pile on fire and turned around.

He even felt the air getting sucked into the blazing inferno behind him as he began to ascend the slope again. The red dots had vanished moments after his spells had incinerated the dead flesh.

Back in the pit, Jay had the tunnel cave in and walked over to where the slaves and workers had crowded together.

They walked the slope up together and then said their farewells after all the men promised to protect the people in the warehouse. Even the other four workers had understood and were okay with waiting to not endanger their or the others families.

It was time for Jay to travel further down into the mine. He was sure there were quite a lot opponents left and even hoped for some of them posing a real fight.

His gain of levels had rapidly decreased again since a while.

Taking the only option to travel on, Jay went into the tunnel leading straight from the slope he had come up. Though his orientation was normally quite good, he had completely lost it underground.

The passage was a wide one again, like he had seen before and even though he saw no one, Jay heard the clanking sound of mining coming from deeper below.