A tight spot

The moment most of the remaining buccaneers had ducked down and another cannon got fired off onto Jay, he again jumped to the side.

This time the cannonball hit yet another cannon and trashed it into the next two pieces of artillery. On it's flight path, the cannon ball had struck another buccaneer that hadn't been fast enough to duck down, so it was one less to take care of for Jay.

Glad he hadn't taken cover behind the cannon that got hit, Jay looked at whom was this crazy to try hunting him with a fucking cannon.

It was a blue haired chick that was already stemming her foot on the next, completely over-sized cannon, holding a torch over the fuse while two cannoneers tried to load it with a giant cannonball.

This thing had at least a diameter of fifteen inches, so going by the destructive force the smaller ones had, this would bring only devastation.

Jay knew he had to stop this stupid attempt to get him, so he rushed over to the cannon while shooting chain lightning onto the closest buccaneers at both sides. Thanks to the cannons being made of iron, the lightning got led on and so he arrived without trouble in reach of the young looking woman.

One final (Shadow Step) was all it needed to appear behind her and knock the chick out. She couldn't even react to his movement, showing she wasn't much of a fighter as easy as she went down.

Ignoring her for the moment, Jay got rid of the two cannoneers at the other side of the humongous cannon. It was simple as he only needed to break the first ones neck and push him forwards while the other got smashed by the giant cannonballs and his weight.

Glancing around, Jay saw he had gotten encircled and just then support arrived through the port holed double door behind the giant piece of artillery.

Taking out his hatchet again, Jay received the first saber and after parrying it, punched a crackling hole through the female buccaneers chest.

From then on ensued a dance of dodging, parrying and countering with brutal and devastating martial arts that left none of his opponents with all limbs intact. The nine men and women got trashed around and when Jay was done, some of them lay all over the cannons of even buried under them.

In between he had seen the border of his vision lighting up in the same tone his system used, so he first took a glance at his log and had to grin.

In this fight he had finally managed to level up once again.

Most of the experience that had been needed surely had come from the fight with the first Mate or getting the bandit quest to step 10 as he had entered the ship.

He now only had to find the captain to hopefully finish this overly long quest line.

While listening to the surroundings if any more opponents were approaching, Jay walked over to the still conscienceless woman.

To make sure she was knocked out and hadn't been accidentally killed, Jay analyzed her.


Anna Williams - Jinx (Gunner LVL16)

Base LVL20


HP 1360/1360 * Mana 235/235

[Shooting LVL 3]

[Engineering LVL 2]

[Sailing LVL 1]

[Trickery LVL1]


Thinking about whether it was worth the risk to collect her skills here or postpone it to a later time, Jay fel hewasn't really in the mood. There was still no chance he would let her slip as she had one skill he wanted and another one higher than he himself had.

What was more, she was quite the beauty even though she was more of the skinny type for a change. The most important thing at this moment was that she had still been alive though.

As Jay was tying her up with a rope from his inventory she came back to her senses and opened her eyes.

Seeing those ruby red eyes and the slightly crazy look in them, Jay decided to postpone further actions and thought about where to hide her.

He had gagged her so she couldn't ring alarm as he looked around on the deck.

At the right side, pointing to the front, he spotted another of the big cannons Anna had planned to fire off. In the left corner was the same oval hatch and so he finally knew where this giant cannon had come from.

Getting an idea, he ignored the wiggling about gunner and tried to move the heavy artillery.

To his own surprise it wasn't that hard to move and once he had turned it to the right direction, Jay rolled it to the original spot.

As he turned around he saw the bound up Anna crawling forward like a worm and couldn't help but laugh.

He picked the crazy chick up and threw her over his shoulder. The light woman was nothing hard to handle for him, so as he reached the cannon, Jay simply stuffed her head first inside.

She went in to her slightly wider hips that wouldn't fit, and just to make sure she got enough air, Jay pulled out the fuse of its hole. He then opened the hatch and rolled the cannon forwards through it and lifted it up so she couldn't touch the ground and somehow free herself.

Done with the loose cannon, Jay checked the corpses like he always did and then left the room.

As he had been doing so he heard a small whimper from somewhere back on the deck and went to check, just to find a not too ugly woman half buried under a cannon and with splinters sewn all over.

There was no helping her as half of her body was crushed, so Jay released her of her pain and at least got some XP.

After this he went to the room he first entered on the ship and took the stairs leading up. He found himself in a hallway as he reached the top and looked to both sides.

Looking towards the bow he was a small door only two yards away and one to each side of the corridor.

Deciding to check there first, Jay peeked through the door straight ahead and only saw a small deck with two small ballistas mounted, one on each side. There was no guard or anything there so he pulled his head back and went to the door on the left.

What he looked at there was a small room equipped with a simple bed, a wardrobe and a table. Though it was nothing special, it showed Jay those were the cabins for higher ranked crew members.

Checking the one on the opposite side as well, Jay was sure he found the first mates cabin. It was no bigger than the other one, but the bed nearly filled the whole room and even the door had been way bigger.

Back on the hallway he checked the next door and found two empty prison cells in there. On the other side he only found a small storage, but he heard cracking sounds coming from behind the wall there.

Deciding to first check the next door on the other side as he was sure there was someone inside the cabin directly next to the storage, Jay walked over and pried open the door.

From what he found there it was the messy cabin of a girl.

A large mirror was placed at one corner of the wide glassed window showing the main deck. Ducking down to not be seen by one of the buccaneers out there, even if the window glass was not really clear and thick curtains hung to the sides, Jay looked around in the room.

This one was way more lavish than the other ones and a big bed stood opposite to the door. On the other wall there were two big wardrobes and in front of the window a small desk. The messy part was clothes lying all over the room and even some undergarment.

Leaving the room and back on the hallway, Jay took out his sword and made ready before entering the last cabin he had to check.

He had been perfectly right to prepare his weapon and activate (Hide) when opening the door, but he found not one but two persons inside the room.

The first one was to his surprise, the woman he had been tasked to find in the mines.

Jay analyzed her the moment he had set his eyes on her as it was quite an irritating sight.


Miss Arya of Millshire (Sorcerer LVL17)

Base LVL24


HP 723/723 * Mana 1067/1213

[Persuasion LVL 4]

[Haggling LVL 3]

[Commanding LVL 2]

[Gossip LVL3]

[Fire magic LVL 5]


The blonde women of about twenty years of age didn't even notice him enter, what was understandable to Jay as she was hiding her face.

What was more, she was nude and Jay could see her slender figure and the sparse chest she had, contrary to her mother.

The reason she was hiding her face in agony was the one plowing her from behind.

For that one, Jay wasn't sure though if the term person was the right one.

He looked more like a very large Goblin, pretty much like Sneed and Gilnid, the other Hobgoblins he had encountered on his descend if only even a good bit bigger than them.

Analyzing the olive skinned creature while he was still busy defiling the poor Arya, Jay closed in on them unseen.


Captain Knarx Greenskin (Captain LVL20 elite)

Base LVL22


HP 2904/2904 * Mana 0/0

[Sailing LVL 4]

[Harpooning LVL 3]

[Commanding LVL 2]

[Dagger LVL 1]

[Navigation LVL 1]


Before he could do anything else Jay got two messaged that popped up as he wasn't in combat.

The two quests 'The bandits 10' and 'The Daughter' had been completed with this and gone to the next step. A bit frustrated they still weren't finished, Jay closed the notifications when he heard louder getting whimpers coming from the girl.

Checking on the quests next steps was for later.

As the whining from the poor Arya who was wearing a slave collar and definitely trying to endure her fate got louder, Jay hurriedly crossed the room. It was then when the Captain noticed the intruder and stepped back to take out his harpoon, or better both of them.

To the little Miss' luck, Knarx who was definitely bigger than the other Hobgoblins wasn't like that in every department. He pointed both slim weapons in Jay's direction, one long, sharp and held in his clawed hands, the other more on the short side, wobbling and still wet from Arya.

As Knarx attacked, Jay sidestepped and punched at his ugly face, launching him back a few yards over the low desk in front of the sofa he had been doing the blonde woman on. The green-skin shrieked at that moment and Jay saw the closest buccaneers on the main deck running over through the glassed window.

"I would suggest you hide for the time being…" J.

Looking over his shoulder he hinted the irritated young woman to take shelter as he didn't want her to get hurt or even see what was going to happen.

She came back to her senses quickly and, though still riddled by fear, jumped still nude behind the sofa.

Not a second later the door flung open and four men entered the spacious but not too big room. Even before the last stepped in, Jay had beheaded the first with his sword though.

The second died by a slash after parrying the saber while the third got the hatched buried into his head so it split apart.

The fourth only got pulled in and used as a meat shield when Knarx tried to stab Jay from behind with the harpoon.

The moment the captain pulled his weapon back, Jay threw the buccaneer to the side to die and took two steps towards the Hobgoblin.

A single kick was enough to hurl the green-skin though the window and onto the main deck. While the green-skin rolled on, the door behind Jay again flew open and three more buccaneers entered through it.

Jay hurriedly disposed of them with his weapons, similar to the first batch, then closed the door and after locking it he even pulled the shelve next to it over and blocked it.

This short time-span had been enough to alarm nearly all buccaneers on the main deck and when Jay jumped through the window after the Captain, he got quickly surrounded by six more buccaneers.

The other five men were running with Knarx towards the stairs at the side, leading to the wide forecastle. Jay could only follow them with his eyes for a moment but had to dodge a saber in the next second.

For this interference he grabbed the man's weapon hand with his right, broke the buccaneers arm with his left and rammed the man's own saber into his heart. Without having taken out one of his own weapons after he had locked the door to the captains cabin, Jay made short work of the remaining five men.

He pulled out the dead man's saber and threw it into the closest one, then dodged one more attack, grabbed that mans foot and hurled him around and into another one, demonstrating his strength. The last two tried to slash him simultaneously, but he only sidestepped one and had him sliced by his companion, then rammed the still tight gripped sword forwards and pierced the last ones chest.

Cleaning up by twisting the sliced ones neck, then stomping on the two knocked out ones as well, Jay wanted to hurry after the captain.

Without even reading the quest he had a hunch he had to get rid of that certain fellow, and after what he had seen he was eager to do just that.

Before following him, Jay picked up the harpoon that Knarx had dropped when he fell onto the main deck and closed the shutters to the cabin where Arya was still hiding.

It was for one part that she wouldn't get found and the other that she didn't flee as Jay still didn't know where she stood in all this scheming.

The moment he arrived on the forecastle, Jay fired the harpoon onto it's owner. This didn't really deal much damage to the Hobgoblin, but he got pinned onto the first mast of the Juggernaught, even if it was only half finished. Dodging the incoming attacks of the five buccaneers that were guarding the captain, Jay managed to run around the mast one and a half time, affixing Greenskin even more to it.

From then on he started to dispose of the guards.

The first had his saber parried with the harpoon hilt, then got a puch to his throat and the rope of the harpoon twined twice around his neck. When the next buccaneer attacked, Jay pulled the first up on that rope and he got stabbed by her instead.

Grabbing her hand still on the hilt, Jay threw the rope around the female buccaneers's neck as well and then kicked both together away. With this, the harpoons rope got tensed and Knarx couldn't flee.

Looking at the remaining three men, Jay saw them already shaking and taking a bit of distance. His display just before had seemingly been a bit much for them and they already knew they had no chance.

This got proven oh so right when the left one of them lost his nerves and attacked, Just to die with a caved in face from Jay's knee.

The last two at least attacked together, but Jay was already back to his good form and barehanded redirected the first ones saber to the second man's throat.

Taking that ones dagger and ramming it into the other ones neck after ducking through under their weapons, Jay got finished in less then five seconds.

"It seems your in some sort of tight spot, but I'll gladly help you out! It might end a bit gory though..." J.

Rubbing his hands and grinning wide, Jay walked over the few steps towards the captain...